Trump boots black man from rally calls him ‘thug’ Turns out he's a supporter

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    Trump booted a black man from his rally and called him a ‘thug.’ Turns out he is a supporter.

    Amy B Wang

    Midway into his speech, the crowd suddenly grew restless, so Donald Trump paused.

    An increasing number of people began pointing at a person to Trump’s right. Soon, hundreds of people who had gathered for his Wednesday evening campaign rally in Kinston, N.C., were frantically waving their “Trump Pence” signs in that direction.

    Trump glanced at who his supporters were singling out: A black man wearing a suit jacket and sunglasses.

    “That’s all right, leave him alone,” Trump said, at first seemed dismissive of what he saw.

    He quickly pivoted.

    “We have a protester,” Trump declared. The crowd booed.

    “By the way, were you paid $1,500 to be a thug?” he said, seemingly addressing both the crowd and the person simultaneously. “Where’s the protester? Where is he? Was he paid?”

    (Trump has accused Clinton’s campaign of paying protesters to disrupt his rallies after an online video sting by the conservative group Project Veritas Action captured a Democratic operative describing “conflict engagement in the lines at Trump rallies.” The Washington Post’s Fact Checker noted that Trump had “jumbled up a lot of the issues brought up in the video by Project Veritas” and rated the claim “Three Pinocchios.”)

    Somewhere in the crowd, Trump’s security detail escorted a man out of the rally as the audience cheered.

    “You can get him out,” Trump said, making a sideways motion with his thumb. “Get him out.”

    The person in question turned out to be C.J. Cary, a North Carolina resident, who claims to be a longtime Trump supporter.

    Cary, in a phone interview Saturday with The Washington Post, said he had gone to the rally because he wanted to hand-deliver a note to the Republican presidential nominee. He made his way to about 20 to 30 feet from the stage and was shouting “Donald!” while waving his note around to try to catch his attention.

    “Everyone else is waving Trump signs and I’m waving this white letter,” Cary, 63, said. He said that, coupled with the fact that he was wearing sunglasses during an evening rally to deal with his sensitivity to light, may have been what set people off.

    That’s when Trump’s crowd turned on him, and Cary was removed.

    Cary said a security official noticed he appeared to be a supporter but said he should not have disrupted the rally.

    “He asked me, ‘What happened? You have on a GOP badge,'” Cary said. “I said, ‘I’m yelling at Donald, and he thinks I’m a protester.’”

    Cary explained that he had wanted to hand Trump a note, and the security official agreed to deliver the letter on Cary’s behalf, he said.

    “‘If you had just gotten this to us we would have given it to him,'” Cary said he was told. “‘But now that people think you’re a protester, it’s better that you leave.’”

    In video footage, Cary can be seen waving to the crowd as he is escorted out of the rally. He later said it was “all fine” and that he still plans on voting for Trump.

    Cary has not heard back officially from the Trump campaign but says at least one Trump surrogate in Georgia reached out to him after the incident.

    “I was a little sad [that I was escorted out] but was more happy than sad because my purpose for being there was to give that document to Donald,” Cary said. “My mission was to make sure I got it in the right hands, because someone could have just easily tossed it or dropped it.”

    The note Cary wanted to deliver was an eight-page document that emphasized that he was against both Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and President Obama: “I have to get ready to come to Kinston,” it read in part. “Donald I am not including everything. But you must defeat lying Hillary and lying Obama. These characters are bad really bad.”


    It is sad the actions of so many paid agitators before him was used against him. At least he was able to deliver his message to the campaign that read in part-

    The note Cary wanted to deliver was an eight-page document that emphasized that he was against both Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and President Obama: “I have to get ready to come to Kinston,” it read in part. “Donald I am not including everything. But you must defeat lying Hillary and lying Obama. These characters are bad really bad.”

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I dunno. Could be all true, but somethin smells funny about it.


    nittany ram

    I dunno. Could be all true, but somethin smells funny about it.


    Looking at your avatar it occurred to me that there is an occupation that would be perfect for you.

    How would you like to be a Raven Master?

    Sounds cool, right?

    Of course you’d have to be willing to relocate to the Tower of London.

    Update your CV and send it to Prince Charles.



    If Trump wins — and Comey’s unprecedented and indefensible action may just make that happen — it will be a victory for white supremacist America. It will embolden white supremacists, xenophobes, misogynists and the entire alt-right, whose ideology is basically just a more polished version of the KKK’s.

    It will be a victory for far-right, fringe, wacko assholes who lie incessantly, and at best, exaggerate things to the point of the surreal. Like “Illegals are pouring over the borders!!”

