Slices of The Left(s)

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  • #132831

    Thot this was an interesting screenshot, zooey posted a while back.
    Been meaning to comment on it.

    There’s truth to it, but i also think it leaves out something
    important. I think it leaves out a big slice of the leftist-pie.
    In that slice are leftists who are just trapped in working-class
    or poverty-stricken lives and simply dont have the time or
    energy or money to ‘do’ any ‘activism’ or even stay up
    on the issues. Etc.

    So, i think basically, that-there meme is way too harsh
    on ‘the left’.



    Well, he’s talking specifically about the leftist activity on Twitter.

    I have never noticed Republicans pretending to be leftists, but I’m sure there are some.

    I think the other categories are accurate, if not comprehensive.

    I find leftist Twitter to be a lot more noise than conversation, but that’s inherent in the Twitter format. Facebook allows for a bit more lengthy comments, but I’m not sure the quality is any better because…people post there. Just like on Twitter. Bulletin board forums are better still, but I have some memories of conversations on them that did not go well. I don’t know if you remember that at all.

    The world’s a mess on account of people.


    Well, I just replied to someone this morn on twitter and she said
    one of the three or four things that radicalized her was
    reading leftist tweets
    on twitter.

    So, i think twitter has a place. Especially for the young and the ‘learning.’

    But is it a good place for ‘good conversation’? Hell no.
    Its a circus of short ‘gotchas’ and virtue signalling etc.

    But again, i think it has a place. I like it, but not
    for ‘conversation’ or nuanced discussion.

    One of my favorite things about Left-Twitter is someone will just
    toss out a ‘day in history’ when this or that ‘leftist event’
    happened or this or that radical activist did this or that,
    and I get to learn something. I have to go off twitter
    to search about the person or event, but its a tweet
    that gave me the heads-up.

    I cant compare twitter to facebook, cause i dont really ‘do’


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