Sandy Hook Truther Arrested for Threatening to Kill Parent of Murdered Child

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    Sandy Hook Truther Arrested for Threatening to Kill Parent of Murdered Child

    In recent days, the dark online conspiracy theory that pizzerias across the country are enabling Hillary Clinton–related satanic pedophilia has led to a number of incidents of real-life harassment and the arrest of a man who fired a rifle inside Washington, D.C.’s Comet Ping Pong restaurant. These bizarre “Pizzagate” rumors have been circulated not just by anonymous online weirdos (and, mysteriously, by automated “bot” accounts based in countries such as the Czech Republic) but by Donald Trump’s prospective national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.

    That a Trump administration figure would promote such bizarre allegations is not surprising, though; Trump himself has praised and been interviewed by Infowars proprietor Alex Jones, who believes that the Dec. 14, 2012, Sandy Hook massacre was staged by actors. In Florida, meanwhile, the Department of Justice has just announced the arrest of a Tampa, Florida–area woman who—believing, like Jones, that the deaths at Sandy Hook were faked—threatened to kill one of the bereaved parents of a Sandy Hook victim. From the DOJ:

    On or about January 10, 2016, Richards made a series of death threats to a parent of a child killed in the Sandy Hook School shooting. The parent resides in South Florida. Richards’ believed that the school shooting was a hoax and never happened allegedly motivated her to make the charged threats.
    The parent in question, Len Pozner, is what New York magazine described in a September piece as “the de facto leader of the [Sandy Hook] anti-hoaxer movement”; he operates an advocacy organization for family members of mass-killing victims who’ve been harassed by truthers and has filed a lawsuit against one prominent Sandy Hook denier for invasion of privacy. Pozner told the magazine that he was actually once an Infowars listener himself before losing his 6-year-old son Noah in Newtown. Said Pozner: “I probably listened to an Alex Jones podcast after I dropped the kids off at school that morning.”

    PA Ram

    I’m not sure America survives four years of Trump and his wacko cabinet.

    And IF Trump lost in four years I’m not certain he would give up power. And IF he did give up power I can see Alex Jones as the guy filling his shoes.

    This nation is not grounded in reality anymore.

    Anything can happen.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    I’m not sure America survives four years of Trump and his wacko cabinet.

    And IF Trump lost in four years I’m not certain he would give up power. And IF he did give up power I can see Alex Jones as the guy filling his shoes.

    This nation is not grounded in reality anymore.

    Anything can happen.

    Anything includes Hildabeast supporters threatening the lives of electors with the help of state officials releasing the address and phone numbers of electors.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    PA Ram

    Anything includes Hildabeast supporters threatening the lives of electors with the help of state officials releasing the address and phone numbers of electors.

    See what I mean?

    Besides conspiracy websites or fake news sites—give me some good links to credible sources with evidence that this is happening. I just did a quick search. Gotta go to work. I’ll check in later.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Anything includes Hildabeast supporters threatening the lives of electors with the help of state officials releasing the address and phone numbers of electors.

    See what I mean?

    Besides conspiracy websites or fake news sites—give me some good links to credible sources with evidence that this is happening. I just did a quick search. Gotta go to work. I’ll check in later.

    I love it! “Credible sources”! You mean like those all over the MSM stating Hildabeast has a 97% chance of winning?

    You must not have looked too hard? This is from your state and is 8 days old.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    ou mean like those all over the MSM stating Hildabeast has a 97% chance of winning?

    That’s a dodge.

    Let me let you in on something. You’re among leftists. We see through the MSM in ways you’ve never even dreamed of.

    What we DON’T do however is act like only partisan bot sites have the truth.

    It is possible to put up credible evidence for the stupid claim you made do it. And stay away from the laughable slogans like in the post I respond to here.

    Evidence. No dodges, quips, or slogans. Evidence.



    ou mean like those all over the MSM stating Hildabeast has a 97% chance of winning?

    That’s a dodge.

    Let me let you in on something. You’re among leftists. We see through the MSM in ways you’ve never even dreamed of.

    What we DON’T do however is act like only partisan bot sites have the truth.

    It is possible to put up credible evidence for the stupid claim you made do it. And stay away from the laughable slogans like in the post I respond to here.

    Evidence. No dodges, quips, or slogans. Evidence.


    I gave the link. READ IT. There’s your evidence. I know how you see the MSM as you’ve made that clear for quite some time. You see it as “credible” since you always claim it presents the “facts” and the “truth”. I know that the election results having relied upon the MSM as you do must have been quite a blindsiding for you. However to run with the latest MSM meme of “Fake News” is beyond laughable. It is pathetic. So partisan. So transparent. Fake news is what the MSM has been feeding you for decades. Truth exists simply where it is found. That filter between your ears should go a long way towards identifying it, or at least keeping it within the realm of the plausible to be determined with the passage of sufficient time.

