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- This topic has 159 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
October 2, 2020 at 8:57 pm #122061
ModeratorWouldn’t shutting down FOX be a kind of mercy killing?
Why in every meme does she look like she just gave her hubby his birthday BJ and wants him to be happy, but absolutely, positively won’t swallow…
So she’s just stuck there…with her mouth full and this weird awkward smile…thing…on her face.
I dunno. It’s weird.
Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.
October 2, 2020 at 9:42 pm #122069wv
ParticipantTexas Governor Orders Closure of Absentee Ballot Drop-Off Sites
— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) October 3, 2020
October 2, 2020 at 10:02 pm #122070wv
ParticipantOctober 3, 2020 at 12:46 am #122081Zooey
ModeratorWhy in every meme does she look like she just gave her hubby his birthday BJ and wants him to be happy, but absolutely, positively won’t swallow…
So she’s just stuck there…with her mouth full and this weird awkward smile…thing…on her face.
I dunno. It’s weird.
I just want you to know that I would pay above market value to spend a day with you and your family at a BBQ afternoon anywhere.
I really, really wish you would post more here.
October 3, 2020 at 12:57 am #122082Zooey
ModeratorOctober 3, 2020 at 7:38 am #122087wv
ParticipantThe Trump administration helped Amazon block a worker safety initiative — then 20,000 Amazon employees were infected with COVID and Jeff Bezos increased his net worth by $90 billion.
— The Daily Poster (@dailyposter) October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020 at 12:10 pm #122098Zooey
ModeratorWatch this clip to really see how corporate & billionaire funded media is a disciplined propaganda system.
We’re building a grassroots-funded media outlet. We don’t do propaganda.
Subscribe here to help us hire more journalists:
— The Daily Poster (@dailyposter) October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020 at 4:32 pm #122109Zooey
ModeratorKellyanne Conway isn't sick, she just has Alternative Health.
— Translate Trump (@TranslateRealDT) October 3, 2020
October 4, 2020 at 12:44 pm #122144Zooey
ModeratorOctober 4, 2020 at 2:03 pm #122150wv
ParticipantOctober 4, 2020 at 2:18 pm #122152wv
ParticipantLiberals and Leftists both understand that capitalism requires a suffering underclass to function. They differ in whether this is something to be mitigated for the good of capitalism, or something to be ended for the sake of the suffering.
— Michael Coorlim (@mcoorlim) October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020 at 3:21 pm #122162Zooey
ModeratorWhen they say “socialism,” it’s fear-mongering bullshit meant to protect exploitative wealth and greed.
Just sayin’.
— Hope over fear (@Hopeoverfear2) October 1, 2020
October 4, 2020 at 5:14 pm #122163wv
Participantliberalism is the belief that all we need to do is change the people running the system. progressivism is that we only need to change some policies in the system. and leftism is that we need to throw away the system.
— Anil Singh🌹 (@anil_a_singh) October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020 at 5:38 pm #122164wv
ParticipantSocialists’ goal isn’t to destroy liberalism, but to transcend its limitations — pairing civil liberties and other liberal rights with a democratic, egalitarian foundation that makes those rights real.
— Jacobin (@jacobinmag) October 2, 2020
October 5, 2020 at 10:15 am #122219wv
ParticipantJoe Biden has a preposterous definition of the middle class that as president would hamper his ability to enact smart policies.— The Nation (@thenation) October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020 at 12:12 pm #122232wv
ParticipantI hear this from people a lot:
————-Leftist politics are inaccessible to most people because people on the left make people feel dumb for not knowing something and then make them feel even dumber when they finally do realize because they’ll be like “you’re just now realizing this?”
— 💥⭐️clare halacy🌹🦓 (@dontclareenough) October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020 at 12:24 pm #122241wv
ParticipantTrump Declares He’s Healthier Than Ever While Addressing Rally Crowd From Iron Lung
— The Onion (@TheOnion) October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020 at 1:38 pm #122244Zooey
ModeratorWith Kayleigh McEnany testing positive for COVID-19, here’s her in April: ”We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here, we will not see terrorism come here…isn’t that refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama?”
