Trump is toast. He just called for Russian cyberattacks against Clinton.

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Trump is toast. He just called for Russian cyberattacks against Clinton.

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  • #49534

    On the trump statement….I think Trump supporters will evaluate it as Trump being a bit humorous, shooting from the hip, just slamming Hillary, no big deal.
    The pro-Hillary crowd will be all ‘outraged’…and the undecideds….will it matter to them?

    WV, I think there’s another category: Leftists who can’t stand either of them, have already decided to vote for someone else, but still find Trump continuously appalling and despicable. Including his call for Russia to engage in espionage against his opponent.

    We all dealt with eight years of Bush supporters calling the mere criticism of Bush policy “treason.” Just criticism of policy. Some 47 Republicans recently wrote a letter to the Iranian leadership telling them that even if the Iran deal goes through, they’d undermine it and a Republican president would repeal it. If the shoe were on the other foot, and Dems had done this to Bush?

    And now Trump, at his presser, calls for foreign espionage. There is also the case that Trump has been cut off from most US and European banks, and has to go to Russia for his cash. He’s personna non grata because he’s known to stiff his business partners, clients, customers, etc. etc. Six bankruptcies to his name already. What average Joe or Jane keeps their shirt after six bankruptcies?

    Yes, the Clintons are knee-deep in their own shenanigans. Definitely. But if someone wants a candidate without the heavy baggage of corruption and lies — it’s not the two major-party candidates.

    He did not call for foreign espionage. He asked the Russians to release the 30,000 emails if they have them since our government won’t.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Trump is mostly incoherent and speaks in word salad gibberish. He makes Palin look smart by comparison.

    It’s often the case that Trump flip-flops on issues within the same speech, which I’ve never seen a politician do before. Usually, they flip flop on something they said a month or two ago, or a year or two. Trump does this several times within the same presser.

    Like when it said he’d raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour — which is a flip-flop from previous statements — but then said he’d just let the states do it.

    No one in American political history has spoken so often while saying so little. And that’s actually being quite generous. Look up the word “empty” in the dictionary and Trump’s angry orange face looks back at you with vacant eyes.

    Avatar photowv

    And now Trump, at his presser, calls for foreign espionage.


    Well, without getting into a big thing about it — I dont even care about “foreign” “espionage”. I’m so utterly sick of all forms of ‘tribalism’ that i just cant work up any outrage at the notion of “foreign espionage”.

    I just dont seem to have a ‘nationalist’ bone in my body anymore.

    The US plays the espionage game all over the world. As you know.
    The US interferes in other nations politics whenever and wherever it wants. As you know.

    Why should i get upset about the (shocking 🙂 ) notion that other nations
    might do it here, or that a politician would make an off the cuff quasi-humorous remark about it. It reminds me of when Reagan said “we start the bombing in an hour” or words to that effect. Its just yacking.

    Anywayz…Am i supposed to be rooting for the American National Security State? Am i supposed root against those evil “foreign spies” ?

    I’ll let the Nationalists worry about that.

    For me there’s only two tribes now. And there’s always, only, been
    two tribes. And you know what they are, comrad.


    Avatar photozn

    Why should i get upset about the (shocking 🙂 notion that other nations
    might do it here, or that a politician would make an off the cuff remark
    about it.

    Well in this case it’s a simple matter of consistency. We are against intervention in foreign internal affairs, like elections. We can’t then shrug it off if a presidential candidate recommends a foreign power intervene in OUR elections.

    If we are going to be in favor of democracy, then we need to at least be in favor of our own.

    I mean unless you think the guy who wouldn’t mind if Putin intervened in OUR election, is going to make the world safe for democracy in other countries.

    There is nothing good about Trump, at all. No redeeming quality that makes the unsavory stuff palatable. The stuff on trade for example is nonsense. His own actions as a businessman have already demonstrated that the “stuff on trade” was just a talking point to do well in the rust belt. He has never acted like someone who favors labor-supportive trade policies. He has always actively done the opposite.


    Avatar photowv

    There is nothing good about Trump, at all. No redeeming quality that makes the unsavory stuff palatable.


    Agree. There is nothing good about Trump.
    I would argue there is nothing good about Hillary, either.

    So, thats where we disagree. We agree on Trump. Not on Hillary.


    Avatar photonittany ram

    For me there’s only two tribes now. And there’s always, only, been
    two tribes. And you know what they are, comrad.


    Apaches and Presbyterians?

    I feel the same way about Nationalism. In my youth I was very nationalistic but as I matured and learned it completely eroded away.

