Tucker Carlson: Bolton was a leftist

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  • #104948


    This is the political climate we live in. A country where one-third of the population gets spoonfed absolute nonsense.


    Really? LOL. Does anybody trust Fox News? Jeesh.



    This is the political climate we live in. A country where one-third of the population gets spoonfed absolute nonsense.

    Up until roughly 20 years ago, this was fringe-right-wing nonsense. Now it’s mainstream right-wing nonsense. I bump into it all the time.

    There’s a range, of course. From right-wing pundits who know better, but spread it anyway . . . to the rank and file who really believe it now. They apparently actually believe it’s impossible for right-wingers to be in charge of totalitarian systems, or for those systems to be right-wing. They see “fascism” and nazism” as left-wing, even though virtually no one did at the time these systems were in place . . . and when this is brought up to them, they dismiss or ignore the facts. They also dismiss or ignore the fact that all the resistance movements in Europe were led by leftists, and that fascists and nazis started to wipe out their leftist enemies even before they went after the Jews.

    I’m currently rereading 1984. This is a replay of “those who own the present, own the past,” etc. etc. They’ve rewritten it to suit their beliefs. They’ve convinced themselves that “big government” is always already “leftist,” even though “conservatism,” going back thousands of years, entailed a massive, generally oppressive “state.” Or a massive, oppressive Church/State nexus, etc.

    Right-wing ideology has always been extremely comfortable with Big Gubmint and authoritarian systems. Ironically, it’s “the left” that traditionally fought against them.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Billy_T.
    nittany ram


    This is the political climate we live in. A country where one-third of the population gets spoonfed absolute nonsense.

    Up until roughly 20 years ago, this was fringe-right-wing nonsense. Now it’s mainstream right-wing nonsense. I bump into it all the time.

    There’s a range, of course. From right-wing pundits who know better, but spread it anyway . . . to the rank and file who really believe it now. They apparently actually believe it’s impossible for right-wingers to be in charge of totalitarian systems, or for those systems to be right-wing. They see “fascism” and nazism” as left-wing, even though virtually no one did at the time these systems were in place . . . and when this is brought up to them, they dismiss or ignore the facts. They also dismiss or ignore the fact that all the resistance movements in Europe were led by leftists, and that fascists and nazis started to wipe out their leftist enemies even before they went after the Jews.

    I’m currently rereading 1984. This is a replay of “those who own the present, own the past,” etc. etc. They’ve rewritten it to suit their beliefs. They’ve convinced themselves that “big government” is always already “leftist,” even though “conservatism,” going back thousands of years, entailed a massive, generally oppressive “state.” Or a massive, oppressive Church/State nexus, etc.

    Right-wing ideology has always been extremely comfortable with Big Gubmint and authoritarian systems. Ironically, it’s “the left” that traditionally fought against them.

    I’m constantly fighting the “the Nazis were socialist because ‘Socialist’ is in the name” battle with my brother.

    nittany ram


    This is the political climate we live in. A country where one-third of the population gets spoonfed absolute nonsense.

    Up until roughly 20 years ago, this was fringe-right-wing nonsense. Now it’s mainstream right-wing nonsense. I bump into it all the time.

    There’s a range, of course. From right-wing pundits who know better, but spread it anyway . . . to the rank and file who really believe it now. They apparently actually believe it’s impossible for right-wingers to be in charge of totalitarian systems, or for those systems to be right-wing. They see “fascism” and nazism” as left-wing, even though virtually no one did at the time these systems were in place . . . and when this is brought up to them, they dismiss or ignore the facts. They also dismiss or ignore the fact that all the resistance movements in Europe were led by leftists, and that fascists and nazis started to wipe out their leftist enemies even before they went after the Jews.

    I’m currently rereading 1984. This is a replay of “those who own the present, own the past,” etc. etc. They’ve rewritten it to suit their beliefs. They’ve convinced themselves that “big government” is always already “leftist,” even though “conservatism,” going back thousands of years, entailed a massive, generally oppressive “state.” Or a massive, oppressive Church/State nexus, etc.

    Right-wing ideology has always been extremely comfortable with Big Gubmint and authoritarian systems. Ironically, it’s “the left” that traditionally fought against them.

    I’m constantly fighting the “the Nazis were socialist because ‘Socialist’ is in the name” battle with my brother.



