Why Not Warren

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  • #107092
    nittany ram

    If the Post’s report is accurate, what Warren has done is quite outrageous. Not only did she accept giant fees ($600+ an hour) to represent a giant chemical company accused of making women sick (Warren later disputed evidence that the product made the women sick), but she then had the gall to pretend that she was actually the one fighting on behalf of the women instead of the company.

    She reminds me of Hillary in many ways – which isn’t a good thing. That last sentence is a classic Clinton move.

    She should have stuck to her guns. As it turns out, silicon breast implants likely did not cause the illnesses the plaintiffs claimed.

    Link: https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/silicone-breast-implant-litigation/2010-05


    Robinson’s point is that she isn’t really “owning” ANY of her history. She ought to be saying, “Yes, I was a Republican, and I supported these things, but God knocked me off my horse while on my way to Damascus, and now I’m a progressive.”

    Instead, she is trying to say she was really progressive the whole time, and there is no way she can get away with that.

    Whereas… Sanders… has always been what he is today, in spite of the enormous unpopularity of his positions over the past 4 decades.


    Robinson’s point is that she isn’t really “owning” ANY of her history. She ought to be saying, “Yes, I was a Republican, and I supported these things, but God knocked me off my horse while on my way to Damascus, and now I’m a progressive.”

    Instead, she is trying to say she was really progressive the whole time, and there is no way she can get away with that.

    Whereas… Sanders… has always been what he is today, in spite of the enormous unpopularity of his positions over the past 4 decades.


    She’s Obama. There’s worse things. He never once, in 8 years, fought the system.

    She wont either.


    nittany ram

    The true left doesn’t seem to like Gabbard or Warren. I guess they don’t trust former righties.

    Gabbard seems to be more willing to own up to the wingnuttery of her past. Although both feet may not be entirely on the progressive side of the line. I see Bernie defended her against Hillary’s comments yesterday.

    Warren talks the talk, but many aren’t convinced she’s sincere. Instead of admitting it and moving on, she tries to hide her past Repugnancy. She reminds me of Hillary really trying to warm up to Bernie supporters. I just don’t buy it. And I never bought her defense of why she thought she was a Native American. It barely registers on the scale of presidential candidate malfeasances, but she owes a lot of her success to that lie, although the right’s response to it was often worse (racist Pocahontas slurs, etc).

    Of the two only Warren could win the Democratic nomination.

    I doubt that she could beat Trump though.


    The true left doesn’t seem to like Gabbard or Warren.

    Is that true? I like Gabbard, she’s one of the most articulate gub’mint people I ever knowed of. And I like her a lot of her views. I never saw her as equivalent to Warren.


    The true left doesn’t seem to like Gabbard or Warren.

    Is that true? I like Gabbard, she’s one of the most articulate gub’mint people I ever knowed of. And I like her a lot of her views. I never saw her as equivalent to Warren.


    I guess it just depends on who you call ‘the true left’ 🙂 In most polls Tulsi gets ONE percent of the vote.

    I guess now i can finally admit the truth — I’m part of the ONE percent.



    nittany ram

    The true left doesn’t seem to like Gabbard or Warren.

    Is that true? I like Gabbard, she’s one of the most articulate gub’mint people I ever knowed of. And I like her a lot of her views. I never saw her as equivalent to Warren.

    Yeah I dunno. That comment is based on this article from the Jacobian:


    nittany ram

    In most polls Tulsi gets ONE percent of the vote.


    Which unfortunately could mean that she has the support of 95% of the true left.

    I don’t dislike her. I just don’t agree with her stance on nuclear power. She’s a little too trigger happy with respect to Muslims too.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by nittany ram.

    In most polls Tulsi gets ONE percent of the vote.


    Which unfortunately could mean that she has the support of 95% of the true left.

    I don’t dislike her. I just don’t agree with her stance on nuclear power. She’s a little too trigger happy with respect to Muslims too.


    Well who knows, but I would think of all the Dem candidates, she’d be the least likely to Bomb random Muslims around the world.

    I notice you havent buzzkilled Marianne Williamson. Now it all fits. You pretend to be Mr Science but in reality you love the New Age Wooo.



    I’m still in with Sanders. And there are three reasons why:

    1) I prefer his domestic policies. He pulled the party left, and while others have adopted his positions, none have moved passed him on the swing left.

    2) He is what he is. His entire life he has been working for the same goals. He is not responding to trends he sees in his research. He means what he says.

    3) He is clear that this isn’t about him. He is building a movement. He rightly sees that he can’t do anything alone, and he needs massive popular support to achieve any of these goals. And that’s why his health isn’t an issue for me. It isn’t about Sanders. He is trying to lead a movement that will outlive him.

    I don’t trust Warren for all the reasons stated by Robinson, and reiterated by posters here. And none of the rest of them have anything to offer. I like Gabbard better on foreign policy, but…you know…one percent. And I have questions about her ability to lead.

    If there is ANY hope for the future, it lies with Sanders.


    i like Bernie too… that new stent better last….i hope he got one for each valve.

    nittany ram

    I notice you havent buzzkilled Marianne Williamson. Now it all fits. You pretend to be Mr Science but in reality you love the New Age Wooo.


    I’m not that into science. I just think everything should defer to it at all times no matter the cost.

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go into the back yard and perform the rite of the gathering and mulching of leaves. I must complete the rite before the Gibbous Moon ascends beyond Mercury and Venus on October 29th or my chi will be irrevocably misaligned.


    I notice you havent buzzkilled Marianne Williamson. Now it all fits. You pretend to be Mr Science but in reality you love the New Age Wooo.


    I’m not that into science. I just think everything should defer to it at all times no matter the cost.

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go into the back yard and perform the rite of the gathering and mulching of leaves. I must complete the rite before the Gibbous Moon ascends beyond Mercury and Venus on October 29th or my chi will be irrevocably misaligned.


    I was standing in line at a bakery, and someone was listening to a podcast named “Lore,” and they told me that on this podcast they learned that back in the 20’s, when there were still public executions, there were people who saved the dead-murderer’s blood. And the blood was ingested by epileptics because it was thot to cure epilepsy.

    I just thot I’d throw some science at you.


    nittany ram

    I was standing in line at a bakery, and someone was listening to a podcast named “Lore,” and they told me that on this podcast they learned that back in the 20’s, when there were still public executions, there were people who saved the dead-murderer’s blood. And the blood was ingested by epileptics because it was thot to cure epilepsy.

    I just thot I’d throw some science at you.


    LOL people were so ignorant about the nature and cause of disease back then.

    Now we know, because of science, that drinking the blood of murderers can lead to all sorts of ailments including dropsy, Bronze John, and the King’s Evil.


    LOL people were so ignorant about the nature and cause of disease back then.

    Now we know, because of science, that drinking the blood of murderers can lead to all sorts of ailments including dropsy, Bronze John, and the King’s Evil.


    Tell me about it. I had the King’s Evil once. But it was only the 24-hour kind.

    Luckily I didnt have to go through the entire series of Owl Urine treatments.


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