US troops are now in 70 percent of worlds nations

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House US troops are now in 70 percent of worlds nations

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  • #83190
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    …U.S. troops are now in 70 percent of the world’s countries and engaged in active conflict—what we used to call war—in, by even a modest count, some seven countries. In 2017-18, we’ve killed and been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Niger and Pakistan. At least for starters….

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    …U.S. troops are now in 70 percent of the world’s countries and engaged in active conflict—what we used to call war—in, by even a modest count, some seven countries. In 2017-18, we’ve killed and been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Niger and Pakistan. At least for starters….

    This is the kind of “context” that needs to be repeated in the Media. Endlessly. Every time there is some complaint about a country having the gall to want to influence events in its OWN region — like, say, Iran — it needs to be restated that we’re everywhere. There has never been an empire with as many military bases, worldwide.

    Currently rereading a coupla good books about the Roman empire and early Christianity, and it’s amazing to think about Roman power versus our own. We dwarf theirs.

    (Will post about the two books later. They’re very interesting, even moreso on second reading.)

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
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