Wash Post: speculation about Sean Payton coaching Rams

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  • #61358
    nittany ram
    PA Ram

    Hey–what does it say? I have 0 free articles this month, apparently. I must read a lot of the Washington Post’s links. Anyway–is he signing on? What’s the deal? How much will the Rams have to give the Saints to get him?

    He’d probably be my first choice.

    But he probably would not keep Greg Williams. Just a hunch.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    nittany ram

    Hey–what does it say? I have 0 free articles this month, apparently. I must read a lot of the Washington Post’s links. Anyway–is he signing on? What’s the deal? How much will the Rams have to give the Saints to get him?

    He’d probably be my first choice.

    But he probably would not keep Greg Williams. Just a hunch.

    It just says it would not be unpresidented 😉 for Payton to coach the Rams even though he’s currently under contract. Teams have traded coaches for draft picks before. Gruden was traded to the Bucs for a one and a three and the Saints have said they would entertain offers for Payton…but the Rams have no draft picks to give them and Payton has not expressed any interest in coaching the Rams. So it’s all just BS at this point.

    PA Ram

    Thanks. I want him but not at a crazy cost. And the Saints will want too much.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Thanks. I want him but not at a crazy cost. And the Saints will want too much.

    I kinda think the same thing. I have a lot of respect for SP, but I also don’t think this is a 1 man race.

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