Spider carries mouse up the side of a refrigerator

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  • #56086
    nittany ram

    I think I should add Australia to my list of potential places to move. I like New Zealand because I don’t think anybody cares about NZ one way or another, so they will never be on anybody’s hit list. They speak English, and they allow no nukes. But maybe I should consider Australia, too. Cool, killer animals, and lots of open space.

    And English.

    nittany ram


    No thanks.

    I don’t want to live in a country where I could find Shelob clinging to the side of my refrigerator.


    Spiders probly wont be carrying shellfish up the side of refrigerators too much longer.


    Climate change: Scientists seek to find the ‘tipping point’ of ocean acidification around NZ

    “…Ocean acidification, often receiving less public attention than other major climate change impacts like sea level rise and violent storms, is increasingly concerning scientists because of the global threat it poses to coral communities and shellfish aquaculture.

    It’s driven by increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is absorbed by oceans and causes pH levels to drop and waters to become more acidic.

    Scientists are particularly worried about the survival of organisms that have shells composed of calcium carbonate, ranging from corals to shellfish, as it becomes more difficult to grow and maintain in a more acidic ocean.

    In a new study, the first of its kind in the world, New Zealand researchers will test how microbes in near-shore sediments respond to pH levels simulated to reflect those projected in 50 years’ time….” see link


    PA Ram

    Husband: Okay, honey—-mouse problem is solved.

    Wife: Oh, great! Can I get off the chair now?

    Husband: Well……

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick

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