Some Christian pastors praised the slaughter at Pulse.

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    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Protest at church’s praise for Orlando massacre reveals California’s fault lines

    On Sunday, while Florida investigators were still trying to identify the dozens of bodies lying inside Pulse nightclub as families begged for information, Jimenez delivered a 45-minute sermon applauding the shooting.

    “There’s no tragedy,” Jimenez said in his speech, which was posted on YouTube and quickly went viral, before the site removed it for violating its policy on hate speech.

    “I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put a firing squad in front of them, and blow their brains out.”
    Men guard the door at the Verity Baptist church.
    Men guard the door at the Verity Baptist church. Photograph: Sam Levin for the Guardian

    In the face of international outrage, Jimenez didn’t back down, instead telling a local reporter outside his door: “When people die who deserve to die, it’s not a tragedy.”

    While many stories have emerged of Christians and LGBT people uniting in the wake of the horrific violence, the Jimenez controversy sheds light on the overt bigotry that is still pervasive in pockets of the country – even in a liberal state like California.

    IMO, there is a problem trying to force Christianity into a “liberal” reading, open to all people, welcoming and loving to all, if we take its texts literally. Again, if we take them literally. The god of the bible, by word and deed, is easily the most evil of all father-gods in organized religion, committing frequent genocides, calling for still others, exhibiting sadistic levels of racism, homophobia and misogyny on a regular basis. The Christian pastor is correct when he says that the god of the bible calls for the death penalty for same sex relations. Which is just one more reason, among myriad others, why we should never, ever use the bible as a guide for how to live in this world. Of course, that god ALSO calls for the death penalty for the following, which Jimenez likely never talks about:

    Getting tattoos
    Eating shellfish
    Planting more than one crop in the same field
    Wearing mixed fabrics
    Talking back to your parents
    Being an unruly child
    Failing to be a virgin bride on your wedding night
    Failing to scream out loudly enough while being raped in the city
    Divorce (which is considered adultery)

    Death penalties for the above. There are dozens more as well. And, of course, if taken literally, the Christian End of Days means the mother of all genocides, with billions of non-Christians slaughtered and condemned to eternal torment in the Christian hell.

    IMO, humans will never become what we could be — loving, accepting of others, embracing others, open to the full diversity of life on this planet — as long as organized religions hold sway. And, IMO, the worst of the worst is Christianity, followed by Islam. Judaism, as the basis for the other two, has its own “cross” to bear in this as well. But its effects have been muted over time.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    I don’t know which one is the worst, but religion as a whole is certainly an anchor holding back progress. I don’t know if a any sort of global ‘utopia’ is actually possible but I know it isn’t possible as long as religion exists. So on that point we certainly agree.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photonittany ram.
    Avatar photoBilly_T

    I don’t know which one is the worst, but religion as a whole is certainly an anchor holding back progress. I don’t know if a any sort of global ‘utopia’ is actually possible but I know it isn’t possible as long as religion exists.

    We agree on that one, definitely.

    I also don’t think “utopias” are possible. Perhaps they’re not even desirable. But I do believe we can do immensely better. Doing much better is the key for me. We have a ton of room between our current barbarism and that utopian high.

    I’m reading a biography of the Romanovs right now, and judging from the norms of the 16th, 17th and early 18th centuries — I’m up to 1740, roughly — we’ve already reduced a great deal of commonplace barbarism in the world. Obviously, we have tremendous work still ahead. But it gives me some hope for the future.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photoBilly_T.
    Avatar photonittany ram

    I don’t know which one is the worst, but religion as a whole is certainly an anchor holding back progress. I don’t know if a any sort of global ‘utopia’ is actually possible but I know it isn’t possible as long as religion exists.

    We agree on that one, definitely.

    I also don’t think “utopias” are possible. Perhaps they’re not even desirable. But I do believe we can do immensely better. Doing much better is the key for me. We have a ton of room between our current barbarism and that utopian high.

    I’m reading a biography of the Romanovs right now, and judging from the norms of the 16th, 17th and early 18th centuries — I’m up to 1740, roughly — we’ve already reduced a great deal of commonplace barbarism in the world. Obviously, we have tremendous work still ahead. But it gives me some hope for the future.

    Well, I wish I had your optimism but I have no hope for mankind’s future. I see a toddler and I cringe when I think of the world he or she will inherit. I think humanity has two, maybe three generations left.

    Avatar photoBilly_T

    Well, I wish I had your optimism but I have no hope for mankind’s future. I see a toddler and I cringe when I think of the world he or she will inherit. I think humanity has two, maybe three generations left.


    I think that way, too, at times. I go back and forth between a sense of abject hopelessness and hope. It kinda depends on the day.


    “According to Islamic law (in the first verse quoted above), the following two crimes can be punishable by death:

    Intentional murder
    Fasad fil-ardh (“spreading mischief in the land”)
    Intentional Murder

    The Qur’an legislates the death penalty for murder, although forgiveness and compassion are strongly encouraged. The murder victim’s family is given a choice to either insist on the death penalty, or to pardon the perpetrator and accept monetary compensation for their loss (2:178).
    Fasaad fi al-ardh

    The second crime for which capital punishment can be applied is a bit more open to interpretation. “Spreading mischief in the land” can mean many different things, but is generally interpreted to mean those crimes that affect the community as a whole, and destabilize the society. Crimes that have fallen under this description have included:
    Treason / Apostacy (when one leaves the faith and joins the enemy in fighting against the Muslim community)
    Land, sea, or air piracy
    Homosexual behavior

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Well, I wish I had your optimism but I have no hope for mankind’s future. I see a toddler and I cringe when I think of the world he or she will inherit. I think humanity has two, maybe three generations left.


