Smearing Corbyn, etc

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Smearing Corbyn, etc

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    This caught my eye because it mentioned ‘A Very British Coup’ which is one of my favor-ite tv movies.

    Very British coup:

    Wed, July 10, 2019

    Corbyn can lead in the exposure of establishment psychosis
    Just like the plot lines against fictional Harry Perkins in A Very British Coup, a multi-fronted campaign is now well underway to take down Jeremy Corbyn.

    And on this occasion it might well be titled A Very Establishment Meltdown.

    A relentless media-driven frenzy has seen Corbyn maligned as everything from a Hamas/Hezbollah/IRA asset to a Czech spy.

    Shortly after his election as Labour leader, a British army general issued dark warnings of a “mutiny” should he ever look likely to reach Number 10.

    Other dark messages imply that Corbyn cannot be trusted with high office and official secrets.

    We also now learn that two British soldiers have kept their jobs after being caught using a figure of Corbyn as target practice.

    On another key front, senior civil servants have briefed The Times that Corbyn is in frail health and not up to the job.

    Disappointingly for the mandarins and the media, this was met with wide incredulity, as even the usual smear press couldn’t match such claims to the real garden-chilled, fit-as-a-fiddle Corbyn.

    But the botched leak is yet another indication of increasing elite anxiety and panic.

    Of all the attack lines, the establishment is placing its greatest hopes in the ‘Labour anti-Semitism crisis’. Led by a mutual-serving coterie of Blairite and pro-Israel coup-makers, a ready platform media is now gaslighting the public on a relentless scale….see link for rest of it

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