super Tuesday thread

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  • #111905

    Zooey: This thing is nowhere being over. All yesterday did was show the likelihood that neither candidate will have enough pledged delegates to decide on the 1st ballot at the convention. Thus we have a brokered convention and all delegates are free from their pledges, after the initial ballot-Unfortunately that will -I believe-include the dreaded super delegates. What the democrats need to do is to avoid the super delegates from deciding the nomination-something that would cast suspicion on the electoral much like the Clinton nomination in 2016. In order to do that those previously pledged delegates-now free-must get together to push one candidate over the top so as to avoid the super delegate issue. Yes there will be “negotiations” at that point-something that is always in play.

    Given what you wrote above I assume if Biden is the nominee you will vote for him in the race against Trump. Just so you know if Sanders is the nominee I will vote for him and even work on his behalf.


    I don’t know, W. If we didn’t have the Electoral College, and the popular vote actually determined the winner, I would be in a serious pickle. As it is, California is not going to go to Trump no matter how I vote. My vote counts only as a personal statement, not as a vote. I’m not as deep in despair as WV is, though I’m not far from it. I have kids, though. I can’t give up. I do not want them to suffer because of climate catastrophe.

    My wife and I were gently chiding our daughter the other day over her teenage fondness for junk food, and she said, “It doesn’t matter. Climate change is going to kill me before this does.”

    My wife chuckled. I didn’t.


    Zooey: This thing is nowhere being over. All yesterday did was show the likelihood that neither candidate will have enough pledged delegates to decide on the 1st ballot at the convention. Thus we have a brokered convention and all delegates are free from their pledges, after the initial ballot-Unfortunately that will -I believe-include the dreaded super delegates. What the democrats need to do is to avoid the super delegates from deciding the nomination-something that would cast suspicion on the electoral much like the Clinton nomination in 2016. In order to do that those previously pledged delegates-now free-must get together to push one candidate over the top so as to avoid the super delegate issue. Yes there will be “negotiations” at that point-something that is always in play.

    Given what you wrote above I assume if Biden is the nominee you will vote for him in the race against Trump. Just so you know if Sanders is the nominee I will vote for him and even work on his behalf.

    Black, black, black Wednesday. Black day for poor people. Black day for Polar Bears. Black day for poor and sick people, with no health care. Black day for people who care about Peace and Justice.

    Well, i wouldnt vote for Biden if you put a gun to my head. I’ll be voting Green again. Yall, do what feels right to you. I will never do the ‘lesser evil’ thing again. Too late in the game for me to do that. Just wouldnt feel right, voting for a Biosphere-Killer. Its all symbolic at this point, but I dont want my name on a ballot voting for a Killer.

    And thankyou California. How did THEY not get all dummed-down? How did ‘that’ happen?

    Oh, and Fuck the South.

    Carry on,

    A black day for people who care about Peace and Justice? All those who voted for Biden don’t care about those issues ? I don’t care about those issues ? My wife doesn’t care ? My friends don’t care? Just plain silliness. All you are saying is that if one doesn’t agree with you they are of a lesser sort. Moreover, what you are saying above is that in your mind anyone running who is not a “progressive” is far worse than Trump and does not give a rat’s ass about “Peace and Justice”. Go ahead-vote green if you must- make a statement.


    Go ahead-vote green if you must- make a statement.


    I intend to vote my conscience. Go ahead and do the same.

    And yes, its a black black black day for the Biosphere, the Polar Bears, Poor People in America, and Poor People who will be bombed by Biden/Trump.



    African-American vote seems to be hammering Sanders. Biden linked to Obama. Ah well.



    The view from Fox – “are the Democrats really gonna do this”


    Go ahead-vote green if you must- make a statement.


    I intend to vote my conscience. Go ahead and do the same.

    And yes, its a black black black day for the Biosphere, the Polar Bears, Poor People in America, and Poor People who will be bombed by Biden/Trump.


    I don’t claim to know a great deal about American politics. I understand that Sanders is further left than Biden, though. Furthermore, I read threads here periodically, so I have a cursory understanding of how people on this board feel about the candidates. I clearly don’t know enough about Biden’s history beyond being Obama’s VP, however. Will Biden’s policies really be the same as Trump’s? Biden doesn’t seem as overtly obnoxious as I find Trump to be, but will he continue with tax cuts and the gutting of institutions designed to protect the environment and the marginalized?

