Trump's craziness on Iran, summed up in 1 sentence

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    I’m not seeing anyone talk about this in the MSM:

    How was this deal supposedly so bad for the USA in the first place?

    We gave up absolutely nothing, and Iran gave up its sovereignty via its nuclear program. This didn’t cost us a penny. We ceded no ground. We merely eased up on sanctions that we didn’t really have a right to impose in the first place, for inspections of a sovereign nation’s own nuclear program which was none of our business either.

    (America is also the only nation to use the bomb to murder nearly 300,000 innocent civilians on two already defenseless islands.)

    Easing up on sanctions is kinda like this:

    Joe Smith is pounding the much, much smaller John Doe, smashing him into the ground, stomping on him. They finally cut a deal for Joe Smith to stop doing that. In this case, Smith stops because Doe says he will open up his home to the entire neighborhood to inspect, even though no one else in the neighborhood has to do this, and he hasn’t done anything illegal, or anything that Smith hasn’t done himself already.

    I don’t get it.

    To me, the Iran deal is one of the most one-sided deals ever, but in the opposite direction. It greatly benefited America, cost us nothing, and hurt Iran. Why rip that up?


    Well, one possible future iz, Trump waits a bit and then signs a ‘new’ deal with Iran thats really just the same deal. But he talks about it like its a better deal and his base congratulates him on being tough.

    Another possible future is…AIPAC will just openly, finally be named Secretary of State.

    “..It’s another intelligence scam driving us to war,” Blumenthal said, calling the intelligence cited by Netanyahu “arguably fabricated.”

    Apart from Netanyahu, who has long been advocating the collapse of the internationally recognized agreement, Israeli lobbies within the US greatly contributed to Trump’s decision to take a more hawkish stance on Iran in line with Israel’s own, Blumenthal said.

    “This triad of likudic billionaires – [ Home Deport co-founder] Bernard Marcus, [casino magnate] Sheldon Adelson and [hedge fund billionaire] Paul Signer – contributed over $40 million to pro-Trump Super PACs, and also contributed enormous amount of money to Trump’s UN ambassador Nikki Haley and Tom Cotton, the senator that shaped Trump’s Iran policy,” the journalist pointed out.”
    Max Blumenthal on the Iran situation:


    Another possible future is…AIPAC will just openly, finally be named Secretary of State.




    Coupla guys from Commentary were on Morning Joe today. They, too, spouted the supposed revelation from Netanyahoo that Iran had broken its agreement. Trump shouting this as well in service of breaking the agreement.

    Trouble is, the supposed bombshell was about pre-2003 Iran. It was “intelligence” already known.

    Interesting how opposition to Trump creates such strange bedfellows along these lines. You’ll occasionally see old Israel-firsters speak out against Trump, if he trumpets something like this. A coupla diplomats pushed back and said this was old news, and Senator Murphy pointed out the time line, debunking the supposed revelation.

    The folks at Commentary, however, aren’t in that camp. I haven’t seen them break ranks with Likud even as they oppose Trump.

    . . .

    Personally, I despise the Iranian government and all theocracies. But between Israel and Iran, I view the former as the much greater threat to peace, and it’s really not close. And, of course, Israel already has nukes, and has attacked Iran directly. The reverse is NOT the case.

    It looks like Trump is headed to war with Iran, at the behest of Israel, the Saudis, and much of the Sunni Arab world.


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