    You know, the lies that we’re taught in elementary and secondary schools about this country to encourage patriotism don’t help in that regard. It would be easier to be patriotic if we were taught the truth from the beginning – in all its corrupt, imperialistic, genocidal glory. Then we could come to terms with it, move on and try to do better – instead of stupidly believing in our greatness only to be disillusioned later.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photonittany ram.
    Avatar photozn

    There is nothing good about Trump, at all. No redeeming quality that makes the unsavory stuff palatable.


    Agree. There is nothing good about Trump.
    I would argue there is nothing good about Hillary, either.

    So, thats where we disagree. We agree on Trump. Not on Hillary.


    I would argue 2 things.

    1. Yes there are good things about Hillary.

    2. The bad in Trump is especially bad stuff. Really, really bad stuff.

    The 2 are not equivalent.

    If given my own druthers there would be someone better than Hillary, at the policy level as well in terms of being a political personality.

    But Hillary is Keenum. Trump though is Manziel. I would prefer Goff but anything is better than Manziel.


    Avatar photonittany ram

    But Hillary is Keenum. Trump though is Manziel. I would prefer Goff but anything is better than Manziel.

    Well, we could have had Montana but Keenum’s party conspired against him.

    Avatar photozn

    But Hillary is Keenum. Trump though is Manziel. I would prefer Goff but anything is better than Manziel.

    Well, we could have had Montana but Keenum’s party conspired against him.

    Bernie’s own press secretary came out and said it’s nonsense they lost because of what was in those emails.

    The real story to me is that we knew all about all of that a long time ago. We knew Sanders was fighting an entrenched right-centrist party apparatus. And he still did well.

    And I would vote for both former president Bushes over Trump.

    I will contribute to democratic party reform and/or building a real and viable 3rd party the day after the election.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not calling for a “nationalist” stance either. Trump is. I’m just saying if we’re comparing apples to apples, and it’s supposedly “treasonous” for the goose, it’s also “treasonous” for the gander.

    Personally, I want no nations. I want a left-anarchist vision of the world. Going back to the Paris Commune of 1871 and its ideals (and intellectual inheritance), and those of the brief Spanish Republic in the 1930s, etc. Scaled up and out. etc. We’ve talked about this before.

    If we can have “open borders” for Capital, we can have them for human beings — and get rid of capital in the process. etc. etc.

    And, closer to home, I want an end to the surveillance state, the police state, the incarceration state, etc. etc. So it’s not a matter of “foreign espionage” that bothers me. It’s that THE nationalist, nativist, fascist candidate in this race, Trump, is calling for it to further his own political dreams.

    I don’t want either of them, as mentioned. I don’t want ANY political parties to have any power in our democracy, frankly. Direct, participatory democracy, with rotational “leadership,” always temporary, via lottery, via a kind of “peace corp” term, etc, instead.

    Just saying that if we’re dealing with what exists NOW, in that context, what Trump called for should disqualify him. And it’s not even the worst of what he’s done or said.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.

    And now Trump, at his presser, calls for foreign espionage.


    Well, without getting into a big thing about it — I dont even care about “foreign” “espionage”. I’m so utterly sick of all forms of ‘tribalism’ that i just cant work up any outrage at the notion of “foreign espionage”.

    I just dont seem to have a ‘nationalist’ bone in my body anymore.

    The US plays the espionage game all over the world. As you know.
    The US interferes in other nations politics whenever and wherever it wants. As you know.

    Why should i get upset about the (shocking 🙂 ) notion that other nations
    might do it here, or that a politician would make an off the cuff quasi-humorous remark about it. It reminds me of when Reagan said “we start the bombing in an hour” or words to that effect. Its just yacking.

    Anywayz…Am i supposed to be rooting for the American National Security State? Am i supposed root against those evil “foreign spies” ?

    I’ll let the Nationalists worry about that.

    For me there’s only two tribes now. And there’s always, only, been
    two tribes. And you know what they are, comrad.


    Well you quoted something I didn’t write. I do not know what you mean by two tribes either.

    Now regarding cyber espionage no nation does it as well as the US. We truly are #1. Of course we have had the back door keys from the software manufacturers from day 1. We also launched Stuxnet. I don’t doubt another nation either friend or foe could have hacked the DNC emails since that is where in depth dirt on Trump might be found since there is the obvious motivation. Regarding Hildabeasts emails as Sec. of State her tenure being so ineffectual it seems likely other nations were reading them as well.

    It could also be organized crime or individuals engaged in hacking these DNC or Hildabeast emails.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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