The Indictments

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  • #76705


    Man, twitter is blowing up over this.

    I dunno if folks now, but it was in many cases Twitter investigative journalists…private individuals who found ways get information that has really driven this.

    Especially with the fourth estate exchanging their integrity for access, this wouldn’t have happened without the incessant digging of the twitterverse.

    Lots of it was just bad and/or wrong which turns every twitter user into Ben Bradlee, but at least we get the raw feed.

    Every significant story I’ve seen in the MSM, I’ve seen AND gotten significant depth and detail days or even months before on Twitter.

    Left twitter is not only a real thing, but it’s no joke.

    Manafort was the easiest target, but Flynn is either next or just after.

    The biggest deal is Papadapoulos. It’s likely he wore a wire for at least 3 weeks and maybe even 3 months.

    Apparently, 4 different sources in the WH have confirmed that Trump has asked about resigning. He’s just asking, but it seems pretty clear that if Mueller continues on this track that he’ll do a Nixon and resign and be pardoned, likely by Pence.

    This presumes that Pence doesn’t go first (which, honestly, I’d prefer).

    Everyone who has any authority on this (be they formerly involved with Watergate or former Federal prosecutors) has said the dominoes have started to fall and it doesn’t look good for anyone other than Chris Christie who dodged a bullet being shunned…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Mack, my friend, you-crazy if you think Trump is going to resign OR be impeached.


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