    I think that way, too, at times. I go back and forth between a sense of abject hopelessness and hope. It kinda depends on the day.

    Far too negative IMO. Should look around and notice what is beautiful and those things that give good cause for hope. There is so much out there and its up to you to notice. FWIW

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I saw sound bites from several “Baptist” preachers after Orlando. Unbelievable and totally disgusting that there are people alive in this country in the 21st century that can actually spew out that type of vitriol, especially after so many fellow Americans were just butchered.

    BNW: I find it highly ironic that you are telling other posters that they are being too negative when it is the very policies you support that have made them so world weary. Can you see that?


    I saw sound bites from several “Baptist” preachers after Orlando. Unbelievable and totally disgusting that there are people alive in this country in the 21st century that can actually spew out that type of vitriol, especially after so many fellow Americans were just butchered.

    BNW: I find it highly ironic that you are telling other posters that they are being too negative when it is the very policies you support that have made them so world weary. Can you see that?

    No. My defending personal liberty as well wanting to preserve everyones BOR hasn’t made them so world weary. Believing the BS in the MSM is much more likely.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.



    Have you ever known someone, or several someones, who were slaughtered with a semi automatic rifle?

    Have you ever tried to explain to crying, screaming, unconsolable children why people important to them had just been snuffed out like a candle, and had to explain to them why one little scrawny fuck was able to kill 26 people in such a short time??

    If your answer is no, consider yourself lucky, because if things stay status quo, your luck, and everybody else’s luck is going to run out.

    Avatar photoInvaderRam

    fundamelist extremist christians. no better than the fundamelist extremist muslims.

    even if it isn’t religion. it’ll always be something holding back humans.



    Have you ever known someone, or several someones, who were slaughtered with a semi automatic rifle?

    Have you ever tried to explain to crying, screaming, unconsolable children why people important to them had just been snuffed out like a candle, and had to explain to them why one little scrawny fuck was able to kill 26 people in such a short time??

    If your answer is no, consider yourself lucky, because if things stay status quo, your luck, and everybody else’s luck is going to run out.

    Thankfully my answer is no. However I have helped train victims of violent crime. As mentioned earlier many of those who survived the Orlando massacre will be buying a firearm and hopefully getting the proper training to use it effectively.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    The tone deafness…it burns….

    It’s late. Tomorrow maybe…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    The tone deafness…it burns….

    No it is the difference between optimism for the future and forever wallowing in a human race is ending pity party.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I’m optimistic for a future where we have common sense gun regulations.
    Even Trump came out and said we shouldn’t sell guns to people on the terror watch list.
    Can’t wait for the NRA pity party when semi autos are banned…


    I’m optimistic for a future where we have common sense gun regulations.
    Even Trump came out and said we shouldn’t sell guns to people on the terror watch list.
    Can’t wait for the NRA pity party when semi autos are banned…

    Don’t know anything about that list but I’ve heard there is talk about using the No Fly List to ban people from buying a firearm. From what I’ve read the No Fly list is extrajudicial. They don’t have to give a reason for your name on the list nor do you have any recourse. Doesn’t seem legal but these days the law doesn’t work for the 99%.

    You will have a long wait for that semi-auto ban pity party.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    “I’ll have to wait for that pity party”?

    Not if my gal HC gets elected.

    She isn’t just gonna ban them, she’s coming for them!

    That’s right, Billy Bob. And you too, Slim Jeans Pete: She is coming for your mother fucking guns! Every single hell spawned one of them!

    Glad I don’t have any: just posting on this here site probably puts you right to the top of the list.


    “I’ll have to wait for that pity party”?

    Not if my gal HC gets elected.

    She isn’t just gonna ban them, she’s coming for them!

    That’s right, Billy Bob. And you too, Slim Jeans Pete: She is coming for your mother fucking guns! Every single hell spawned one of them!

    Glad I don’t have any: just posting on this here site probably puts you right to the top of the list.

    No she won’t. Too much money to be made. You should know that by now.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    How bout the “posting on this here site” part?

    Did that make you feel uncomfortable at all?

    Thanks and regards,


    Because it should.

    Avatar photozn

    I can;t tell. Is this gettin a bit edgy and personal?

    Many people have affirmed recently that we should stay within the white lines.

    I know it’s a profoundly emotional topic, but still.


    owh, Mom!!

    I think we’re all adults here.

    I have moved past the point of attacking people about their views; I’m now attacking the views.

    If you ever disagree, please move the post, but I think it is important to continue a dialog on such an important subject, especially when we are getting input from someone who thinks differently than most of us do.

    Avatar photozn

    owh, Mom!!

    I think we’re all adults here.

    I have moved past the point of attacking people about their views; I’m now attacking the views.

    If you ever disagree, please move the post, but I think it is important to continue a dialog on such an important subject, especially when we are getting input from someone who thinks differently than most of us do.

    For the most part, all I do is caution people to keep within bounds in terms of not being personal or taking it outside the lines toward being antagonistic. In fact I have been cautioned about that myself and I know it can be a fine line. Actually I really couldn’t tell if that was happening in this case, but I just find it’s useful to put up a reminder now and then, even if it’s premature.

    BUT–the subject matter, the ideas, the things people need to say about a topic…that is always up to the individual.

    Yes opposing views are fair game.


    How bout the “posting on this here site” part?

    Did that make you feel uncomfortable at all?

    Thanks and regards,

    No, since I own what I have LEGALLY. That means REGISTERED and I have a conceal carry permit too. Therefore government knows full well who I am, where I am and what I own. As a law abiding gun owner I’m out in the sunshine exposed to the whims of gun grabbing BOR shredding people in and out of government.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Because it should.

    It doesn’t and it shouldn’t although this is increasingly Amerika.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by bnw.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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