the circular firing squad: Sanders v. Warren supporters

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  • #102567

    Quick example of costs:

    A chemo treatment — just one day for me — is roughly 30K. That money is going to have to be covered by Medicare for All, too. If they say no, we’ll have fewer and fewer places offering chemo, which likely will push up prices even higher.

    To me, again, the answer is to decommodify all of it. The chemo drugs, the dispensing of those drugs, the facilities. Once it’s already set up as non-profit and public across the board, you’ve already gotten rid of the “competition” motive/laws of motion. There’s no reason to close up shop because you can’t make enough profit there. No one is in that sector.

    And they’re not going to move overseas. Because pretty much the entire world already pays far less than we do now. They can’t escape to another profit wonderland, because America was basically it.

    Gotta attack the pricing issue at both ends.


    ” we need to lower the costs of care itself, not just the insurance covering it. This can’t happen in a hybrid system of public coverage for for-profit care. It’s just a really bad match. The two sides of the equation have radically different interests, and they’re at odds.”

    I think that point was made clear in the article I attached.


    ” we need to lower the costs of care itself, not just the insurance covering it. This can’t happen in a hybrid system of public coverage for for-profit care. It’s just a really bad match. The two sides of the equation have radically different interests, and they’re at odds.”

    I think that point was made clear in the article I attached.

    The article referred to is way too misleading and comes up short in too many ways. I would say that if that article is anyone’s sole basis for understanding this issue, that person would be far more in the dark than not about all this.

    To provide a different view, the places that have single-payer universal insurance have lower medical costs across the board than we do.

    It certainly a worse system to have both private insurance and private health care. Those 2 things are certainly at odds now, as it is, and the costs right now are out of control, with less to show for it in terms of actual health care outcomes than you find in places with single payer.


    “… for establishment centrists, Warren was emerging as an acceptable alternative to Sanders…”

    Yeah, and this is exactly what i expected. They’d love Biden, but if they think Biden cant win, they’d hold their nose and support Warren.

    Anyone but Bernie for the centrists.

    One wonders if they’d support Trump over Bernie?


    Well, they did before, in large numbers.

    I’ll just put this out there.

    Trump is GOING to get re-elected because the DNC is feckless. Bernie NEVER had a chance and the DNC would rather fundraise another four years on Trump’s tweets than actually engage in representative democracy that is responsible to the constituent base as opposed to corporate donors. That’s why campaign finance was never going to happen.

    I really tried for a minute to hold out hope for a Bernie candidacy, but when the DNC argues in open court that they do not have a fiduciary responsibility to the Bernie supporters who gave money and that they can use the money in any way they like and appoint a candidate in a backroom if they choose because violating their charter is not criminal… well, that was game over.

    I’m glad Bernie is running insofar as he is the gravity to keep this from being a 1981 Republican vs a 2019 Trumpian, but unfortunately, I’m not sure even the gravity of a black hole could move the Dems to the actual center left, let alone to the left (Bernie being on the Center left and all).

    Oh, also, hi all. Mea culpa, I’m an ass for not posting… at all. Between medical issues and my damned “outta sight, outta mind” functioning, I’m just terrible at communicating, it seems.

    Hope this little ray of sunshine finds all of you well. Only the ray of sunshine is meant sarcastically, of course.

    I don’t think the Dems are “feckless” . Just not in tune with most citizens. Here’s an article by Peter Schuck, an emeritus professor of law at Yale. It addresses how the democratic nominees commit “political suicide” when most, if not all, agreed with Harris that people in the country undocumented and who had not committed any crimes should not be deported. The article provides avenues to expand our immigration policies but at the same time not to endanger our sovereignty

    IMO Trump is so bad and dangerous to our institutions and to democracy itself that the 2020 election is so important it no longer should be a matter of choosing one you “agree” with but rather someone who can take on and beat the SOB. But are the Dems smart enough to see that ?


    Here’s another article -this one by a conservative columnist-on how the Dems can and likely will hand the election to Trump by “openly praising socialism, the Green New Deal, the abolition of private insurance, voting rights for incarcerated felons, federal funding of abortion late into pregnancy, confiscatory “wealth taxes”, and even the right to sex-change operations paid for by taxpayers.”

