violence in the US

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    “…The U.S. really is far more violent than other advanced countries, and you need only to glance at the above chart to see it. The chart, created by Kieran Healy, a professor of sociology at Duke University and republished here with permission, shows the rate at which people die by assault in the U.S. and how that rate has changed over time in orange. In blue, it shows the rates of 23 other wealthy countries. The good news is that the U.S.’s rate has steadily declined since 1980. The bad news is that we’re still about three times as violent as any other country in the dataset….”


    To me, it’s primarily easy access to guns. No other factor really comes close, IMO. Another huge reason is we’ve glorified war and solving things via violence for decades and decades — movies, TV, computer games, etc. This, of course, just makes easy access to guns that much more lethal.

    No other nation on earth has this combination to such a degree: the society-wide glorification of violence, revenge, vengeance, with the absurdly easy access to guns . . . and now, “open carry” laws which in many states don’t even require licenses, testing, training, etc.

    A third reason may return, due to our eroding infrastructure and Trump’s accelerating deregulation: lead contamination. Some researchers believe the recent decline was at least partially due to a reduction in exposure to lead. This may well see a reversal.

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