— Khanoisseur 🐶🤦🏻♂️🌎 (@Khanoisseur) October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020 at 2:00 pm #122245Zooey
ModeratorOctober 5, 2020 at 4:52 pm #122258Zooey
ModeratorOctober 5, 2020 at 8:14 pm #122269Zooey
ModeratorOctober 5, 2020 at 9:04 pm #122271Zooey
ModeratorOctober 5, 2020 at 10:21 pm #122283wv
ParticipantWhen asked about Covid-19 and the current failures of our government, Biden always talks about masks but never brings up the fact that we need more Covid relief checks or addresses the homelessness crisis
Not an accident
— Good Morning, Sunday Morning 🥋 (@SocialistMMA) October 6, 2020
October 5, 2020 at 11:17 pm #122290Zooey
ModeratorWhen asked about Covid-19 and the current failures of our government, Biden always talks about masks but never brings up the fact that we need more Covid relief checks or addresses the homelessness crisis
Not an accident
And, btw, he keeps punching left and denouncing Sanders…the ONLY Democrat out on the trail campaigning in person.
October 6, 2020 at 9:13 am #122292wv
ParticipantWhen asked about Covid-19 and the current failures of our government, Biden always talks about masks but never brings up the fact that we need more Covid relief checks or addresses the homelessness crisis
Not an accident
And, btw, he keeps punching left and denouncing Sanders…the ONLY Democrat out on the trail campaigning in person.
Well, its very tempting for leftists like us, to think the best strategy for HIM would be to lean left. But is that really accurate? I am not convinced.
I keep thinking about the senate: 99-1.
If i were a corporate-dem, why in the hell would i trust the folks who got the “1” elected, instead of the folks that got the 99 elected.
Sure the polls say, 60 or 70 percent of folks want M4A etc. But they dont VOTE that way do they. I mean even in a DEM primary, Biden beat Bernie. Straight up. Liberals/Dems had a choice — and they chose AGAINST the leftist.
So why would Biden lean left? If i were his evil-political-adviser I’d tell Biden to do just what he’s doing. Be bland, and lean towards Right-Center. The DNC strategy.
I hate it. But it is what it is.
vOctober 6, 2020 at 10:39 am #122485zn
ModeratorBiden Needs to Stop Talking Down Bernie Sanders and Medicare for All
— Carol (@mplspat) October 6, 2020
October 6, 2020 at 10:46 am #122487zn
ModeratorPete Buttigieg & Beto O’Rourke are young, healthy, & unemployed as neither still hold public office, but it is 79 year old Bernie Sanders who’s the only former presidential contender who’s campaigning in person for Biden & Kamala, when neither of those two are doing so themselves
— nancy pelosi’s sentient $12K fridge👔💡🌹🦺🇵🇸🦦 (@fOrGiVeNcHy) October 5, 2020
October 6, 2020 at 1:15 pm #122504Billy_T
ParticipantFar too much to respond to in recent times. Have been doing my best not to get wound up beyond measure, so have stepped back a bit.
Skimming through the above, could comment about a hundred things. But I’ll try some low-hanging fruit.
The Nation makes a good point about the Middle Class, and the mistaken ways of defining it, but diminishes its own point a bit by using “household” as a metric. That’s a very slippery measure, cuz it can mean several incomes or just one. Far better way to define “Middle Class” is via a single income. Find the median for that, not an entire “household.”
This has been used by the right for decades now to try to make things look less fucked up than they actually are. Cuz, well, prior to the 1970s, one bread-winner could bring home what it takes two or more now — relative to cost of living, etc. etc. And it slowly got worse from there. As in, one bread-winner, no credit card debt, to two bread-winners, plus credit cards, and then all of that plus second mortgages, and then side hustles, Uber, etc. etc.
Time to update the metrics and tell the truth for once, and then compare all of that with the rest of the world which is even more fucked up.
October 6, 2020 at 4:07 pm #122519wv
ParticipantOk, someone explain this one to me. I cannot figure this out at all. Why would Trump do this. Makes zero sense to me. Seems like it would HAVE to hurt him politically. What am i missing?
This right here is Trump basically giving up on the election, he wants out because this pisses off big money and the masses, intentional political suicide
— Michael R. Weinstein, Bookseller #EndTheDuopoly (@fToRrEeEsSt) October 6, 2020
October 6, 2020 at 4:17 pm #122520Zooey
ModeratorWell, its very tempting for leftists like us, to think the best strategy for HIM would be to lean left. But is that really accurate? I am not convinced.