    This is the political climate we live in. A country where one-third of the population gets spoonfed absolute nonsense.


    Yeah, though i dont know that I’d use the word ‘climate,’ since to me it suggests a possibility of change.

    I think once a corporotacracy dums-down its democratz and republithugz, its ‘climate’ is only going to get worse till the collapse.

    Once a critical-mass-stage of dum-ness has been reached, I think a corporotacracy can only go in one direction. Coz there aint enuff non-dum-citizens to turn it around anymore.

    Bolton is a leftist. In this climate maybe he is. 🙂

    Damn rightwing-leftists.



    I’m constantly fighting the “the Nazis were socialist because ‘Socialist’ is in the name” battle with my brother.

    Your brother should think about North Korea’s official name:

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. What a nation or a political party decides to name itself is totally irrelevant. It’s what it does that matters. It needs to be judged according to that.

    And, of course, Hitler’s Germany was a capitalist society, not socialist. It was also a workers’ hell hole, which included (literally) slave labor. And, the nazis got their start (in the 1920s) in the streets thuggishly attacking leftists, including socialists and communists . . . and once in power, slaughtered, jailed, tortured or exiled them and made the German Left flat out illegal.

    Oh, and there’s the rather inconvenient fact that all neo-fascist and neo-nazi groups, political parties, individuals, proudly claim the mantle of “right-wing,” and are seen as right-wing by their enemies. Charlottesville’s “unite the right” march was a coalition of neo-fascist and neo-nazi groups. Same thing all across Europe.

    There’s no historical support whatsoever for your brother’s view, or Carlson’s . . . but it’s been mainstreamed.

    nittany ram

    I’m constantly fighting the “the Nazis were socialist because ‘Socialist’ is in the name” battle with my brother.

    Your brother should think about North Korea’s official name:

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. What a nation or a political party decides to name itself is totally irrelevant. It’s what it does that matters. It needs to be judged according to that.

    And, of course, Hitler’s Germany was a capitalist society, not socialist. It was also a workers’ hell hole, which included (literally) slave labor. And, the nazis got their start (in the 1920s) in the streets thuggishly attacking leftists, including socialists and communists . . . and once in power, slaughtered, jailed, tortured or exiled them and made the German Left flat out illegal.

    Oh, and there’s the rather inconvenient fact that all neo-fascist and neo-nazi groups, political parties, individuals, proudly claim the mantle of “right-wing,” and are seen as right-wing by their enemies. Charlottesville’s “unite the right” march was a coalition of neo-fascist and neo-nazi groups. Same thing all across Europe.

    There’s no historical support whatsoever for your brother’s view, or Carlson’s . . . but it’s been mainstreamed.

    Yeah, the only reason it was called the National Socialist Party was because socialism was popular among the working class in Germany during the economic turmoil following WWI. The newly formed Nazi party simply wanted to tap into that.

    I use the same argument you mention above whenever my brother thinks he’s scoring points by reminding me that the KKK was started by southern Democrats. Then I remind him which political party the modern KKK endorses. It shuts him up for about a week. Then he’ll rehash the same argument. It’s like I’m stuck in a bizarre, Trumpian Ground Hog Day time loop.

    No matter how often I tell him that even though I’m a registered Democrat, I don’t really consider myself a Democrat. I’m a Dem only because in a two party system, I was forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. Regardless, he still thinks he’s going to shock me into submission by reciting Dem transgressions. He can’t see beyond the Dem/Rep false dichotomy, or understand that the Left and Liberals aren’t synonymous.


    I use the same argument you mention above whenever my brother thinks he’s scoring points by reminding me that the KKK was started by southern Democrats. Then I remind him which political party the modern KKK endorses. It shuts him up for about a week. Then he’ll rehash the same argument. It’s like I’m stuck in a bizarre, Trumpian Ground Hog Day time loop.

    The name doesn’t matter it’s the policies. When arguing with folks stress that. The Nazis sided against unions, cooperated with capitalists, and declared “the bolsheviks” their great political enemy. Doesn’t matter if the person you’re debating keeps saying “but this one goes to 11.” Ask them to name one single socialist policy the Nazis backed or implemented.


    Yeah, the only reason it was called the National Socialist Party was because socialism was popular among the working class in Germany during the economic turmoil following WWI. The newly formed Nazi party simply wanted to tap into that.

