Cooper Kupp afterwards…update: signs w/ Seattle

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle Cooper Kupp afterwards…update: signs w/ Seattle

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  • #155545
    Avatar photojoemad

    My humble submissions…

    There’s elements missing. So I don’t think they qualify.

    1. Must be late in a post-season game.
    2. Must be a close game.
    3. The play in question has a do-or-die, absolute game deciding effect.
    4. Must lead–either immediately or in that post-season–to a super bowl win.
    5. I, zn, must agree with the choice.

    There is another, lower, less demanding tier of plays that have much less strict criteria. In fact they don’t even always have to result in a win. In this next tier down, the play is named after the player. The key here is that when they are named, every Rams fan automatically knows the play–no further explaining needed.


    Ferragamo to Waddy.
    Faulk against the Browns in 99.
    Faulk stands Hakim up.
    Donald beats the Bengals on the final play.
    Donald strip sacks Mahomes.

    Two more in OT.

    Everett to Flipper through the tunnel in the Meadowlands in OT… there is no love for the Anaheim Rams on this board….

    Props to special teams….Greg the leg, at the time.. it was the longest playoff game winning kick to seal an improbable comeback in New Orleans and all the events leading that comeback including Johnny Hekker’s clutch first down pass on a fake punt to swing momentum in that game.

    Avatar photozn

    Avatar photoZooey

    Only the first minute of this is about Kupp.

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