Why democracy is a failure

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  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by wv.
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  • #121045



    But Zooey, god does do miracles. How else could of we developed the H-Bomb?


    I think about democracy a lot. I roll things over in my mind. “Which form of government is best?,” I ask myself.

    All i know is Democracy is bad without an “education system” that prioritizes “critical thinking” and “compassion.” In other words Science plus Compassion.

    Critical Thinking to ‘me’ is just another synonym for ‘wisdom.’ And wisdom to me, is “reason” plus “compassion”. Both. Haf to have both.

    Now without an education-system that seriously prioritizes Science/reason and Compassion/cooperation, any ‘democracy’ will end up warped and dangerous and eventually a hellscape.

    We did not end up with a democracy with an education system that stressed critical thinking/wisdom.

    We ended up with a democracy that stressed Corporate-Capitalism. Corporate-Capitalism nurtures, greed, individualism, religion, fear, propaganda, hierarchy, obedience, imperialism, recreation, entertainment, incredible cutting edge technologies and bio-chemical-and-nuclear-weaponry. And general stupidity.

    So, thats what we got.

    It can be tinkered with, but it cant be reversed.



    I think about democracy a lot. I roll things over in my mind. “Which form of government is best?,” I ask myself.

    All i know is Democracy is bad without an “education system” that prioritizes “critical thinking” and “compassion.” In other words Science plus Compassion.

    Critical Thinking to ‘me’ is just another synonym for ‘wisdom.’ And wisdom to me, is “reason” plus “compassion”. Both. Haf to have both.

    Now without an education-system that seriously prioritizes Science/reason and Compassion/cooperation, any ‘democracy’ will end up warped and dangerous and eventually a hellscape.

    We did not end up with a democracy with an education system that stressed critical thinking/wisdom.

    We ended up with a democracy that stressed Corporate-Capitalism. Corporate-Capitalism nurtures, greed, individualism, religion, fear, propaganda, hierarchy, obedience, imperialism, recreation, entertainment, incredible cutting edge technologies and bio-chemical-and-nuclear-weaponry. And general stupidity.

    So, thats what we got.

    It can be tinkered with, but it cant be reversed.


    Yeah, I think that pretty much nails it.

    I would just add the the “educational system” is the media. That is the uber educational system. Kids aren’t learning their values from their teachers.


    Yeah, I think that pretty much nails it.

    I would just add the the “educational system” is the media. That is the uber educational system. Kids aren’t learning their values from their teachers.


    Yeah, i put ‘education system’ in quotes because i mean it in a very very broad way. I dont even know what exactly i mean by ‘it’ but its not just schools. Its all the ways information/values get transmitted to the babies, kids, young people, etc.
    In a corporate-capitalist system we know all the ways peoples minds are shaped. I wont go into it — we all know the drill.

    Most of my leftist comrads spend half the time now, passing along posts/tweets/emails of the latest hellscape-happening. And the other half of the time they muse about how to live a decent life within the corporate-hellscape. My two cents lately has been “youve got to learn to live with ‘no hope'” I’m not sure what i mean by that, but i think i partly-mean, we cant get all dissipated by this or that hellscape occurence. It is what it is. So, we have to “bash on relentlessly, REGARDLESS”. I think the ‘regardless’ part is as important as the ‘bash on’ part. The ‘regardless’ part means fuck-hope. Just fight the fight because of…whatever inner-ground-wellspring gives you meaning.

    Or somethin.

    I dunno.

    The RBG thing has a lot of people looking for a way outta here.




    Adolph sums things up.
    I started it at the 51 min mark:

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