The Players Union and the NFL are
wrestling with how to create
an anti-domestic violence plan.
Of sorts.
Union Questions NFL’s Domestic Violence Plan
Associated Press
NEW YORK — The players’ union has questioned why the NFL’s domestic violence training and education program “treats all players as perpetrators.”…
…see link…
…Another NFLPA observation was: “Too much reliance was placed on using former players to participate in the training. While some former players possess the right qualifications and experience to train personnel on these issues, the league’s inability to articulate who these players are raises concerns that call into question the effectiveness of the training.”
Many of the player ambassadors, as the NFL calls them, have personal testimonies around these issues and might be helpful, but they would not deliver the education program.
The union added: “The league stated that at each presentation, they will distribute information on suggested local (team city/state specific) resources for domestic violence and sexual assault prevention specialists, licensed club mental health clinicians, club human resource directors and Directors of Player Engagement. The NFLPA commission members recommended that a broader net of resources be included, such as faith-based counselors and male-focused community organizations, etc. The NFL did not provide any explanation as to why one resource was chosen over another or how those resources would be specifically integrated into the workplace, if at all.”
In response to the union memo, the NFL said: “We were pleased to meet with the union and are working to incorporate their suggestions into the presentations to clubs. As we emphasized to the union, this first set of presentations is the start of a process of education that will continue in future years.”
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