So WTF happened to the Rams this year?

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Rams Huddle So WTF happened to the Rams this year?

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    THIS years offense was barely touched by injuries and whatever the reason,

    The problems for 2016, to me, had to do with a 1st time coordinator. To me that’s why they couldn’t repeat 2015, which was better in spite of all the obstacles they had to overcome.

    Yes that is likely one the if not THE biggest problem with the offense, but that was ultimately JF’s choice, so IMHO that decision goes directly back to him.

    And I agree this horse has been beaten, I’m bowing out on this as well. Lets hope that the Rams make the right choice and this thing gets turned around quickly.


    Yes that is likely one the if not THE biggest problem with the offense, but that was ultimately JF’s choice, so IMHO that decision goes directly back to him.


    Of course it does.



    This is from my brother, who is not a football fan. He’s ranting here about his favorite basketball team. In the process he says something interesting.

    They have lost to virtually every basement dweller in the league so far, yet they manage to beat the upper echelon teams. You know what they say….. A consistent winning team has good players. A consistent losing team has bad players. An inconsistent team has bad management.


    This is from my brother, who is not a football fan. He’s ranting here about his favorite basketball team. In the process he says something interesting.

    They have lost to virtually every basement dweller in the league so far, yet they manage to beat the upper echelon teams. You know what they say….. A consistent winning team has good players. A consistent losing team has bad players. An inconsistent team has bad management.

    So….Stan should spend a frillion dollars on technology to bring Dick Vermeil back from the dead?

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