What is your favorite Bean ?

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House What is your favorite Bean ?

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  • #44464
    Avatar photowv

    Ok, i know this is a controversial topic, and could lead to rancor and animosity. Possibly even pandemonium. But..what is your favorite Bean ?

    I might have to go with the Moth Bean. Vigna Aconitifolia.
    Predominantly grown in India and Pakistan.

    Now, if anyone says LENTILS, I’m prepared to flame you for the rest of your live.

    Beans: List of Varieties and Broad Classifications




    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    PA Ram

    Okay–I’m like the guy who shows up at a fancy party in a ripped t-shirt and jeans and swigs a beer but I don’t know one bean from another. I do know I like this:


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Mr. Bean and kidney bean.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    I make nice Pinto beans.

    And Black beans.

    I don’t stray too far, when it comes to beans.

    I am a “beans n rice” kinda guy.


    Butter bean.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Green beans and wax beans are my favorites. Oddly, I prefer canned green or wax beans over fresh or frozen.


    Green beans and wax beans are my favorites. Oddly, I prefer canned green or wax beans over fresh or frozen.

    That is odd. Really fresh green beans are great if not over cooked. Very easy to grow too.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photowv

    Good Lord, you people are SAD.

    Check out the Wiki site, and take a blood-oath, as well as a Vow
    to expand your pathetically small Bean spectrum.

    Jesus H Crist, there are hyacinth beans, Winged beans, Pigeon Peas, Velvet Beans, Sword Beans, Lupini Bean….

    I bet Zooey has tried every bean on that list.

    Now, Bean-UP people. Geez.

    And as for PA-ram….he needs to be put in a bean re-education camp.


    Avatar photozn

    Good Lord, you people are SAD.

    Check out the Wiki site, and take a blood-oath, as well as a Vow
    to expand your pathetically small Bean spectrum.

    Jesus H Crist, there are hyacinth beans, Winged beans, Pigeon Peas, Velvet Beans, Sword Beans, Lupini Bean….

    I bet Zooey has tried every bean on that list.

    Now, Bean-UP people. Geez.

    And as for PA-ram….he needs to be put in a bean re-education camp.


    My wife loves lupini beans, which I to her annoyance call “lumpy peanut beans.”

    Speaking just for myself, wv, I am an old “been there done that” kinda guy, and like my old trusty favorites. It took a lifetime to figure out what those were. So you young guys with yer new-fangled postmodern multicultural beans? I wish you the best. You guys climb everest…I am hanging back at the base camp watching re-runs on my phone.

    Avatar photowv

    My wife loves lupini beans, which I to her annoyance call “lumpy peanut beans.”

    Speaking just for myself, wv, I am an old “been there done that” kinda guy, and like my old trusty favorites. It took a lifetime to figure out what those were. So you young guys with yer new-fangled postmodern multicultural beans? I wish you the best. You guys climb everest…I am hanging back at the base camp watching re-runs on my phone.


    Yeah, well you know who you remind me of Mr No-new-Beans-For-Me-I-bin-there-and-done-that ?

    You remind me of James Earl Jones in Field of Dreams. Back when he was all
    cynical and tired and lost.

    Avatar photozn

    You remind me of James Earl Jones in Field of Dreams. Back when he was all
    cynical and tired and lost.

    You say that as if it were a bad thing.


    Avatar photoZooey

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Apparently wv is a bean elitist.

    There’s no room on wv’s table for baked beans.

    On those warm summer evenings in the Hamptons with a cool breeze blowing in off the sound wv likes to dine on velvet beans with a 200 year old bottle of merlot. He smirks as he thinks of all those ignorant commoners washing down baked beans with copious amounts of Bud Lite…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Avatar photonittany ram.
    Avatar photoZooey

    Avatar photowv

    the image you tried to post dont show up on my screen.


    Avatar photozn

    the image you tried to post dont show up on my screen.


    It doesn’t show up at all. I tried to fix it via Secret Powers Intrusive Invisible Edit but couldn’t. The url for the pic isn’t “recognized.”

    I figure that means something has gone horribly wrong with the internet, and this is just the first disturbing symptom.

    PA Ram


    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Mine is:

    Bean Roma II

    From Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company (RareSeeds.com)

    The description is: “This is an improved Romano, bush type, green bean that produces loads of 6″ to 7″ wide pods that are very flavorful”

    This is my fourth or fifth year planting this variety. Haven’t been disappointed yet.

    Avatar photoZooey


    That is my epic contribution to this epic thread.



    That is my epic contribution to this epic thread.

    It was worth the wait!

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    Mung beans!

    PA Ram


    That is my epic contribution to this epic thread.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    PA Ram


    Okay, Zooey–I honestly tried to respond with an applause GIF and when I tried to post it I got the image–or lack of an image–you see in the above post. Somehow that’s more fitting. A happy accident.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photozn

    I honestly tried to respond with an applause GIF


    Avatar photocanadaram



    I like Refried beans. Just saying

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