This scene from Jaws encapsulates our current situation perfectly.

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House This scene from Jaws encapsulates our current situation perfectly.

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  • #112927
    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Humans have an innate desire to connect the dots, to make the world comprehensible each moment we encounter its aspects. We want to create sensible narratives. We actually require this to keep from “losing it.”

    In the modern world, far, far more so than in the past, we have close to an overwhelming amount of fog, gaslighting and white noise to cut through. And because, capitalism, that white noise, gaslighting and fog is actually designed to prevent our natural, hard-wired attempts to form coherent narratives from external “facts.” It’s also designed to get us to do things that run counter to our own best interests.

    Ironically, even the Mayor Vaughns of this world ultimately go against their own best interests, because the fog and gaslighting they create ends up literally biting back.

    Avatar photowv

    In the modern world, far, far more so than in the past, we have close to an overwhelming amount of fog, gaslighting and white noise to cut through. And because, capitalism, that white noise, gaslighting and fog is actually designed to prevent our natural, hard-wired attempts to form coherent narratives from external “facts.” It’s also designed to get us to do things that run counter to our own best interests..

    Well this is what I’ve been thinking-about/talking-about/asking-about for the past two years or so.

    Are we surrounded-by/Inundated-with/Immersed-In/assaulted-by MORE LIES than in the past in this country? Or not.

    Is ‘corporate-capitalism’ built on LIES?

    If it is, what does living in such a society ‘do’ to citizens?
    How do the modern-corporate LIES of this society compare to the LIEs of, say, the Roman Empire or the USSR, or other past-societies?
    If we are what i have been calling a Culture-Of-Lies, is there any way…out?

    This is what i have been obsessed with for the last two years.


    “…Campaigners for God, Country and the American Way of Life did not stop when they had crushed radical trade unions and jailed socialist, syndicalist and communist spokespeople. They also bought out and took over the communication apparatus: the press, the schools and colleges, the libraries, the churches, civic organizations, the movies, radio and television. The professions, notably education were purged of subversive teachers, textbooks and ideas. The same men who operated mines, factories and department stores became owners, directors and trustees of the entire communication apparatus. Communication, like merchandising and farming became parts of the big business octopus that was reaching its tentacles into every profit-yielding corner of American life.
    ….Papers that spoke for the Oligarchs and their interests got the advertising. Others died of financial malnutrition….
    ….Book publishers and magazine editors were members of the American Oligarchy. They were not top-flight members; they held their jobs so long as they built readership, got advertising and showed profits on the investment…”
    Making of a Radical, Scott Nearing

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photowv.
    Avatar photozn

    It’s perfect writing too. Like when the mayor says to Dreyfuss’s character, you would love to get your name in National Geographic.

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