Short Chomsky interview

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  • #44411

    “There is no indication of that changing, and in the US system of “first past the post” and massive campaign expenditures, it is very hard to break the lock of the two political parties, which are not membership or participatory parties, but more candidate-producing and fundraising organizations, with somewhat different policy orientations (within a fairly narrow range). It is rather striking, for example, to see how easily the Democratic Party almost openly abandons the white working class, which drifts to the hands of their most bitter class enemy, the leadership and power base of the Republican Party.”

    nittany ram

    “There is no indication of that changing, and in the US system of “first past the post” and massive campaign expenditures, it is very hard to break the lock of the two political parties, which are not membership or participatory parties, but more candidate-producing and fundraising organizations, with somewhat different policy orientations (within a fairly narrow range). It is rather striking, for example, to see how easily the Democratic Party almost openly abandons the white working class, which drifts to the hands of their most bitter class enemy, the leadership and power base of the Republican Party.”

    The loss of the white working class to the Republicans is an amazing illustration of the power of propaganda. The Reps have convinced a large segment of society that working longer and harder for a stagnant wage is somehow in their best interests. Meanwhile corporations rake in record profits and the gulf between the rich and everyone else gets bigger and bigger. And anyone who questions this system is dismissed as a kook or a commie…

    Most of Bernie’s support is coming from college students and the educated middle class but his message isn’t reaching working class people for some reason. I don’t know how people like Sanders or Stein can make their message resonate with these folks, but it SHOULD be simple. It SHOULD be obvious that they represent the interests of the working class more than the Reps do…



    Noam is just a laff a minute aint he:
    One final question: If the American dream is dead, as Donald Trump says it is, why do surveys continue to show that the majority of those interviewed say they still believe and even live the American dream? Was the American dream ever reality, or just a myth?

    The “American dream” was a very mixed story. It traces back to the 19th century, when free people could obtain land and pursue other opportunities in an expanding economy — thanks to annihilation of the [Indigenous] nations who populated the country and the huge contribution to the economy of the most vicious form of slavery that has yet existed….



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