sinclair/trump tv

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  • #71720

    To me the real story is not the rise of Trump-tv, its the fucking consolidation of ALL the networks (MSNBC, CNN, ABC, FOX, NBC, etc, etc) into one big glob of Dem-Rep-Corporate-Consensus.

    “….During the 2016 presidential campaign, the Sinclair Broadcast Group cut a deal with Jared Kushner for “good” coverage of the Trump administration, which seems to have paid off.

    Politico reported last December:

    Sinclair would broadcast their Trump interviews across the country without commentary, Kushner said. Kushner highlighted that Sinclair, in states like Ohio, reaches a much wider audience—around 250,000 viewers [sic]— than networks like CNN, which reach somewhere around 30,000.

    With Fox News suffering several major setbacks in the past year, Sinclair is making moves to become the new giant of right-wing media. Many are now calling Sinclair ‘Trump TV.’…”


    Yeah, I’ve been responding to guys like Rep Ted Lieu on twitter.

    It’s clear that the Corp sellout Dems and the Corp media don’t give a damn about the rule of law.

    Trump is guilty of treason by the textbook definition. The MOMENT Kislyak was allowed into the White House and Trump gave him classified information, that should have been game over.

    The fact that media simply wants to milk the drama for ratings and Pelosi and the corporate Dems ONLY see Trump’s treason as a fundraising opportunity to retake the House (because corp Dems think elections are won with money only even though that trope is increasingly becoming moot) shows that neither cares about doing anything about the actual treason.

    That is empowering Republicans who want to jump ship to simply ride it out and try to pass as much as possible while Trump is there.

    Because Dems aren’t functioning like an opposition party and the Corp MSM isn’t functioning like a true fourth estate, then the whole system of checks and balances is beyond compromised.

    I mean a traitor is in the White House and the best the Dems can do is fire off fundraising emails and whine at press conferences. All while the MSM makes crazy bank from the drama.

    It’s banana republic level corrupt.

    FYI, corporate Dems lose their shit when I and other progressives call them out on their corruption and hypocrisy. Oh, the wailing and gnashing of teeth…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.



    The Modern World comics are like Idiocracy in that I laugh and become depressed all at the same time.

    What’s scary is there is a greater coherency in the satire than in reality.

    Weird times.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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