the "net guy" on Mike Person

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  • #32062
    Avatar photozn

    “net guy” from summer of 2014:

    Mike Person is just another one of those scrub types the Rams keep around for some reason, if he were any good someone would have drafted him, teams cut players like that for a reason but the Rams keep signing other teams’s castoffs, the Rams should be more like Dallas with all their high draft picks on the OL

    “net guy” from Oct 2015:

    He’s the starter at center for the Falcons and playing well, this is another example of the Rams giving up on talent, how could they let an experienced veteran go when they had such a young line, the Rams should be more like the Falcons who made a cost effective OL picking up guys like Person who the Rams were not smart enough to keep

    Avatar photoZooey

    Is it the same net guy? Because…well…you know. Cuz you posted them. I mean, the irony holds either way, but more interesting if it’s the same guy.

    Those are paraphrases, right? Not actual quotes? (I’m not doubting your ability to paraphrase. I think I maybe have just read too many essays).

    Avatar photozn

    Is it the same net guy? Because…well…you know. Cuz you posted them. I mean, the irony holds either way, but more interesting if it’s the same guy.

    Those are paraphrases, right? Not actual quotes? (I’m not doubting your ability to paraphrase. I think I maybe have just read too many essays).

    Yeah, it’s a fiction of mine. For the purposes of the joke, “net guy” in this instance is the same guy both times. Both remarks are generic paraphrases of things that actually got said (by more than one person). The joke is of course that as I said my fictional “net guy” makes both remarks.


    Avatar photoZooey

    You missed X’s birthday, too, btw. It was Oct 3, I believe. Weirdly, I noticed JackPMiller’s name in the Forums section about a week ago, and I thought, “Hey, where is that guy?” and I clicked on that thread which was a birthday thread, and I saw X on Oct. 3. And I thought, “Hey, that’s this week.”


    More cake.

    Avatar photozn

    You missed X’s birthday, too, btw.


    I need to get better at the birthday part of my job.


    Avatar photoZooey

    You missed X’s birthday, too, btw.


    I need to get better at my birthday part of the job.


    Maybe we could annually celebrate your awareness of that?

    Avatar photozn

    Maybe we could annually celebrate your awareness of that?

    Unless I forget.

    I’m at the stage now where not only do I forget why I am there when I leave the computer for the kitchen, but when I come back I forget what I was doing on the computer.

    You of all people should understand that, Nittany.


    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    I thought the “net guy” = bernie. 😉


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