Taibbi on the thingie

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Taibbi on the thingie

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    Lat word on this topic, at least for a little while, I promise.


    WV can and does argue his case without bashing other leftists, or calling them “fake.” He can make his case on the merits of his own views, and avoid attacking those who differ.

    He’s repeatedly shown how to do this. I wish he could “coach up” others when it comes to the how-tos. Perhaps set up a camp, one for rookies first and then vets.


    I read a biography by radical-turned-liberal T.Hayden a few years back (posted about it). He described his experiences in the 60’s and 70’s etc. The one thing that stood out to ‘me’ was — leftists tore themselves apart, with ‘purists’ vs ‘reformers’ and all kinds of ‘factions.’

    I read some books recently about the black panthers. What stood out to me (besides all the drug problems)
    was, again, leftists destroying each other with factions and the purist vs reformer battles.

    What I’ve noticed on leftist message boards is — leftist reformers battling leftist purists and factionalism destroying everything.

    Apparently its just almost impossible for leftists to create much solidarity. And if they do manage to do it (through some charismatic leader) it dont last long.

    Have a nice day

    wv curmudgeon

    That’s too purist for me. I would NEVER say “it’s just almost impossible to create solidarity.” I think the more accurate statement would be, sometimes it can be nearly impossible to create solidarity.

    But have it your way if you must, Mussolini.


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