I keep thinking about the senate: 99-1.
If i were a corporate-dem, why in the hell would i trust the folks who got the “1” elected, instead of the folks that got the 99 elected.
Sure the polls say, 60 or 70 percent of folks want M4A etc. But they dont VOTE that way do they. I mean even in a DEM primary, Biden beat Bernie. Straight up. Liberals/Dems had a choice — and they chose AGAINST the leftist.
So why would Biden lean left? If i were his evil-political-adviser I’d tell Biden to do just what he’s doing. Be bland, and lean towards Right-Center. The DNC strategy.
I hate it. But it is what it is.
vI was pondering the old conundrum last night about why so many people vote for the GOP, counter to their own interests. And I was thinking that part of it is that those voters, like Trump supporters, are really low information voters, ya know. Nothing new there. But that doesn’t answer the question. They’re low information either way, so how does the GOP get their allegiance?
And then I thought, well, the GOP appeals to their core…values/lifestyle/myths…whatever. A lot of these people just wanna go to work, have a beer with friends, watch UFC, go to church, shoot some birds, ride their motorbikes, raft the river, whatever. No time to watch BS on the news, or read Atlantic Monthly. It’s not their thing. Life is immediate and local. So the GOP just taps into their gut instincts, their biases, their prejudices, and does so without fearing that they, as governors, will ever be inspected for their actions. These people aren’t following the budgets, or the political movements that swirl in Yemen. The GOP goes straight for the Id, and sometimes the Ego.
Democrats, OTOH, want to REASON with these people. Educate them on how their policies are better for them, and they are amazed when nobody bites that bait.
So…I start wondering WHY the Liberals/Left don’t go for the Id appeals as well. I mean…why not?
And I think that it’s because the Left and Right see other people differently. I am considering that maybe the Right actually has an advantage because they think of the masses as a commodity. People are widgets. They are just a different category of Materials necessary to conduct business on the one hand, and potential consumers of services and products on the other hand. They don’t care about the “human” aspects of their lives whatsoever. They are just there like clay, or steel, or tariffs, or tax breaks…just Things that need to be manipulated to their advantage. Appealing to their Id is just an efficient way to do that.
Liberals and the Left give them a little more credit than that. They see them as people with human concerns. But they see them as uneducated and, frankly, sometimes stupid. They are raw humans, Uncultivated Humans. So they/we are driven to try to appeal to them through a variety of “Don’t you see that THIS is in your best interest, and THAT is not?” kind of things, and then get frustrated when they turn the channel to The Masked Singer. Ultimately, I think that Liberals tend to look DOWN on the masses because they are FAILING TO GRASP THINGS. And the Left tends to be condescending to everybody, including Liberals, and even other Leftists.
Well…they HATE being condescended to. Everybody hates being condescended to. And here is where the Right has an advantage. They aren’t condescending to these people because they don’t place any human value on them in the first place. Nobody gets condescending to a horse because it’s a fucking horse. You harness it, and put it to use. So the Right can saddle up the masses partly because they don’t expect anything from them except their direct service. The left wants to…you know…SAVE them. Make their lives better. And when they don’t cooperate, well, it’s because they are Deplorable. They’re morons. They’re backwoods hicks and rubes and yokels.
So the GOP can bang the identity drums, and the people will march because they hear the drumming, and they feel welcomed.
The Democrats are hamstrung because they are trying to herd cats with shit like “Build Back Better,” whatever the fuck THAT is supposed to mean. And the Democrats don’t really have anything to offer because they aren’t committed to running on anything that will actually change lives. So it’s easy for the GOP to paint them as the party of giving away crap to OTHER people. And that’s totally believable because they certainly aren’t giving anything to ME. To US. To anybody in MY neighborhood. They’re trying to appeal to the masses without offering them a vision of anything other than Hope and Change and Harmony on the one hand, and a tall stack of Policy Papers on the other. Those just aren’t drumbeats that get them very far.
Biden is running as a Rorschach Test. He is largely a vacuum with an invitation to everybody to believe he is whatever they want him to be.
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