Just want to mention that the President accused the FBI of attempting a coup today based on a deliberate misreading of an investigation that said the opposite and everyone’s just like ho hum the president makes up imaginary coups all the time no biggie.
Hindu students form a Human chain around Muslim Students as they pray to protect them from India State Police at Jamia Millia University protest in Delhi
Students are protesting the Citizenship act that strips & denies Muslims of citizenship
This is the moment a beluga whale returns a women’s iPhone after she drops it into the water by accident in Hammerfest harbour, Norway. pic.twitter.com/fWqow8ISy7
This is a wireless antenna in California. Network coverage was disrupted by an Acorn woodpecker, a 3 ounce bird stashing an estimated 35-50 gallons/300lbs of acorns. pic.twitter.com/QYdp6ShxXZ