    Like “America is a hellhole and only I can save us from ruin!!”

    Like the “new black panther” faux-scandal from 2012, which consisted of two people, total, at one polling place. From there, the right built that up into a supposed wave of “voter intimidation” sweeping the nation. Two guys. In one polling place. Same thing happened with ACORN. There was never any “scandal,” but because the GOP and the right are the heirs to Hitler and the Big Lie, an important voice for the poor was wiped out — and the Congressional witch hunt against them was un-Constitutional.

    I can’t stand the Clintons. But to think that Il Duce and his far-right brethren may control all three branches of government come January — that makes me ill. As bad as the Clintons and the Dems are, they can’t compete with Trump and the GOP when it comes to lies, hate, bad policies and, especially, serial hysteria over nothing.


    It’s also interesting that the only person charged so far with voter fraud is a Trump supporter:

    Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa — By Amy B Wang October 29 at 10:50 AM

    A woman in Iowa was arrested this week on suspicion of voting twice in the general election, court and police records show.

    Terri Lynn Rote, a 55-year-old Des Moines resident, was booked Thursday on a first-degree charge of election misconduct, according to Polk County Jail records. The charge is considered a Class D felony under Iowa state law.

    Rote was released Friday after posting $5,000 bond. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Nov. 7.

    The Des Moines Register reported that Rote is a registered Republican who cast two ballots in the general election: an early-voting ballot at the Polk County Election Office and another at a county satellite voting location, according to police records.

    Rote hadn’t planned on voting twice but said it was “a spur-of-the-moment thing” when she walked by the satellite voting location, she told The Washington Post in a phone interview Saturday.

    “I don’t know what came over me,” Rote said.

    She added she has been a supporter of Donald Trump since early in his campaign, after Republican candidate Mike Huckabee dropped out of the primary race.


    Democrats know they don’t arrest dead people.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Just 31 cases of “voter fraud” out of a billion votes cast since 2000. And not all of these were cast for Democrats.

    Trump goes on and on about “rigged elections,” but the only evidence we have of widespread vote-rigging consists of actions taken by Republican-controlled states to suppress likely Democratic Party voters.

    That’s it.

    And it doesn’t matter if there are millions of “dead people” still on the rolls. A person has to physically appear at a voting booth, using that name, in order for it to then be “voter fraud.” Again, we have no evidence that this is happening. Just the usual pants on fire lies from Republican politicians, operatives and far-right wackos, all in the service of providing cover for their own vote-rigging, suppression efforts.


    If Trump wins — and Comey’s unprecedented and indefensible action may just make that happen — it will be a victory for white supremacist America. It will embolden white supremacists, xenophobes, misogynists and the entire alt-right, whose ideology is basically just a more polished version of the KKK’s.

    They are already emboldened, and will remain emboldened even after Trump loses. The narrative that Hillary has stolen the election is already in cement. These people are not going away quietly on November 9. They are going to continue to stoke up the furnace of their political smear machine, and they will never stop.


    If Trump wins — and Comey’s unprecedented and indefensible action may just make that happen — it will be a victory for white supremacist America. It will embolden white supremacists, xenophobes, misogynists and the entire alt-right, whose ideology is basically just a more polished version of the KKK’s.

    They are already emboldened, and will remain emboldened even after Trump loses. The narrative that Hillary has stolen the election is already in cement. These people are not going away quietly on November 9. They are going to continue to stoke up the furnace of their political smear machine, and they will never stop.

    Well, that’s true. I have no doubt about that. But at the very least, Trump, if he wins, mainstreams one of the ugliest and most toxic aspects of American life, gives it “official” recognition, and brings it with him to the White House. He will have won largely by whipping up hatred against black and brown people, lying endlessly about what’s actually happening in this country, and getting away with it.

    You’re right. They’re not going away, win or lose. But if Trump wins, it instantly gives white supremacy and xenophobia much more cover to again rise up from the sludge and slime, out in the open, as newly and officially “victorious.” Trump hired an actual white supremacist, Bannon, to run his campaign. He and his Breitbart, Alex Jones and WND cohort now will have a great deal more room to up their despicable game.

    Latest poll from ABC has Clinton up by just one, nationally. This thing really could go either way.


    The desperation is gratifying. After decades of having it their way their hubris has shackled them to a most corrupt hyper Nixonian and truly nasty untrustworthy candidate in Hildabeast the WARMONGER. Whether the democrats steal the election or certainly not from their lack of trying, time to drain that swamp! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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