two bald eagles stuck in a sewer drain…

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  • #57623
    nittany ram

    “This is more allegory than I can handle right now…”


    Justin Brennan

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by nittany ram.
    — X —

    I was waiting for the punchline.

    Two bald eagles stuck in a sewer drain.
    One turns to the other and says, ‘wow – this place is a shithole’.

    Hey, did you know shithole is in the Oxford dictionary? lol.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    Must be good fishing there.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Well, hopefully nobody helped them out. You wouldn’t want them to get all soft, and dependent.


    How the heck do you get stuck in a storm drain? Are they on drugs?



    How the heck do you get stuck in a storm drain? Are they on drugs?


    They were fishing. There can be lunkers in storm drains.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    How the heck do you get stuck in a storm drain? Are they on drugs?


    They were fishing. There can be lunkers in storm drains.


    How do you know they weren’t on drugs? Crystal Meth maybe. Or Opoids.



    How the heck do you get stuck in a storm drain? Are they on drugs?


    They were fishing. There can be lunkers in storm drains.


    How do you know they weren’t on drugs? Crystal Meth maybe. Or Opoids.


    I’m not joking. There are fish in storm drains, lunkers too. Even big alligator snapping turtles. I used to catch them as a kid in STORM DRAINS.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    PA Ram

    Well, hopefully nobody helped them out. You wouldn’t want them to get all soft, and dependent.


    And Zooey drops the mic.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    So is that the emblem of Amerika now: Two Bald Eagles stuck in a drain ? 🙂

    I dunno. I’m gonna continue to make toast and tea in the morning
    and just live my life. Trump-Hillary and Republicrats will go on lying, destroying
    polluting, fracking, toxic-sludging, drilling, blasting, and making plastic shit.

    I’m just gonna drink my tea, slowly, and eat my toast. If someone has a better suggestion
    let me know.


    — X —

    I’m just gonna drink my tea, slowly, and eat my toast. If someone has a better suggestion
    let me know.

    Smell the toast.
    Smell the tea.
    Hear the birds outside.
    Be aware of yourself.
    Breathe in the universe.
    Breathe it back out.
    Butter and jelly. Always butter and jelly.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    I’m just gonna drink my tea, slowly, and eat my toast. If someone has a better suggestion
    let me know.

    Smell the toast.
    Smell the tea.
    Hear the birds outside.
    Be aware of yourself.
    Breathe in the universe.
    Breathe it back out.
    Butter and jelly. Always butter and jelly.

    “Now and again it is necessary to seclude among deep mountains
    and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life.
    Breathe in and let yourself soar to the ends of the Universe;
    Breathe out and let the Cosmos back inside. Next, breathe
    up all the fecundity and vibrancy of the earth. Finally
    blend the breath of heaven and the breath of earth
    with that of your own, becoming the breath of Life itself.” M. Ueshiba


    “Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God. ~Krishnamacharya


    Moyers: Is that why you begin (Meditation training) with something as simple as eating a raisin?

    Kabat-Zinn: …so we say ‘Look the first the first Meditation exercise we’ll be doing isnt
    breathing, it isnt sitting in the lotus posture….We’re just going to eat a raisin — but
    to eat that raisin mindfully, with awareness. You look at the raisin, feel it, smell it,
    and with awareness bring it to the mouth gradually, and see that the
    saliva starts to get secreted by the salivary glands just as you bring it up.
    Then you take the raisin into the mouth and you begin to taste this thing that
    we usually eat automatically.

    Moyers: And usually a handful at a time.
    Kabat-Zinn: Yes, and you’re onto the next handful before you’ve finished
    chewing this one…Your life is the sum of your present moments….
    Jon Kabat-Zinn

    — X —

    “Now and again it is necessary to seclude among deep mountains
    and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life.

    You’re surrounding by that stuff, aren’t you?

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    “Now and again it is necessary to seclude among deep mountains
    and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life.

    You’re surrounding by that stuff, aren’t you?

    Well, most of the mountains have been blown up by the out-of-state-coal-barrons
    or fracked into toxic-soup by the out-of-state-Oil-barrons.

    So there’s that.

    “I am often asked the question How can the masses permit themselves to be exploited by the few. The answer is By being persuaded to identify with them.”
    ― E.L. Doctorow, Ragtime

    — X —

    Well, most of the mountains have been blown up by the out-of-state-coal-barrons
    or fracked into toxic-soup by the out-of-state-Oil-barrons.

    So there’s that.

    I’m very sorry to hear that.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    Well, most of the mountains have been blown up by the out-of-state-coal-barrons
    or fracked into toxic-soup by the out-of-state-Oil-barrons.

    So there’s that.

    I’m very sorry to hear that.


    Thats ok. folks around here can still lay on their backs
    and look up at the moon and the stars.

    “The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago… had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.
    ~Havelock Ellis, The Dance of Life,

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