smearing tulsi, endlessly — question to Billy T

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    I dont think so. She’s not Bernie. But Bernie is not Jill.
    She’s not Obama. She’s a different animal than Obama.

    She’s no leftist. But she’s also no Obama-CORPORATIST. She’s an odd one. Hard to label.

    One thing Ive learned is she…changed. If you look at the old-Tulsi from years ago, you can see why Bannon might like her. But ‘something’ changed her. Maybe it was some kind of political algebra, but I dont think so. I think she really did evolve in some ways. Again, she didnt become a ‘leftist’ (see her views on Venezuela) but she did change on some big topics. Its there in her record and her statements if you dig into it.

    I cut and pasted her RECENT stances on issues. Look at them. This is not Obama. (If it were Obama-Hillary the deep state would LOVE her)

    • Break up tech giants like Facebook, Google, & Amazon. (Jul 2019)
    • Pay for infrastructure by winding down wars. (Jul 2019)
    Raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hour. (Jul 2019)
    • Free tuition at public higher education. (Mar 2019)
    • Tuition-free community college for all. (Jan 2019)
    Ban oil & gas exports; end fossil-fuel subsidies. (Apr 2019)
    • Ban fracking. (Jul 2019)
    • 2017: Short-sighted to withdraw from Paris Climate Accord. (Apr 2019)
    • OFF Fossil Fuels: retrofit homes & fund new technology. (Apr 2019)
    • Mixed score on “350 Action’s 2020 Climate Test”. (Mar 2019)
    • Address climate change; US must lead worldwide effort. (Mar 2019)
    • Silent on Green New Deal; supports push for renewables. (Mar 2019)
    • No more fossil fuels for electricity by 2050. (Jan 2019)
    Ban assault weapons; require universal background checks. (Jan 2019)
    • No war with Iran: it would escalate region-wide. (Jun 2019)
    • Troops home from Afghanistan; we’re no better off than 2001. (Jun 2019)
    • Ending regime change wars allows investment at home. (May 2019)
    • No regime change in Iran; no war in Yemen. (Mar 2019)
    • No more wars for regime change, like Syria and Afghanistan. (Mar 2019)
    • U.S. government lied to American people to launch Iraq War. (Mar 2019)
    • Oppose regime change wars in Syria, Venezuela, Iran. (Mar 2019)
    • End US support for Saudi-led conflict in Yemen. (Jan 2019)
    • Medicare-for-All will reduce bureaucratic costs. (Jun 2019)
    • Supports Medicare for All; address prescription costs. (Mar 2019)
    • Supports Medicare-for-All but keep private insurance. (Mar 2019)
    • Supports Medicare-for-All; tax wealthiest 5% to pay for it. (Jan 2019)
    • Eliminate the Electoral College. (Jul 2019)
    • Mandate paper ballots. (Jul 2019)
    • No photo IDs to vote; they suppress the vote. (Jul 2017)
    • Establish “My Voice Voucher” small campaign contributions. (Feb 2014)
    • Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers. (Jan 2017)
    • Statehood for the District of Columbia. (Apr 2018)
    • Close down existing nuclear power reactors. (Jul 2019)
    • No, no, no to nuclear energy & nuclear waste. (Apr 2019)
    • Trump’s chicken-hawks push Iran war; go back to nuke deal. (Jun 2019)
    • We need to engage in diplomacy & deescalate tensions. (May 2019)
    • Met with Syrian president; for “extreme vetting” of Syrians. (Apr 2019)
    • Defends meeting Syria’s Assad; supports Trump on North Korea. (Jan 2019)


    • H.R.1 — For the People Act of 2019 to expand voter registration and voting access, makes Election Day a federal holiday, and limits removing voters from voter rolls.
    • H.R.51 — Washington, D.C. Admission Act to provide for the admission of the State of Washington, D.C. into the Union.
    • Supports medical and recreational marijuana. (Jul 2019)
    • End failed war on drugs, opioid addiction is medical crisis. (Mar 2019)
    • Let states legalize marijuana; non-user supports free choice. (Mar 2019)
    • Exclude industrial hemp from definition of marijuana. (Jun 2013)
    • Exempt industrial hemp from marijuana laws. (Jun 2013)
    • Rated B+ by NORML, indicating a pro-drug-reform stance. (Nov 2016)
    • Immunity for banks offering services to marijuana businesses. (Jun 2015)
    • No one in government should tell anyone who they can love. (Jun 2019)
    • My time in the military changed my anti-gay views. (Mar 2019)
    • I never personally supported gay conversion therapy. (Mar 2019)
    • Must lead in condemning bigotry, regardless of belief. (Mar 2019)
    • Supports gay rights, 100% record with Human Rights Campaign. (Mar 2019)
    • Views on LGBT rights evolved; 100% rating from HRC. (Jan 2019)
    • Early 2000s: supported father’s antigay rights group. (Jan 2019)
    • Actively supports equal rights on LGBTQ+ issues. (Jan 2019)
    • Regrets past anti-gay statements; now pro-LGBTQ+ rights. (Jan 2019)
    • End cash bail; it hits low-income Americans. (Jul 2019)
    • Eliminate private prisons. (Jul 2019)
    • Abolish capital punishment. (Jul 2019)
    • Eliminate mandatory minimum sentences. (Jul 2019)
    • Must expose and punish sexual assaults in military. (Mar 2019)
    • Served as Army Major for 16 years; deployed twice to Mideast. (Jun 2019)
    • Don’t cut military budget; fund weapons systems & ABMs. (Mar 2019)
    • End this new cold war and nuclear arms race. (Mar 2019)
    • Allow transgender Americans in the military. (Jan 2019)

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