Texas Rangers and other discussions

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    On the Rams-Board there’s a thread about the Washington R’s changing their name. And there’s also a post in that thread about the Texas Rangers nickname. (I hadnt even thot of that whole issue)

    Made me pause and think about the real or potential value of these Statue/Nickname instances. To state the obvious, one of the most important aspects to this is — the discussions/learning experiences of young people. Think about the teenagers in Texas — how often do you think they have had an opportunity to read/hear/discuss the actual history of the Texas Rangers? For informed leftists none of this is new, but for those teens in Texas, the discussions could lead to actual learning about actual history, for the first fucking time in some of their lives.
    It could lead to Howard Zinn vids/books. It could lead to an increase in the young leftist population. Perhaps.

    It makes me smile. The statue thing. The nickname thing. I dont give a shit about the symbolism…but theres all that… discussion. All that history opening up to these kids. For the first time, for many of them.

    Something to pause and smile about.


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