trailer for "Kong, Skull Island"

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House trailer for "Kong, Skull Island"

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  • #49310
    nittany ram

    The word is that this is a set-up for the “King Kong vs Godzilla” remake slated to be released in 2019 or at least some time after Godzilla 2 is released in 2018. Apparently this Kong exists in the same universe as Godzilla because the Monarch organization from Godzilla 2014 plays a role in this movie. However, the Kong film may take place in the 70’s instead of present day. Also, and the studio has acknowledged this, the Kong portrayed here is much, much smaller than Godzilla from the 2014 film. If they are supposed to battle, given the size discrepancy, it will be a short film. The studio admits it has some stuff to work out.


    Godzilla will wipe the floor with King Kong.

    Fer criminy sakes, GODzilla shoots electric-firey-stuff
    out of his mouth. Kong otoh, throws rocks.

    No contest.


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