Well, Bondi's gone now

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    Just had him put down.

    Here’s my daughter’s memorial for him from facebook.


    After a long battle with cancer, we finally have to say goodbye to this beautiful boy. In his final hours, Bondi was stricken with what we believe to be a blood clot in his spine that caused paralysis of his back legs. This, in addition to his late-stage cancer, told us that for his benefit we must let him cross over the rainbow bridge, surrounded by his loving family.

    We’ve had 13 wonderful years together filled with lots of love and playtime (and a fair amount of barking!) Bondi has never been a dog to us. He was always like a child. He was a member of our family. And I’m glad we were able to give him as much time and as much care as we possibly could, especially near the end. You will live on in our hearts and minds, so although you are gone you will always be with us. Rest easy, my sweet boy, and know that you were loved so very much.

    nittany ram

    Sorry for your loss, Rick.

    I know from personal experience what it’s like to lose a dog. They truly are a member of the family.

    One of the most beloved members of the family if I’m being honest. Especially if extended family is included.

    Anyway, hopefully the Rams can provide a least a little distraction at this time.

    Take care.


    Yeah, ditto. I always feel incompetent at times like this because everything I can think to say sounds like a bromide, even though it’s sincere. I am sincerely sorry for your loss.


    Sorry to hear ZN

    Never easy to lose a pet.


    i’m sorry to hear that.

    i know you had been struggling with this for awhile.

    my thoughts are with you and your family.


    I’m sorry for the loss. Putting a pet down is really hard. I know that from many experiences.


    Thanks for the kind words, amigos. I miss the little guy but in the last few weeks he was getting worse and worse, which was hard to watch, so another part of me is glad it’s over and he’s at rest.


    Sorry to heard that, zn.



    Sorry for your loss, ZN. Totally understand your mindset of being sad but also relieved. He is no longer in pain. Hopefully you are in a better place too.


    This is why i have not had a dog for the last decade or so.


    Sorry Rick.


    PA Ram

    So sorry to hear this. Dogs are family. I have had dogs most of my life. I was heartbroken when losing every one. Humans do not deserve them but I am so glad we have them.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Indulge me for a sec amigos. I can’t help but tell this story. That first pic above is during the crisis. He panicked at first when his back legs were suddenly paralyzed. I came home from errands after an emergency call from my wife and daughter. The poor thing tried to crawl to me as I came in. We settled him and soothed him and covered him, and then I phoned the vet, knowing this was it. But in the middle of all this, he was so glad to be around all of his people (all 3 of us there which is usually not the case) that for a long spell he was just happy. My daughter took that pic to memorialize the moment. I am glad she did. There he is, skin and bones, broken, and yet glowing and happy because he is with his people.

    That’s who he was. That’s just Bondi.

    Thanks for all the kind words my friends…I know everyone knows what this is like.


    There he is, skin and bones, broken, and yet glowing and happy because he is with his people.

    that’s a great story.

    i’m sure he was totally at peace there at the end.

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