The Day Seth Meyers Entertained Me

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    …did Seth just say the voters aren’t interested in the Russia thing? …um, maybe someone should tell the democrats that…



    That was funny.

    I’m worried, however, that Trump will be successful in loading up the various departments with his hand-picked CYA guys, and America won’t find out what really happened, or is happening under his regime.

    He’s trying to put friendly hacks (Moore and Cain) at the Fed so they can cut rates again and artificially extend this (incredibly shallow) “recovery.” And, he put a budd at the IRS with McConnell’s hasty help, who will likely block the release of his tax returns. McConnell also broke decades of precedent to reduce the debate time for judges, so Trump can stack the courts.

    Even if the Dems press on with subpoenas, it looks like Trump may have enough judges in his pocket to block them too. It’s basically a race to the bottom and Trump may win it.


    On Russiagate: Trump will benefit twice from Comey’s intrusion on the election of 2016. The DoJ appears to finally want to adhere to their guidelines of not talking about people who haven’t been indicted, which Comey set aside when it came to Clinton.

    Barr came into this with a bias against the investigation, and support for, basically, saying the president is above the law. That he can’t “obstruct.”

    The DoJ says a sitting president can’t be indicted, so that all but means radio silence on what Trump has done. America may never find out, and this has apparently pissed off some on Mueller’s team, who recently said Barr ignored their own summaries for each section of the report — which they said they wrote for public consumption — and that the evidence points to considerable wrongdoing by Trump and his campaign.

    “Can’t indict a sitting president” plus “can’t talk about people who aren’t indicted” stacks the deck against transparency. To me, this is something the America people should care about.

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