the uniform

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    Avatar photozn

    “The Rams also will unveil a completely new logo, uniform set and color scheme. “


    Avatar photowv

    Luckily for us, these decisions will be made by, Corporate Weasels, and their Corporate-Art Departments.

    What could possibly go wrong.

    Maybe the Walmart Smiley Face superimposed behind the horns.

    Maybe just a dollar sign on the helmet,
    only the dollar sign can have a horny curly-Q on it.


    Avatar photoZooey

    Well, I’m sure people are very interested in this, and that whatever they do is going to generate controversy among fans.

    I had originally thought that they would change the logo, and modify the colors based on some sort of blue/white or blue/yellow combo. Then I saw the shape of the stadium roof from above, and thought it looked very similar to the current Rams logo, and thought that must have been done on purpose. I guess not.

    Anyway…the ONE THING they CAN’T do is get rid of the horns. They have to know that.

    They know that, right?

    I mean…they radically change the helmet, and there’s going to be a frenzy.

    Avatar photozn


    Sounds like Demoff is preparing to eff up our uniforms….

    From an article in the Athletic:

    “Our goal has always been to take the historical elements of the Rams uniforms — the colors, the horns, the symbolism — (and) keep those but progress them forward,” Demoff said. “You’re building the most modern and what we believe will be the world’s best sports and entertainment district at SoFi Stadium. You’re investing in all these technological aspects, these futuristic aspects. You can’t just walk in with uniforms that throw back to the 1970s. I just don’t think that that’s the right brand fit for the Rams or this stadium.”

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    DEMOFF: You can’t just walk in with uniforms that throw back to the 1970s.

    Excuse me but, why in the f not.

    The way “fashion” works if you go retro it becomes the new new. So, classic is new.

    It’s not like dictating that the coaches can only watch game film with old 16 mm home projectors.

    Avatar photoZooey

    I’m sorry, but the second somebody utters the phrase “progress them forward,” I’m out.

    I can put up with a lot of things, but you may not tarnish the English language without consequence.

    Avatar photowv

    I’m sorry, but the second somebody utters the phrase “progress them forward,” I’m out.

    I can put up with a lot of things, but you may not tarnish the English language without consequence.


    Demoff might be regressing them backwards.


    Avatar photonittany ram

    I’m sorry, but the second somebody utters the phrase “progress them forward,” I’m out.

    I can put up with a lot of things, but you may not tarnish the English language without consequence.


    Demoff might be regressing them backwards.


    I wish he would regress them onward.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    Anyway…the ONE THING they CAN’T do is get rid of the horns. They have to know that.

    They know that, right?

    I mean…they radically change the helmet, and there’s going to be a frenzy.

    yeah. that’s the one thing they can’t do.

    i’m a little worried.

    Avatar photowv

    Anyway…the ONE THING they CAN’T do is get rid of the horns. They have to know that.

    They know that, right?

    I mean…they radically change the helmet, and there’s going to be a frenzy.

    yeah. that’s the one thing they can’t do.

    i’m a little worried.


    On the one hand, I think there is no way they will screw around with the helmets. Its too iconic. It’d be like changing the star on the Cowboys helmet.

    On the other hand, we know what they did to St.Louis Fans, and how they went about it. So, we know they are totally capable of being lying, weasely dicks, if they think they can make more money.


    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    So, we know they are totally capable of being lying, weasely dicks, if they think they can make more money.


    i think demoff said he was a rams fan growing up? so i’d think the fan in him would recognize the need to keep the horns. but then there’s the side of him that moved the team back to la for more money (well kroenke with demoff carrying out his orders)…

    so… if they saw changing the helmet as a way of rebranding the team…

    i’m a little worried. i don’t think they would. if it was a city other than los angeles, i think the possibility would be stronger that they would change the helmet. but there’s too many ties with that helmet and the city that i don’t think they would want to change it. it creates a connection between the old la rams and the new la rams.
    and i think the old los angeles rams fans would be in an uproar…

    but is that the fanbase he wants to target? i’m a little worried.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    Avatar photozn

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Note that the logo has no yellow in it.

    Only blue and white.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    A side note regarding tradition, etc.

    I might be on an island on this one, but it bothered me a bit, the talk about the storied franchise history of the Cleveland Browns, before the Rams/Browns game.

    In reality, that storied history is in Baltimore now. The Ravens are Jim Brown’s old team. Marion Motley, Leroy Kelly, Lou Groza, Paul Brown, etc. etc. Their team history left Cleveland and moved to Baltimore. What replaced it in 1999 was an expansion team. That ended all continuity with that past, IMO.

    I don’t know how I’d feel as a Cleveland native and fan. Do you continue to root for the franchise in its Baltimore iteration? Or do you accept the new team in Cleveland? Either way, it strikes me as sleight of hand to think of that expansion team as the same thing as the old Cleveland Browns.

    Would hate to have to decide the above if the Rams pulled the same crap. Would I go with the Rams in their new city, under a new name, with a different logo and no horns? Or would I root for the new LA Rams, a team without the slightest connection in reality to the Rams of Deacon, Merlin, Gabe, Warner, Holt, Dickerson, Gurley, etc. etc.?

    Hope I never have to make that choice.

    Avatar photozn

    Note that the logo has no yellow in it.

    Only blue and white.

    If it’s real. Some twitter folk have their doubts.

    Avatar photozn

    the talk about the storied franchise history of the Cleveland Browns, before the Rams/Browns game.

    In reality, that storied history is in Baltimore now.

    Yeah I thought the exact same thing when hearing that.

    Avatar photozn

    Note that the logo has no yellow in it.

    Only blue and white.

    If it’s real. Some twitter folk have their doubts.



    Avatar photoZooey

    I would take that logo. They may have “leaked” it to test the waters. Or it could be somebody trying to promote something, or start an internet rumor, or a host of other motives.

    But I like it, actually. It does combine the two, and I never loved either one of them: the skull, or the newer one. This is a living Ram resembling the old logo. I like it, fwiw.

    Avatar photowv

    I would take that logo. They may have “leaked” it to test the waters. Or it could be somebody trying to promote something, or start an internet rumor, or a host of other motives.

    But I like it, actually. It does combine the two, and I never loved either one of them: the skull, or the newer one. This is a living Ram resembling the old logo. I like it, fwiw.


    Yeah, I like the new-fake-one better too.

    Not that I care about ‘logos’ much. Its the helmets that matter. Its all about the helmets.


    Avatar photoInvaderRam


    i like it.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    ah so it’s fake. i guess it’d be expecting too much from them to actually have gotten it right.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photoInvaderRam.
    Avatar photozn

    ah so it’s fake. i guess it’d be expecting too much from them to actually have gotten it right.

    It could be fake. We really don’t know yet.

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