the mafia tried to kill Kucinich

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    I was wondering whatever happened to Dennis Kucinich, and i came across an odd little drama I never knew about. The mafia tried to kill him when he was a mayor of Cleveland:

    wiki: “….Kucinich was elected Mayor of Cleveland in 1977 and served in that position until 1979.[8] At thirty-one years of age, he was the youngest mayor of a major city in the United States,[3] earning him the nickname “the boy mayor of Cleveland”.[9] Kucinich’s tenure as mayor is often regarded as one of the most tumultuous in Cleveland’s history.[9][10]

    After Kucinich refused to sell Municipal Light (now Cleveland Public Power), Cleveland’s publicly owned electric utility, the Cleveland mafia sought to murder him in a contract killing.[why?] A hit man from Maryland planned to shoot him in the head during the Columbus Day Parade, but the plot fell apart when Kucinich was hospitalized and missed the event. When the city fell into default shortly thereafter, the mafia leaders called off the contract killer.[11]

    The Cleveland Trust Company suddenly required all of the city’s debts be paid in full, which forced the city into default, after news of Kucinich’s refusal to sell the city utility. For years, these debts were routinely rolled over, pending future payment, until Kucinich’s announcement was made public. In 1998, the Cleveland City Council honored him for having had the “courage and foresight” to stand up to the banks, which saved the city an estimated $195 million between 1985 and 1995.[12]….”


    Also, he believes in the “deep state” 🙂

    “…According to The Washington Post, Kucinich “was a rare left-wing voice attacking “the deep state” for undermining the president.”[57] On Sean Hannity’s show, Kucinich said that he believed that there was a deep state intelligence community working against President Trump and that it was “very dangerous to America”, “a threat to our republic” and “a clear and present danger to our way of life.”[81] In February 2017, Kucinich defended Michael Flynn, saying that he was treated unfairly by the intelligence community; in December 2017, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.[88][89] Kucinich defended Trump’s claims that he was being wiretapped; Kucinich claimed that he himself had been wiretapped.[90]

    Kucinich has defended Trump’s efforts to improve relations with Russia.[88]

    Kucinich, who attempted to impeach Bush and Cheney, and said that Barack Obama had done impeachable offenses, criticized some House Democrats for attempting to start impeachment proceedings against President Trump.[82] He said, “The Democratic Party had best be identified with something more than impeachment.”[82] He said that efforts to assess Trump’s mental and physical fitness to be president was “destroying the party as an effective opposition…”



    I am surprised by his apparent defense of Trump.


    The priorities sword cuts both ways.

    The “I can’t get worked up about Russian interference in our election, cuz we did it too” sword works both ways.

    I have no idea why Kucinich would give a shit how the rabid dog, Islamophobe, would-be kidnapper nutcase Flynn was treated by his own community . . . nor can I comprehend anyone caring how Trump was treated by some in the Intel communities he controls.

    It’s never made any sense to me, though I think I get the basic fallacy in place:

    US “deep state” bad; anyone it’s after must be good
    US “deep state” is after the president; the president must be in the right
    US “deep state” is after some of his henchmen; those henchmen must be in the right.
    US “deep state” is bad; it can never do anything for legitimate, justifiable reasons, or target actual guilty parties.

    Of course, the concept of the “deep state” is already deeply flawed, but that’s another story. The main fallacy here is to posit a good versus bad dynamic, regardless, when it’s far more likely that it’s a rational, justified investigation . . . or, at the very least, a “bad versus bad” and never, ever necessary for “bad guys” to fight only “good guys.”

    To make a long story short, I think Kucinich has lost his mind on this one.

    And after reading The Uninhabitable Earth, by David Wallace-Wells — I started a thread on it but haven’t seen it appear yet — I think it’s safe to call Trump a mass murderer on environmental issues alone.

    His policies will literally add tens of millions of humans to the death tolls in the coming years. That’s. Not. Hyperbole.


    That last comment goes to this idea:

    “I can’t get worked up about X because he/she/they did some horrible shit.”

    Trump’s environmental policies alone will cause the additional deaths of tens of millions of human beings.

    Throw in his treatment of refugees — many of whom are victims of US environmental and corporate protection policies — and it becomes even clearer.

    The list goes on and on and on, when it comes to Trump’s beyond-ugly/toxic impact on the world, from a personal and (especially) public policy POV.

    Why anyone wastes a nanosecond trying to defend him is just freakin’ baffling to me.

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