Canada Ram & others: The Disappearing Posts Mystery

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle Canada Ram & others: The Disappearing Posts Mystery

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  • #149903
    Avatar photocanadaram

    I just tried posting an article about Kamren Curl from last year. I copy and pasted the text and included the link, but when I hit “Submit” everything disappeared. This is also what happens I post tweets or edit them when only a link appears. I am feeling like I am my grandparents  when they got their first answering machine in 1989. Technology is passing me by. Is there anything I can do? What am doing wrong?

    EDIT: just a test to see what happens when I edit this. If it works then the problem must be something related to me trying to post information from other websites.

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by Avatar photocanadaram.
    Avatar photozn

    Hi. I just saw this, sry. I don’t often go to the “policies” forum so I missed this.

    In terms of disappearing posts:

    Here’s what happens with what you describe. Our anti-spam protection sometimes gets twitchy about posts with outside links. The solution to that is simple. Go down to the little chat icon on the lower right and leave me a private message, saying a post of mine got snagged by the anti-spam bot. I can then immediately “approve” it. Or you can just put a “help!” post on the board, saying anti-spam got me, and then when I “approve” the disappeared post I will delete the “help!” post.

    In terms of tweets…CR, I know you know some of this, but read on anyway:

    1 Make sure you have the right url. To get that you hit the time or date stamp on the tweet, which is usually at the top for recent tweets but sometimes at the bottom for less recent tweets. It’s whatever gives you either the time or the date of the tweet. When you click on that, the url appears in your own address bar. Copy that from your address bar– that’s the right url. I post some tweets in the next thread with time stamps circled in red.

    2 Never post a tweet with your own prose in the same post. For some forsaken reason, the tweet won’t appear that way. Do it this way instead. Just post the tweet. Then if you want to add writing to the post, hit edit and go back and add your own writing. That way (for reasons that escape me) you will get both the tweet and your own added prose.

    Avatar photozn

    Avatar photocanadaram

    Thanks, zn. I will use this as a reference if I’m ever brave enough to post outside articles/links again

    if memory serves I think that Kam Curl article actually showed up later. Although, maybe I’m misremembering and posted it again or posted a different one.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Avatar photocanadaram.
    Avatar photozn

    if memory serves I think that Kam Curl article actually showed up later.

    I saw it was being held by the anti-spam so I “approved” it. That’s why it appeared.

    Avatar photocanadaram

    if memory serves I think that Kam Curl article actually showed up later.

    I saw it was being held by the anti-spam so I “approved” it. That’s why it appeared.


    Thank you!

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