The People Won

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  • #57260

    The cabal of the MSM, DNC and much of the RNC aka the establishment lost. For all those that consider themselves high information bloggers, voters, bullshitters simply because they immerse themselves within the echo chamber of the cabal, you were duped and used as useful idiots. All you had to do was remove yourself from your comfort zone and listen to your fellow americans of all hyphenations and you would have seen the polls of the MSM were utter BS from the very beginning about Trump’s support. You should have realized that about the polls that were wrong about Bernie Sanders support. But you didn’t. This election had better be your wake up message.

    The MSM was so averse to call it for Trump that the announcement of the inevitable was delayed for hours in order to see if there was any way their chosen candidate could pull it out. The NYTimes, no friend of Trump, had him at 305 electoral votes at 11:30 pm and his states still not 100% counted were clearly out of reach of his opponent. Yet we had to wait for hours. This is just the beginning of the dirty tricks that will be made at Trump’s expense during this interim.

    Perhaps a war before Trump gets in office? Don’t put it past the establishment. They are desperate.

    This election victory is the beginning of a transformative movement. A complete repudiation of Obama as well as Dubya and Bubba. Obama had better issue those pardons soon.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T


    You’re a sore winner. Come on, man. Still believing in all the bullshit Trump spewed about this being “rigged”? It may have been rigged in his favor. Ever think about that possibility?

    As for the polls being wrong. They reported what people told them, and the media reported that. Ever consider that maybe the people they polled weren’t always honest about their views?

    There was no conspiracy against your baby fascist candidate. In fact, he had ginormous help from Russia, Wikileaks, the FBI, the GOP and a host of people who protected him by preventing what would have been devastating leaks against him.

    Btw, it looks like Clinton will win the popular vote. She’s up by roughly 230,000 now. If we had popular elections, Trump would have lost.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Now, I know you’re going to say this “proves” you were correct all along. But it doesn’t. All it proves is that Trump was able to energize his base and Clinton couldn’t do that enough for hers. If she had been able to galvanize Obama’s multiracial coalition to the degree he had, Trump would have lost the EVs too. Trump will lose the popular vote, even with that Dem coalition underperforming relative to Obama.

    It’s not a popular “repudiation” of anything. It’s just the same old same old divisions in play, as usual, with one base not showing up enough to win the Electoral college.

    You’re deluding yourself if you think this is going to be “transformative.” It’s actually the last gasp for white nationalists in America. It’s the last election where a white’s only bloc will be pivotal in the generals.


    You’re a sore loser Billy. I expected it. Your posts and threads since the election was called prove it. My thread was offered in the spirit of helping you where you need it. That being your complete detachment from a large majority of americans you never ever considered. Yes large majority since I believe Trump truly won by much more than what was reported.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Now, I know you’re going to say this “proves” you were correct all along. But it doesn’t. All it proves is that Trump was able to energize his base and Clinton couldn’t do that enough for hers. If she had been able to galvanize Obama’s multiracial coalition to the degree he had, Trump would have lost the EVs too. Trump will lose the popular vote, even with that Dem coalition underperforming relative to Obama.

    It’s not a popular “repudiation” of anything. It’s just the same old same old divisions in play, as usual, with one base not showing up enough to win the Electoral college.

    You’re deluding yourself if you think this is going to be “transformative.” It’s actually the last gasp for white nationalists in America. It’s the last election where a white’s only bloc will be pivotal in the generals.

    Yes transformative and utter repudiation of the establishment.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Now, I know you’re going to say this “proves” you were correct all along. But it doesn’t. All it proves is that Trump was able to energize his base and Clinton couldn’t do that enough for hers. If she had been able to galvanize Obama’s multiracial coalition to the degree he had, Trump would have lost the EVs too. Trump will lose the popular vote, even with that Dem coalition underperforming relative to Obama.

    It’s not a popular “repudiation” of anything. It’s just the same old same old divisions in play, as usual, with one base not showing up enough to win the Electoral college.

    You’re deluding yourself if you think this is going to be “transformative.” It’s actually the last gasp for white nationalists in America. It’s the last election where a white’s only bloc will be pivotal in the generals.

    Yes transformative and utter repudiation of the establishment.


    Trump IS the establishment. And just who do you think will control the agenda for the next four years? The GOP. The same exact folks who were there before Trump, along with the same exact Deep State pulling the strings in the background.

    Nothing is going to change. Trump is going to sign legislation handed to him by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. It will be theirs, not his. And unless he becomes dictator — which I’m sure is his wish — he’s not going to be able to do anything about it.

    “Drain the swamp”? How? Please be specific. “Prevent jobs from leaving; bring jobs back home”? How? Trump never, ever, not once, told you how he would do that.

    He’s not the king. I think you’re confused about the way power is shared in our system.

    Avatar photowv

    Well you were right about him winning, bnw. Gotta hand it to ya. You were right.