    James Carville would be the first to call it the real “political suicide”. The party needs to open their eyes and realize there are so many republican voters (not those in Congress) who want to dump Trump and would vote for a Dem nominee-but advocating for the above won’t do it for them. Moreover that segment of voters that stayed home in 2016-namely the African American voter-won’t accept those policies either. And we do need those voters to counter the “deplorables” that Trump will be driving to the poles especially if the Dems are advancing the above policies. Talk about “political suicide”. We just don’t get it !


    Here’s another article -this one by a conservative columnist-on how the Dems can and likely will hand the election to Trump by “openly praising socialism, the Green New Deal, the abolition of private insurance, voting rights for incarcerated felons, federal funding of abortion late into pregnancy, confiscatory “wealth taxes”, and even the right to sex-change operations paid for by taxpayers.”

    James Carville would be the first to call it the real “political suicide”. The party needs to open their eyes and realize there are so many republican voters (not those in Congress) who want to dump Trump and would vote for a Dem nominee-but advocating for the above won’t do it for them. Moreover that segment of voters that stayed home in 2016-namely the African American voter-won’t accept those policies either. And we do need those voters to counter the “deplorables” that Trump will be driving to the poles especially if the Dems are advancing the above policies. Talk about “political suicide”. We just don’t get it !


    Well basically what i hear you saying is, “the Dems can only win if they put up a ‘centrist’ against Trump.”

    You may be right. Or, you just may be selectively seeing things that way because ‘you’ want a centrist President/candidate.

    I dunno.

    This country may very well be so far in the toilet that an FDR-type Dem cant win. Could be that only more Clinton-Corporatists are on the way.

    My own view is too dark for long posts anymore 🙂

    I was visiting Cape May in New Jersey a few weeks ago. And i walked along a boardwalk and chatted with a lot of young folks working at all the little touristy-shops. Lots of foreign kids were spending their summers in America, working at the beach. Girls from Croatia, boys from Sweden, etc. Everyone I talked to had an accent. So anyway, I asked them about Americans. There was a consensus among the foreign kidz — Americans are very stupid, and they ‘dont care.’

    Stupid, and, they dont care. (about the environment, etc)

    I agreed with them. Cept, I understand ‘why’ American are ‘stupid’ and ‘dont care’.

    Corporate-Capitalism made them stupid and selfish.

    At any rate, you may very well be right. Stupid, Selfish, Propagandized Americans may very well only vote for a Trump or a Centrist.

    Btw, its good to see you and Mack on the lil Board. We’re all gettin Old.
    Did you ever get a new Dog?


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by wv.

    Hey, WV, check your email inbox.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Here’s another article -this one by a conservative columnist-on how the Dems can and likely will hand the election to Trump by “openly praising socialism, the Green New Deal, the abolition of private insurance, voting rights for incarcerated felons, federal funding of abortion late into pregnancy, confiscatory “wealth taxes”, and even the right to sex-change operations paid for by taxpayers.”

    James Carville would be the first to call it the real “political suicide”. The party needs to open their eyes and realize there are so many republican voters (not those in Congress) who want to dump Trump and would vote for a Dem nominee-but advocating for the above won’t do it for them. Moreover that segment of voters that stayed home in 2016-namely the African American voter-won’t accept those policies either. And we do need those voters to counter the “deplorables” that Trump will be driving to the poles especially if the Dems are advancing the above policies. Talk about “political suicide”. We just don’t get it !


    Well basically what i hear you saying is, “the Dems can only win if they put up a ‘centrist’ against Trump.”

    You may be right. Or, you just may be selectively seeing things that way because ‘you’ want a centrist President/candidate.

    I dunno.

    This country may very well be so far in the toilet that an FDR-type Dem cant win. Could be that only more Clinton-Corporatists are on the way.

    My own view is too dark for long posts anymore

    I was visiting Cape May in New Jersey a few weeks ago. And i walked along a boardwalk and chatted with a lot of young folks working at all the little touristy-shops. Lots of foreign kids were spending their summers in America, working at the beach. Girls from Croatia, boys from Sweden, etc. Everyone I talked to had an accent. So anyway, I asked them about Americans. There was a consensus among the foreign kidz — Americans are very stupid, and they ‘dont care.’

