Who owns the world?

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  • #57848


    …there is a reference to “The Wire” and George Carlin in this article. Cant beat ‘that’ 🙂


    — X —

    That article is 9 years behind the Zeitgeist film which said largely the same things.

    Ever wonder how the world might look if the $1 trillion spent on the USA’s ‘War On Drugs’ since 1971 had instead been spent on pursuing corporate tax evasion and prosecuting corrupt bankers? The USA has the biggest prison population on the planet with 2.4 million behind bars – but the owning class are not among them, instead they are making a fortune from running private prisons and militarising the police force.

    Can’t disagree with that. But again, not a revelation. Question is, how to rectify it. Nobody protests that stuff. Protests, by and large, are futile endeavors that rake tons of ad revenue as a result of their coverage. So waging one against corporations would actually benefit the corporations. It’s good for b’ness. Boycotts? Too late for that. I mean, I try to do my part by shopping mostly at independent health food stores, but even my favorite store, “Earth Fare” was recently purchased by Oak Hill Capital Partners and they completely commercialized it within 3 months.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss

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