Trump wanted snakes & gators

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    Donald Trump Wanted Snake-Filled Moat Around Border Wall, Suggested Shooting Immigrants In Legs, Report Says

    Donald Trump Wanted Snake-Filled Moat Around Border Wall, Suggested Shooting Immigrants In Legs, Report Says
    Donald Trump thought a moat filled with snakes or alligators to keep out immigrants would be a good idea, according to a ‘New York Times’ report.

    Johnathan Vankin
    October 1, 2019

    Donald Trump has privately come up with a series off sadistic ideas about how to stop immigrants who approach the United States southern border with Mexico, including shooting them or letting them try to swim across a moat filled with snakes or alligators, according to a stunning New York Times report published on Tuesday evening.

    Trump was apparently so serious about “fortifying” his hoped-for border wall with a snake-filled moat — or a trench stocked with alligators — that his aides researched an estimate of what such a medieval solution would cost.

    But Trump did not stop there, according to the Times report. He also apparently wanted the wall itself to act as a death trap, or a torture device, for prospective immigrants. He told aides that he wanted the whole wall to be electrified and topped with sharpened spikes “that could pierce human flesh.”

    The Times report was excerpted from the upcoming book Border Wars: Inside Trump’s Assault on Immigration by reporters Michael D. Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis, according to Axios., which noted that according to the excerpt, while Trump activity disliked former Homeland Security Adviser Kirstjen Nielsen, his one instance of happiness with her performance came when U.S. Border Patrol agents fired painful tear gas at migrants attempting to enter the United States through Mexico.

    But Trump was more often displeased with Nilesen, accusing her of not looking tough, and telling her, “Lou Dobbs hates you, Ann Coulter hates you, you’re making me look bad.” Dobbs is a Fox Business host with adamant anti-immigrant views. Coulter is a right-wing author and columnist who was one of Trump’s early supporters — but has more recently attacked Trump over his failure to build his promised border wall, as The Inquisitr has reported.

    Trump also believed Nielsen to be an agent of the “deep state,” which Trump imagines to be a conspiracy of unelected government agents out to destroy him, according to a recent explanation by The Independent newspaper.

    In a speech in November of 2018, Trump called for prospective immigrants to be shot by U.S. border agents if they threw rocks at U.S. personnel. But even though aides informed Trump that an order to shoot immigrants would be illegal, Trump was undeterred, according to the Times report. He suggested that immigrants should be shot in the legs to “slow them down,” the paper reported, based on interviews with Trump administration officials who were involved in the meetings where Trump made his statements.

    The aides told a frustrated Trump that shooting immigrants in the legs would also be against the law, The Times reported.

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