Warren Claims Sanders Gave Her Smallpox Blanket

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    Warren Claims Bernie Gave Her Smallpox Blanket

    This story has DNC fingerprints all over it. After trying to “ghost” Sanders for six months, and getting called on it, the media now has to switch to Full Attack mode on Sanders. The easiest and most effective thing to do is to get Sanders and Warren supporters to start hating each other, and destroy both candidacies.

    I am disappointed in Warren’s response. This is going to come up in the debate, and she better have a good response.


    This story has DNC fingerprints all over it. After trying to “ghost” Sanders for six months, and getting called on it, the media now has to switch to Full Attack mode on Sanders. The easiest and most effective thing to do is to get Sanders and Warren supporters to start hating each other, and destroy both candidacies.

    I am disappointed in Warren’s response. This is going to come up in the debate, and she better have a good response.


    No way Bernie would say those things. Its just not him. Its yer basic smear.

    The smear stuff worked against Corbyn. We’ll see if it works against Bernie.

    Culture of Lies, zooey.




    Taibbi has reported that there were no witnesses to the meeting between Sanders and Warren. Only Warren was there. Which means she is the source of the story. Warren has (allegedly) been consulting both Hillary and Obama – and Obama is reported to be opposed to Sanders, and said he will personally intervene if necessary to prevent him from getting the nomination. Hillary would also hate to see Sanders nominated. And the day before the final debate before Iowa…this story breaks. This is Warren’s responsibility. She has done this deliberately to make sure that questions will be asked about this during tonight’s debate…on CNN…the network that broke the story. She is going for Sanders’ jugular right now, and she has a plan to capture the debate tonight.

    This is easily the worst thing Warren has done. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, but this is dangerous. She could damage the progressive cause by pissing off some people who might support Sanders as a second choice if she loses. This is brutal.

    And I agree with you. No way Bernie would say a woman can’t win. The accusation is ridiculous on the face of it. I hope he has a successful tactic to quietly dismiss this, and move on. I think he will say that if Warren wins the nomination, he will support her tirelessly, just like he supported Hillary, and then talk about issues that matter.

    I hope Warren drops out soon, or else there will be a brokered convention, and we’re screwed. Trump will get re-elected.


    Just watched the video.

    I don’t think it’s going to backfire on Warren much. A little, maybe. What it has done is riled up the women who blame Bernie for Hillary’s defeat, but they were already supporting Warren. It’s not going to peel away Sanders supporters to Warren’s camp. People who support Sanders – like you said – they know there’s no way Bernie would say that. And I don’t think it will cost Sanders votes in the primaries, but it could cost some votes in the general election should he somehow survive the DNC/media onslaught to win the nomination. Some Democrats are going to give Sanders “a taste of his own medicine,” and either not vote, or vote 3rd party.



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