Sig Heil !

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  • #49979

    “…Trump also voiced concern Tuesday that the election would be rigged in November.

    “I’m talking about at the voter booth – I mean we’ve seen a lot of things over the years,” Trump told Sinclair reporter Scott Thuman. “And now, without the IDs, the voter IDs, and all the things going on – and some bad court cases have come down.”

    Trump provided no evidence of planned voter fraud. “I just hear things, and I just feel it,” he said…”

    He just feels things.

    Four years of Hillary is what
    I’m feelin. Sigh.



    Vote fraud is real just ask Bernie supporters.

    That kid is tame compared to these:

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Redacted Tonight has been covering the fraud extensively and that’s as lefty as it gets. Even more prog than TYT.

    Redacted Tonight is not only really funny, but damn do they not hold back. It’s humor for the masses, so it can’t be suuuuuper sophisticated, but it’s really good for political humor, imho.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.

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