Tom Tomorrow

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  • #94631
    Avatar photoZooey

    Tom Tomorrow has never been Funny…exactly. But nowadays, it’s definite sad. Sad!

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    That cartoonist has the easiest job in the world. Just repeat reality, and voila, instant dark but funny scathing critique.


    What happened to Tom Yesterday? Tom Nextweek? Tom TwentyYearsFromNow? Tom NextCentury? Just wondering.

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    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photoZooey.
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    Zooey, I think that last post belongs in the Tom Tomorrow thread.

    I only say that because I am trying to be efficient and on top of things.

    (yuck yuck )

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    You know, no-one loathes Pelosi more than i do. No-one.

    But I agree with her about not trying to impeach him. With a Repugnant Senate, it would be pointless. It would fail. And we are now close to the election. Let the voters decide.

    Speaking of voters, i had a discussion with one this morning.

    wv-mom — the rightwing-evangelical, trump-loving wv-mom — wondered out loud today, “why is everything i buy made in China, nowadays?”

    I made the mistake of reacting. I said, ‘well, your Hero, Ronald Reagan and his rightwing buddies in the Dem-Party, destroyed the American Unions and sent all the jobs overseas, because labor is cheap in China. So now, you are buying things made by cheap labor in China”

    And SHE said: “Oh, so the greedy unions caused all this.”

    Face-Plant. wv ram changes subject to gardening.


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    And SHE said: “Oh, so the greedy unions caused all this.”

    There’s no ology
    Like ideology
    Like no ology I know

    Avatar photoZooey

    But I agree with her about not trying to impeach him. With a Repugnant Senate, it would be pointless. It would fail. And we are now close to the election. Let the voters decide.

    Here’s the thing, though. Impeaching him, even though it is hopeless to expect to remove him from office, draws a line.

    If Trump can’t be impeached for what he’s done, wtf? We have just sat by and accepted, without formal complaint, the most corrupt administration in US history.

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    But I agree with her about not trying to impeach him. With a Repugnant Senate, it would be pointless. It would fail. And we are now close to the election. Let the voters decide.

    Here’s the thing, though. Impeaching him, even though it is hopeless to expect to remove him from office, draws a line.

    If Trump can’t be impeached for what he’s done, wtf? We have just sat by and accepted, without formal complaint, the most corrupt administration in US history.


    Well, i guess I’m just in a darker-place than you, Z. I dont even know what impeachment would mean in a mega-patriarchal-racist-imperialist-corporotacracy. I mean why shouldnt Obama have been impeached for killing brown humans with Drones? Etc, and so forth. I guess i just agree with Chomsky that every modern President has been a murderous butcher, protected by a corporotacracy and a bewildered clueless herd.

    At any rate, even if i was in favor of playing the game, we’d just end up with Pence, right? Or if not him, someone just like him.

    But i suppose you are really talking about doing something ‘symbolic’.

    I dunno.

    I’ll shut up about it. I’m just spreading my darkness. Like a darkness…spreading…. type thing. 🙂


    Avatar photoZooey

    Yeah, I’m talking about the symbolism of it, but I think that has some value…in the Bash On, Regardless spirit of things.

    I’m in a pretty dark place, too. I think we’ve passed the tipping point, and hell awaits us. But I can’t surrender to the darkness, and I can’t ignore it and party it up with the time that’s left.

    All the world’s a stage, buddy, and men and women merely players. We have our entrances, and exits. And the final scene is always sans everything.

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