who do you take in this weekend's divisional playoff games? Gonna watch any?

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle who do you take in this weekend's divisional playoff games? Gonna watch any?

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    Avatar photozn


    4:30 PM
    Falcons at Eagles

    8:15 PM
    Titans at Patriots


    1 PM
    Jaguars at Steelers

    8 PM
    Saints at Vikings

    To me the one that promises to be the most interesting watch is Saints/Vikings.

    Naturally in the other games I take the Falcons, Patz, and Steelers.

    Meanwhile I dread what we all dread: an Eagles/Jaguars superbowl. May the football gods show mercy on us.

    Oh and btw the Rams of course played 6 of those teams and went 3-3 against them.

    Avatar photowv

    I’m rooting for a Falcon v Patriot rematch. But i wont watch any of em.

    Season’s over for me. Ended too abruptly. Ya know. Boom, and it was over.
    Rams should be playin this weekend.


    Avatar photoZooey

    I’m rooting for a Falcon v Patriot rematch. But i wont watch any of em.

    Season’s over for me. Ended too abruptly. Ya know. Boom, and it was over.
    Rams should be playin this weekend.


    That’s where I am. I was prepared for the Rams to lose to the Vikings this weekend, but not to the Falcons. That was a very bad ending to a good movie.

    Avatar photojoemad

    i too was bitter after Saturday’s loss… thus I didn’t give a shit about last Sunday’s games……so much so that I over extended myself and started to prep the exterior of the house for paint…. then I thought, “WTF did I get myself into???”,……what a mistake….

    So, this weekend fuck painting. better to be bitter and follow football, than being bitter while filling stucco cracks and sanding trim…..

    I think ATL can beat Philly.

    Hoping for a miracle in New England…. i’d love see Hoyer step in for a benched Brady and lose badly, which is highly unlikely.

    Pitt vs Jax will be ugly, won’t bother with that, i’ll most likely continue to prep the house during that game.

    I think the Saints can win in Minnesota. that’s the game I’ll watch.

    Avatar photoZooey

    Saints/Vikings is the game.

    I take it for granted the Pats will win. Nobody wants to see that.

    The Steelers and Falcons will probably win, but I will probably check in on those games every half hour or so to see if anything interesting is going on.

    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    I’ll watch them all! Playoff football. I think the vikes are being underestimated, that D is damn good. Steelers vs. Jags will be interesting , Titans and Cheatriots meh..If they let the Falcons hold like they did against the Rams it’s over for the Eagles.

    Avatar photozn

    Very early but it looks like Atlanta.

    I am in and out of this game while getting work done in other rooms. Get a glimpse now and then. I don;t think the Eagles offense will do anything against the Falcons defense.

    Avatar photozn

    Very early but it looks like Atlanta.

    I am in and out of this game while getting work done in other rooms. Get a glimpse now and then. I don;t think the Eagles offense will do anything against the Falcons defense.

    Okay, I guessed wrong on that one.

    Avatar photozn

    Here’s a surprise. Patz leading Titans. I’m not going to watch this one.

    Avatar photozn

    Right now Jagz are up on the Steelers 21-7.

    Avatar photozn

    Right now Jagz are up on the Steelers 21-7

    And now, with 2 minutes to go, Jagz up by 7, 42-35.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Avatar photozn.
    Avatar photozn

    Steelers blew that one. Except I didn’t watch it so I don’t know how they blew it.

    Avatar photozn

    less than a minute left and Saints are gonna win

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    less than a minute left and Saints are gonna win

    Not so fast horned one.


    Avatar photozn

    less than a minute left and Saints are gonna win

    And…they lose.

    Vikes win with 10 some seconds on the clock

    Not so fast horned one.


    Avatar photoZooey

    The ONLY place that happens is in the imagination of a 12-year old boy, playing QB in his bedroom.

    Avatar photozn

    Naturally in the other games I take the Falcons, Patz, and Steelers.

    Meanwhile I dread what we all dread: an Eagles/Jaguars superbowl. May the football gods show mercy on us.

    Wrong 2 out of 3.

    And that Eagles/Jagz superbowl is still a real if also distant possibility.

    Avatar photowv

    I dont like the Eagles for some reason i cant even understand. Just dont like’em.

    So that means…what? I have to root for the Vikings?

    Well maybe. Why not see the Vikings lose ANOTHER super bowl. They’ve lost, what, four out of four so far?

    Course, that would make me a Pats fan, in the Super Bowl.

    Maybe I’ll watch Heidi, again.


    Avatar photozn

    The ONLY place that happens is in the imagination of a 12-year old boy, playing QB in his bedroom

    Case made a wish.

    Avatar photozn

    Avatar photozn

    Avatar photozn


    Steelers deserved to lose. Mike Mitchell in the beginning of the week was talking about how he can’t wait to beat the Patriots. And they have not played the Jaguars yet. LeVean Bell talks contract and says he is more concerned about his cotract, then playing Jacksonville.

    Avatar photozn

    Avatar photojoemad

    that’s why I don’t bet for a living….

    1-3 this week…….

    holy cow…..Case Fucking Keenum very Nick Fucking Foles in the NFC Championship….with Sam Bradford on IR…… is Kellen Clemmins on any of these rosters?


    Go Jags.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Avatar photojoemad.
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