    I use the same argument you mention above whenever my brother thinks he’s scoring points by reminding me that the KKK was started by southern Democrats. Then I remind him which political party the modern KKK endorses. It shuts him up for about a week. Then he’ll rehash the same argument. It’s like I’m stuck in a bizarre, Trumpian Ground Hog Day time loop.

    No matter how often I tell him that even though I’m a registered Democrat, I don’t really consider myself a Democrat. I’m a Dem only because in a two party system, I was forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. Regardless, he still thinks he’s going to shock me into submission by reciting Dem transgressions. He can’t see beyond the Dem/Rep false dichotomy, or understand that the Left and Liberals aren’t synonymous.

    Yeah, having been around in circles on several topics with my own idiot brothers, I can sympathize. It’s funny the way they think they “score points.” It’s often “Obama” or “Clinton” or whoever, sometimes it’s sheer fiction (or both…like when my brother argued that the Iraq War was fine until Obama allowed ISIS to take over. Recently he pulled the “I’m a scientist, so I know better” card on me during a debate on climate science. He’s a physician.

    Thing is…they aren’t interested in anything other than protecting an ideology. We will never convince them that Nazis don’t share an Essential Authoritarianism with the Left no matter what. We aren’t going to convince them that Republicans are racist no matter what. I can’t convince my brother that the overwhelming preponderance of climatologists around the world have the weight of evidence on their side, and are not motivated by the desire to further enlarge the government appetite for destroying business.

    We occupy different realities. They FEEL like theirs is the Truth, and that’s that.

    nittany ram

    The name doesn’t matter it’s the policies. When arguing with folks stress that. The Nazis sided against unions, cooperated with capitalists, and declared “the bolsheviks” their great political enemy. Doesn’t matter if the person you’re debating keeps saying “but this one goes to 11.” Ask them to name one single socialist policy the Nazis backed or implemented.

    In my experience, most of them wouldn’t know what a socialist policy was. They don’t know what socialism is. They think they do, but all they really know is the caricature of socialism portrayed by Fox News and Limbaugh.

    nittany ram

    We occupy different realities. They FEEL like theirs is the Truth, and that’s that.

    Their ‘truth’ is unexamined. It’s based purely on faith. I’m not saying that’s true for all conservatives, but it’s true of the Trump supporters/GOP. To me it’s hilarious to see them rail against extreme versions of the Muslim faith while being blind to the fact that right wing evangelicals and the Taliban are two sides of the same coin.


    The name doesn’t matter it’s the policies. When arguing with folks stress that. The Nazis sided against unions, cooperated with capitalists, and declared “the bolsheviks” their great political enemy. Doesn’t matter if the person you’re debating keeps saying “but this one goes to 11.” Ask them to name one single socialist policy the Nazis backed or implemented.

    In my experience, most of them wouldn’t know what a socialist policy was. They don’t know what socialism is. They think they do, but all they really know is the caricature of socialism portrayed by Fox News and Limbaugh.

    I find that if one is patient enough all people will listen respectfully to good rational arguments.


    Sorry couldn’t do that and keep a straight face.


    The “Dems invented the KKK” thing is too easy. Yes, it’s true. They did. Ultra-conservative southerners did. The Democratic party was overwhelmingly ultra-conservative in the South. As in, right-wing. Far right, in fact.

    It’s so weird that people confuse and conflate the Dems with “the left.” They haven’t been even a center-left party since the 1960s, and even back then, they had that Southern bloc of ultra-conservatives. At no time in their existence have they been a majority center-left party, and the instances of “leftists” in their party can arguably be counted on just two hands (across the generations).

    The Republican party, OTOH, once was the “progressive” party, relatively speaking. Lincoln exchanged letters with Marx, and he put an actual card-carrying socialist in his cabinet (Charles Dana) who was Marx’s editor. Lincoln also palled around with leftist radicals from the European revolutions of 1830 and 1848, before he entered office. It’s safe to say that pretty much no Republican of that era would be allowed in the GOP of today. Many of them would likely be considered “too far left” for the Dems of today.

    It’s beyond disingenuous to argue that “Dem=left, therefore the left invented the KKK.” At the time, the Dems who did create the KKK were hard, hard right, and KKK members today identify as right-wing and despise the left. They always have.

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