    I’m interested to read how Sanders supporters will vote if Bernie isn’t the Democratic nominee. Last year, in our federal election I voted strategically for the first time ever. Faced with the prospects of a Conservative government, I didn’t vote for progressive candidate that I actually preferred. It was spineless on my part and I still feel crappy about I, but I know that I would have been miserable had the Conservatives gained power. I doubt I will vote that way again however. I do wonder if it will be too late by then though.



    I am particularly interested in how to get poor whites and poor blacks on the same page. A strategy there could be transforming.


    It’s amazing to me that Carlson can say what he says without bursting into endless laughter. I’m betting he does when he goes home and reviews his own shows.

    Yes, he is correct that the Dem establishment is corporatist. Obviously. No question. But he wants Americans to believe that the GOP isn’t? that Republicans like him are some kind of antidote to that? that Trump himself is the antidote? Come on. Stop with the gaslighting already.

    His assertion that Dems control every lever of power in America is beyond absurd, as the GOP controls the Executive, the Senate, most states, and the Judiciary, and even when the Dems have nominal control over these things, they tend toward complicity with the American right, which includes the GOP.

    Intel, the military, the police, the border, and our economy, our trade policies, our environmental policies . . . have forever and a day been under the thumb of the political right (via both parties), which Carlson pimps for and represents. Sheebus, but he’s such a baldfaced liar. It’s amazing to me that he’s managed to paint Trump as the victim here of a deep state power play, when that deep state, if it exists at all, is decidedly on Carlson’s side of the political aisle.

    About the only thing he got right was to say that Academia was dominated by the left. No other aspect of American life is. Just Academia. “Scary leftists” exist, with few exceptions, there and nowhere else.

    Carlson is a fraud on steroids.


    Deeds not words. As George (GOT) Martin says, words are wind.

    If Carlson could point to actual anti-corporate actions by Trump and the GOP, he could at least begin to make an argument that the GOP is the antidote. But he can’t. They slashed corporate taxes from 35% to 21%; radically deregulated business even more than it was already deregulated; and sped up privatization — including public lands for fossil fuel companies. They’ve been a thousand fold better for corporate America than the Dems, and the Dems have been berry berry good to them.

    Any leftist pissed off at the Dems’ neoliberalism should be absolutely furious at the GOP’s version. It’s soft neoliberalism versus high test. Hell, the GOP recently blocked a Dem bill trying to prevent price gouging by Big Pharma in the wake of the coronavirus. The list is endless when it comes to GOP support for the worst of the worst corporate America practices. Yeah, the Dems are complicit, and they suck, but the GOP is outright aggressively proactive on their behalf.

    Aspirational versus reality: We live in a binary political world, tragically. There is no aspect of American life in which the GOP is the better choice. None. No how. No way. Carlson’s gaslighting is all too obvious.


    Deeds not words. As George (GOT) Martin says, words are wind.

    If Carlson could point to actual anti-corporate actions by Trump and the GOP, he could at least begin to make an argument that the GOP is the antidote. But he can’t. They slashed corporate taxes from 35% to 21%; radically deregulated business even more than it was already deregulated; and sped up privatization — including public lands for fossil fuel companies. They’ve been a thousand fold better for corporate America than the Dems, and the Dems have been berry berry good to them.

    Any leftist pissed off at the Dems’ neoliberalism should be absolutely furious at the GOP’s version. It’s soft neoliberalism versus high test. Hell, the GOP recently blocked a Dem bill trying to prevent price gouging by Big Pharma in the wake of the coronavirus. The list is endless when it comes to GOP support for the worst of the worst corporate America practices. Yeah, the Dems are complicit, and they suck, but the GOP is outright aggressively proactive on their behalf.

    Aspirational versus reality: We live in a binary political world, tragically. There is no aspect of American life in which the GOP is the better choice. None. No how. No way. Carlson’s gaslighting is all too obvious.


    Well I agree with every word you said about Tucker, BT.

    But thats all just a ‘given’ to me. The reason i posted it was to give a clue about how Fox will cover Biden. Looks like they will hit on “establishment tool” and “dottering old senile puppet” and “Obama, Obama, Obama”.



    I don’t claim to know a great deal about American politics. I understand that Sanders is further left than Biden, though. Furthermore, I read threads here periodically, so I have a cursory understanding of how people on this board feel about the candidates. I clearly don’t know enough about Biden’s history beyond being Obama’s VP, however. .

    Biden is the Establishment’s Choice. The CIA choice.

    Here’s what the Establishment is:

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