    I dont agree on all the other stuff as you know. You already know what i think of Trump (and Clinton) so I see no point in repeating the same view for the one thousandth time.

    We’ll see what happens. He’s got the power now.


    Avatar photoBilly_T

    You’re a sore loser Billy. I expected it. Your posts and threads since the election was called prove it. My thread was offered in the spirit of helping you where you need it. That being your complete detachment from a large majority of americans you never ever considered. Yes large majority since I believe Trump truly won by much more than what was reported.

    It’s not majority, bnw. That’s all in your imagination. Neither party commands a majority. Neither one comes close to that. And all of the data points to both candidates being intensely disliked by actual majorities. Both parties are too. Congress, for instance, is usually in single digits when it comes to approval ratings.

    Sorry, but it’s bogus nonsense even try to suggest Trump has majority support, much less large majorities.

    And I live in Trump country. My particular county is roughly 75% GOP. It’s very right wing around these here parts, and I’ve been engaging with right-wingers for decades — offline and online.

    PA Ram

    Well–it’s a very divided country so maybe half the people won. More people actually voted for Clinton so…not everyone is happy with the golden boy.

    But that’s fine.

    You own it. You own it all bnw. I hope you’re right. I hope the country becomes great, although I guess the term “great” means different things to different people. But anyway–you got the House, the senate, the Court and the White House. There is no more blaming all the ills on Dems. It’s yours now. Win, and take the credit. Lose and take the responsibility of failure.

    Oh–and no one, “drained the swamp”. Those guys are still there. The guys who fought to make health care horrible and fought to repeal it 50 times instead of once trying to fix it are still there. And they run it all now.

    Like I said, you own it.

    Good luck.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

    Avatar photowv

    Yeah, so far, Hillary has gotten the most actual Votes:

    “…As of early Wednesday morning, Clinton had 58,909,774 total votes compared to Trump’s 58,864,233, according to CBS News and CNN. The tallies will continue to change but Clinton holds a 47.6 percent lead compared to Trump’s 47.5 percent.

    Unlike the last two presidential elections, which saw current commander-in-chief Barack Obama win both the electoral college and the popular vote over Republicans John McCain and Mitt Romney, there is a chance Trump could be the first to take the country’s highest political office without the popular vote since George W. Bush’s victory over Democrat Al Gore in 2000…”



    How is it a win for the people? Donald Trump is a con artist. I have voted both republican and democrat. But Trump has talked about dumping Planned Parenthood, Social Security, etc. Who is going to build this wall? Where is the money coming from.?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by JackPMiller.

    Well you were right about him winning, bnw. Gotta hand it to ya. You were right.

    I dont agree on all the other stuff as you know. You already know what i think of Trump (and Clinton) so I see no point in repeating the same view for the one thousandth time.

    We’ll see what happens. He’s got the power now.


    Thanks, much appreciated. Indeed we must see what happens. He has to produce. It is a tremendous opportunity.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    You’re a sore loser Billy. I expected it. Your posts and threads since the election was called prove it. My thread was offered in the spirit of helping you where you need it. That being your complete detachment from a large majority of americans you never ever considered. Yes large majority since I believe Trump truly won by much more than what was reported.

    It’s not majority, bnw. That’s all in your imagination. Neither party commands a majority. Neither one comes close to that. And all of the data points to both candidates being intensely disliked by actual majorities. Both parties are too. Congress, for instance, is usually in single digits when it comes to approval ratings.

    Sorry, but it’s bogus nonsense even try to suggest Trump has majority support, much less large majorities.

    And I live in Trump country. My particular county is roughly 75% GOP. It’s very right wing around these here parts, and I’ve been engaging with right-wingers for decades — offline and online.

    Then you have no excuse for being so wrong about this election. Even the 25% or so democrat had support for Trump that you refused to see. Trump most certainly has majority support at this time in the USA.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Well–it’s a very divided country so maybe half the people won. More people actually voted for Clinton so…not everyone is happy with the golden boy.

    But that’s fine.

    You own it. You own it all bnw. I hope you’re right. I hope the country becomes great, although I guess the term “great” means different things to different people. But anyway–you got the House, the senate, the Court and the White House. There is no more blaming all the ills on Dems. It’s yours now. Win, and take the credit. Lose and take the responsibility of failure.

    Oh–and no one, “drained the swamp”. Those guys are still there. The guys who fought to make health care horrible and fought to repeal it 50 times instead of once trying to fix it are still there. And they run it all now.

    Like I said, you own it.

    Good luck.

    We disagree about healthcare but you’re right the time is now to drain the swamp and to Make America Great Again.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    How is it a win for the people? Donald Trump is a con artist. I have voted both republican and democrat. But Trump has talked about dumping Planned Parenthood, Social Security, etc. Who is going to build this wall? Where is the money coming from.?

