Well, there you have it–copied and pasted on two of the examples and removed asterisks on another and tied my thumbs in knots on another but no luck. It either shows up large or not at all. Seems whatever I tried did not work. Can we just get a button? I like buttons. I can do buttons.
I edited it so it works now. The asteriks and lines ( _ ) weren’t part of it. My apologies, I screwed up the instructions. (They were too complicated.) I cleared them up in the instructions post plus include them below.
We don’t have a full-time tech, PA. We can’t request buttons. We just have to learn things.
It’s more up to us now. (For example I have to learn to write better instructions.)
Here are the commands without brackets [ ]…you just have to remember to add brackets.
youtube width=”640″ height=”360″