Strong speech on women by Michelle Obama

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    This, along with her speech from the Democratic Convention had me thinking: If she had run in 2016, this race would have been over months ago. She would be leading Trump by 30 points.

    She inspires the young; people of color love her; she’s respected around the world. Put aside whether or not her policies would be any good, she would crush Trump. Trump is extremely lucky he’s running against a relatively poor candidate in HRC, with a ton of baggage and a relentless enemy in Julian Assange. HRC will likely defeat the odious, racist, fascist, misogynist Trump anyway, but it may well be close. There are dozens of other people who could have run and put him away by overwhelming numbers.

    Unfortunately, the way the duopoly has rigged the system, no one from outside the two major parties has a chance. But there are dozens of Democrats who could have crushed Trump. It’s a shame they felt the need to basically clear the field for her. They needed a stronger candidate to go up against perhaps the worst, most destructive, most despicable candidate for the presidency in American history.


    What do you think of this tactic by the Trump machine — linking Hillary to Beyonce and ‘vulgar’ lyrics — it did make me pause…



    What do you think of this tactic by the Trump machine — linking Hillary to Beyonce and ‘vulgar’ lyrics — it did make me pause…

    Lyrics aren;t descriptions of one’s own actions.

    If I sang this (from Muddy Waters, “Satisfied”)

    Well I feel like snappin’
    Pistol in your face
    I’m gonna let some graveyard
    Lord be your resting place
    Woman I’m troubled, I be all worried in mind
    Well baby I can never be satisfied
    And I just can’t keep from cryin’

    Doesn;t mean I am threatening to murder someone or that I cry a lot.


    What do you think of this tactic by the Trump machine — linking Hillary to Beyonce and ‘vulgar’ lyrics — it did make me pause…


    To me, it’s pure desperation and deflection (on Trump’s part) and has at least a subtext of racism to boot. Trump’s “lewd language” (in itself) isn’t the issue. He’s bragging that he did these things. He’s bragging that he routinely does these things — sexually assault women. That’s just light years from a generalized fandom of a particular singer — who, of course, isn’t running for president.

    IMO, it wouldn’t even be close if HRC said she liked those particular lyrics, which has never happened. Again, because Trump bragged that he routinely sexually assaulted women, and Beyonce isn’t running for prez. Plus, we all (most likely) like singers, actors, writers, painters, etc. etc. who have said or done questionable things. Our appreciation of their work doesn’t mean we endorse “the bad stuff.” It’s not a good assumption that we agree with everything they say or do, or support everything, etc. etc.


    Deflection appears to be 90% of what Trump and his supporters rely on.

    Change the subject.

    Don’t deal with the issue; change the focus somewhere else.

    And this is amusing, btw, if you haven’t seen it.

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