    Stupid, and, they dont care. (about the environment, etc)

    I agreed with them. Cept, I understand ‘why’ American are ‘stupid’ and ‘dont care’.

    Corporate-Capitalism made them stupid and selfish.

    At any rate, you may very well be right. Stupid, Selfish, Propagandized Americans may very well only vote for a Trump or a Centrist.

    Btw, its good to see you and Mack on the lil Board. We’re all gettin Old.
    Did you ever get a new Dog?


    I’ve had the same Springer Spaniel for 8 yrs. Her b/d is the same as mine. Yes I do want a centrist to run but the reason is because I believe that is the only chance Trump can be beaten. I also believe that kids these days have lost or never had a real sense of values. But I don’t think that’s the fault of corporations. I’ve said this often: the adults that should be having children are not and those who shouldn’t are. To me that explains more than Corporacracy.


    I also believe that kids these days have lost or never had a real sense of values.

    I just don’t see that at all. Even in the least. Speaking as the father of 2 20-somethings plus the father-in-law of 2 more 20-somethings. I have some familiarity with their world and to me, it’s not what you’re describing. So fwiw we’re just experiencing that whole question (kids these days) differently.


    I also believe that kids these days have lost or never had a real sense of values.

    I just don’t see that at all. Even in the least. Speaking as the father of 2 20-somethings plus the father-in-law of 2 more 20-somethings. I have some familiarity with their world and to me, it’s not what you’re describing. So fwiw we’re just experiencing that whole question (kids these days) differently.

    What do you think of Eliz Warren? And Tulsi?



    What do you think of Eliz Warren? And Tulsi?


    I like how they don’t have to be prompted to stay on topic.

    Just personally? I like Tulsi better than Warren. Warren as a personality is fine, but in terms of policies, still has too much of the dem establishment feel to her for my liking. I don’t know if she’s as bad as Obama when it comes to that.

    nittany ram

    I agreed with them. Cept, I understand ‘why’ American are ‘stupid’ and ‘dont care’.

    Corporate-Capitalism made them stupid and selfish.


    I’m probably over-generalizing here but I think Europeans are more community-centered than Americans. Americans tend towards individualism.

    Europeans travel a lot more than Americans. Visiting other countries gives you a whole new perspective on things. It promotes thinking globally. It helps you care about how stuff impacts other people.


    What do you think of Eliz Warren? And Tulsi?


    I like how they don’t have to be prompted to stay on topic.

    Just personally? I like Tulsi better than Warren. Warren as a personality is fine, but in terms of policies, still has too much of the dem establishment feel to her for my liking. I don’t know if she’s as bad as Obama when it comes to that.


    I’ll have to check who gives them money, sometime. It was purty easy to see Obama was gonna be Obama just by looking at how much Goldman Sachs was giving his campaign.

    I suspect Warren is just another corp-dem running as a liberal-Dem.

    Tulsi is a different animal. I have no idea what her domestic policies are, but she’s the onliest Dem candidate (Bernie included) who is flat-out challenging the military-industrial-deep-state-empire thingy. And for that alone she has my complete-utter-respect. Its a very sad state of affairs when only one marginal candidate opposes bloody-Empire.

    You seem to be more hopeful about this Nation-of-Fucked-Up-Ness. I dont know why you still have hope. Why do you still have hope? What kind of hope is it?
    …it it that type of hope where you always think the Rams new draft class is gonna be good ? 🙂



    You seem to be more hopeful about this Nation-of-Fucked-Up-Ness. I dont know why you still have hope. Why do you still have hope? What kind of hope is it?
    …it it that type of hope where you always think the Rams new draft class is gonna be good ?

    Well before the election I also was outspoken about my belief that a Trump presidency would be even worse than people were thinking it would be. I try to be a hardcore realist on how things are going, and what the system is and how it functions, and what the blindspots are, and so on. No one person can keep up with all of that, but, I make a fair effort.

    And there’s always hope.

    Me, along with trying to be a realist, I also admire, respect, enjoy, value, and so on, the actions and resistances and moments where there’s a difference. People, movements, spontaneous things. Can’t help how that sounds (I guess it sounds a little pedantic) but it still descibes how I tend to be about things.

    Anyway, if things always stayed the same we would all be Roman slaves.


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