No, it was me. I don’t know what I did but I have trouble maneuvering through the site when on my cell phone. All I know is one moment I was looking at the thread and the next it was gone.
Or it could have been one of the other mods trying to set me up.
They are a shiftless, ruthless lot who are not above framing a peer for personal gain. They are like the Loki to my Thor.
Well, I dont think either Loki or Thor could stand up to
a giant radiated Guacamole Marquezi spider, once it got its urticating butt hairs
all inflamed. Just so you know. This is science, I’m talkin about.
…it jabs its butt bristles, or urticating hairs, straight into its foes.
“Urticating hairs are used as defense against natural enemies,” Carlos Perafán, a biologist from the University of the Republic in Uruguay, said in an email. “These hairs are different from hairs covering the body of tarantulas because they have a penetrating tip, which allows the hair to embed in the skin or mucous membranes and cause irritation….”