    He has not talked about dumping Planned Parenthood. His opponents did but not him. He has not threatened Social Security. The US will build the wall and Mexico will pay for it.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Yeah, so far, Hillary has gotten the most actual Votes:

    “…As of early Wednesday morning, Clinton had 58,909,774 total votes compared to Trump’s 58,864,233, according to CBS News and CNN. The tallies will continue to change but Clinton holds a 47.6 percent lead compared to Trump’s 47.5 percent.

    Unlike the last two presidential elections, which saw current commander-in-chief Barack Obama win both the electoral college and the popular vote over Republicans John McCain and Mitt Romney, there is a chance Trump could be the first to take the country’s highest political office without the popular vote since George W. Bush’s victory over Democrat Al Gore in 2000…”


    Again I don’t believe the polls. Never have in regards to Trump. The entire establishment was against him and the polls were their weapon of choice after slander and innuendo.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photozn

    Yeah, so far, Hillary has gotten the most actual Votes:

    “…As of early Wednesday morning, Clinton had 58,909,774 total votes compared to Trump’s 58,864,233, according to CBS News and CNN. The tallies will continue to change but Clinton holds a 47.6 percent lead compared to Trump’s 47.5 percent.

    Unlike the last two presidential elections, which saw current commander-in-chief Barack Obama win both the electoral college and the popular vote over Republicans John McCain and Mitt Romney, there is a chance Trump could be the first to take the country’s highest political office without the popular vote since George W. Bush’s victory over Democrat Al Gore in 2000…”


    Again I don’t believe the polls. Never have in regards to Trump. The entire establishment was against him and the polls were their weapon of choice after slander and innuendo.

    Those are votes. Polls are different.

    And disbelieving vote counts is a “yes I am nothing but a pure partisan” kind of move.


    Avatar photoBilly_T

    This is going to change a lot in the next two weeks or so. Vote totals usually do. But this looks like it’s the latest:

    Clinton: 59,739,748 votes (47.7%)
    Trump: 59,520,091 votes (47.5%)

    Neither candidate has majority support, and Clinton has more total votes than Trump.

    Also, neither, at least so far, has even reached Romney’s losing totals for 2012. And after four more years of additional population, that shouldn’t be the case.

    Obama: 65,915,795 Romney: 60,933,504

    — X —

    Clinton: 59,739,748 votes (47.7%)
    Trump: 59,520,091 votes (47.5%)

    Neither candidate has majority support, and Clinton has more total votes than Trump.

    I wonder how much of that is the result of people not wanting to vote for the other candidate. Meaning, the Never-Trumpers voting for HRC, and the Never-Hillaries voting for DJT. This has been a weird race from top to bottom.

    You have to be odd, to be number one.
    -- Dr Seuss


    This is going to change a lot in the next two weeks or so. Vote totals usually do. But this looks like it’s the latest:

    Clinton: 59,739,748 votes (47.7%)
    Trump: 59,520,091 votes (47.5%)

    Neither candidate has majority support, and Clinton has more total votes than Trump.

    Also, neither, at least so far, has even reached Romney’s losing totals for 2012. And after four more years of additional population, that shouldn’t be the case.

    Obama: 65,915,795 Romney: 60,933,504

    Both Trump and Clinton had high negatives which would depress vote totals. (My apology to zn for only answering with a one-liner that was to the point.)

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    This is going to change a lot in the next two weeks or so. Vote totals usually do. But this looks like it’s the latest:

    Clinton: 59,739,748 votes (47.7%)
    Trump: 59,520,091 votes (47.5%)

    Neither candidate has majority support, and Clinton has more total votes than Trump.

    Also, neither, at least so far, has even reached Romney’s losing totals for 2012. And after four more years of additional population, that shouldn’t be the case.

    Obama: 65,915,795 Romney: 60,933,504

    Both Trump and Clinton had high negatives which would depress vote totals. (My apology to zn for only answering with a one-liner that was to the point.)

    Now you’re talking, bnw. Both Trump and Clinton have high negatives. Record-setting high negatives. Remember, it wasn’t until Republicans decided to tally around him that he could come anywhere close to even a plurality of support. He didn’t have it in the GOP nomination period, ever. He could only manage pluralities among Republicans then, which obviously means no majorities nationwide.

    Plus, overwhelming numbers of blacks, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, Jews and Muslims voted against him. Again, the numbers will change a bit over the course of the next few weeks, but it looks like Trump couldn’t crack 30% with any minority, and he got roughly just 11% of the black vote. His support isn’t widespread. But he got the turnout from his own white-backlash base he needed to win the EVs, but not the popular vote.

    Avatar photozn

    Took out some personal snarl posts. Including some tending that way from me.

    Honest, if I deliver one warning in a day to not make it personally antagonistic, the next step is always deletes.

    And please don’t reply to this. It’s move on time.

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