What is your Thanksgiving Menu?

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    I am doing Thanksgiving on Friday. I do Christmas traditionally, but Thanksgiving is open, the day and the menu.
    That lets everybody get a chance to visit everybody else and I give them a break from “yet another turkey”. Christmas though, they have to do what I want or get leftovers.
    Bacon, lots of bacon, fresh bread. Salad, simple green salad w/vinaigrette. Fried potatoes and tacos. [ Last year I did filet mignon.] Ice cream for desert or bring your own this year. Christmas I do traditional meal with a big fancy cheesecake and/or pies and/or pancakes and/or whatever.


    nittany ram

    We do a traditional dinner. Turkey, filling, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, greenbean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls and pumpkin pie. It’s just me and my wife so it won’t be formal. We’ll probably still be in our jammies and eat in front of the TV. There’s probably a Twilight Zone Marathon on or something.


    turkey with all the fixings. and then usually some tamales and rice. and then sometimes some fried pork cutlets. pretty traditional.


    I am doing Thanksgiving on Friday. I do Christmas traditionally, but Thanksgiving is open, the day and the menu.

    It;s just us 2 this time and she works that day, so we’re doing it on Friday. Like you Christmas is the traditional turkey feast. For this holiday we’re minimizing work and maximizing pleasure–I am going to a very good deli or 2 I know and getting fresh bread, cheeses, fancy cold meats, pate, veggies, and the such. Kind of a made-up and imaginative anti-pasta platter.

    The pic is from off the net, it just gives an idea.


    One of my idiot brothers, my parents, and my family rented a house right outside the gate to Yosemite where we are together with assorted kids. We’re having dinner in the park. Menu below.



    Turkey, cornbread and black olives stuffing, cut corn, mashed potatoes and gravy, candied sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    nittany ram

    One of my idiot brothers, my parents, and my family rented a house right outside the gate to Yosemite where we are together with assorted kids. We’re having dinner in the park.

    That looks awesome.

    But I have to say I’m somewhat relieved my wife and I aren’t celebrating with family this year given recent political outcomes.

    PA Ram

    One of my idiot brothers, my parents, and my family rented a house right outside the gate to Yosemite where we are together with assorted kids. We’re having dinner in the park. Menu below.


    That seems like it would be very cool.

    My wife worked today so we went out to breakfast with our daughter and her boyfriend and I had Belgian waffles. For lunch we picked up Wawa Turkey Bowls. They kind of just mix a traditional dinner into a bowl and serve it. Mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, turkey and filling. No yams though. They should add yams.

    And we have pie–lots of pie.


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    The tacos and fries were a big success. The walnut oil vinaigrette suxed.



    Happy Turkey days guys hopr ya’ll had a great time. Sorry I’m late to this party but Thanksgiving is big at my house…It’s the wife’s day to shine around my family.

    The menu was

    Pit roasted Turkey, Prime Rib, and Ham
    Mashed Potatoes and giblet gravy
    Baked sweet potatoes

    As for pies

    Banana cream
    Chocolate pudding pie


    Happy Turkey days guys hopr ya’ll had a great time. Sorry I’m late to this party but Thanksgiving is big at my house…It’s the wife’s day to shine around my family.

    The menu was

    Pit roasted Turkey, Prime Rib, and Ham
    Mashed Potatoes and giblet gravy
    Baked sweet potatoes

    As for pies

    Banana cream
    Chocolate pudding pie

    That is Big Time Thanksgiving. That is all the stuff I think about when I think Thanksgiving. You did not mention stuffing, but I assume it was there.



    Happy Turkey days guys hopr ya’ll had a great time. Sorry I’m late to this party but Thanksgiving is big at my house…It’s the wife’s day to shine around my family.

    The menu was

    Pit roasted Turkey, Prime Rib, and Ham
    Mashed Potatoes and giblet gravy
    Baked sweet potatoes

    As for pies

    Banana cream
    Chocolate pudding pie

    That is Big Time Thanksgiving. That is all the stuff I think about when I think Thanksgiving. You did not mention stuffing, but I assume it was there.

    How could I forget stuffing? Yep we had stuffing as well…thanks Ag.

    Mom and Dad used to host Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners every year, but now they are up there, and to take some of the pressure off, my sister takes Christmas and we take Thanksgiving…and my wife takes this very seriously. I think she has already started planning next years events.

    We had a great time and I just found out my wife and brother are going to the Virgin Islands together…how did that happen? Maybe next year I’ll eat more pie and drink less of my favored Jim Beam.

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