    Now about Hildabeast corrupting the electoral vote through intimidation of individual electors and through collusion with Stein to prevent electors from Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin from voting altogether, it still won’t work. No amount of Clintonista dirty tricks or blackmail will change the fact that congress has the final say in accepting the Electoral College vote.

    The hypocrisy of the liberals given what they said about Trump merely wanting to wait to decide whether he would contest the election is quite rich. Everything from sore loser to threatening the very existence of the republic was hurled at him for weeks. Yet none of that in the MSM about Hildabeast. Times are a’changin and the MSM went for broke against Trump and now find themselves out in the cold their already plummeting viewership to fall faster once he is sworn in. It is long overdue.

    “Fake News”. The last gasp of those proven to be lying propagandists and insignificant.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    BNW, what do any of your posts have to do with the lead story in this thread? I just reread it, didn’t see HRC mentioned once…

    Sounds to me like Flynn is a nutcase, or, in a best case, just “misinformed”.

    Keep deflecting, keep reliving the past, I’ll always remember how you cheer-leaded for the Donald.

    I really, really hope it turns out well, but I’m not optimistic.

    PA Ram

    I love it! “Credible sources”! You mean like those all over the MSM stating Hildabeast has a 97% chance of winning?

    You must not have looked too hard? This is from your state and is 8 days old.

    I read the article several times.

    I think you’re seeing things that aren’t there. The only thing close to this:

    “Anything includes Hildabeast supporters threatening the lives of electors with the help of state officials releasing the address and phone numbers of electors.”

    Is that that this electors’s address and email may have been revealed, and the state HAS to release that information, according to the article. It talks about auto generated pleas from progressive groups that are urging this guy to vote for anyone else–even Mitt Romney.

    Nothing about death threats.

    Nothing about some state conspiracy.

    Nothing about the evil Hillary Clinton(you know the pizza lady)supporters having anything to do with it. It could have been people who voted for Stein, or even #NeverTrump Republicans.

    This is a problem. Does it bother you at all that the new NSA believed a crazy conspiracy involving Clinton of some insane child sex ring from the some pizza shop?

    See–what’s happening is that there are no facts anymore. No truth. Objective truth no longer exists. Everything is subjective.

    I’m not fan of the MSM. But yes–they are more credible than Infowars, or Breitbart.

    Maybe you have more articles. Fine. I would never support making death threats against an elector. But THIS article doesn’t say that. You got that somewhere else. I don’t know where.

    What do you think about Sandy Hook? What do you believe?

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    BNW, what do any of your posts have to do with the lead story in this thread? I just reread it, didn’t see HRC mentioned once…

    Sounds to me like Flynn is a nutcase, or, in a best case, just “misinformed”.

    Keep deflecting, keep reliving the past, I’ll always remember how you cheer-leaded for the Donald.

    I really, really hope it turns out well, but I’m not optimistic.

    My post original post was in response to PA Ram’s post that had nothing to do about the first post of this thread other than naming Alex Jones. It really went off the rails with –

    “I’m not sure America survives four years of Trump and his wacko cabinet.

    And IF Trump lost in four years I’m not certain he would give up power. And IF he did give up power I can see Alex Jones as the guy filling his shoes.

    This nation is not grounded in reality anymore.

    Anything can happen.”

    So I responded to the obvious liberal meme of the last week, the “Fake News” with the latest longest running fake news from the MSM that essentially Hildabeast winning was never in doubt. zn then jumps in to tell me theres a lot of leftists posting here and that I’m not capable of dreaming about the ways of the leftists opinion about the MSM. Hilarious.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Does it bother you at all that the new NSA believed a crazy conspiracy involving Clinton of some insane child sex ring from the some pizza shop?

    Why is it crazy? Sex trafficking is real. Bill Clinton made numerous trips to a known pedophile’s “Pleasure Island” on the the pedophile’s private jet the “Lolita Express”. Podesta from the wikileaks is an apparent satanist. Hildabeast latched on to a 19 year old Huma to become a power couple. Very odd. Now about Pizzagate I don’t know. I know it is a real thing in the UK.

    About Sandy Hook I’ve only responded to the gun control efforts it had spawned since there is a poster here from Newtown who has made it clear they have suffered tangentially from the tragedy. So out of respect I will not discuss nor dissect Sandy Hook.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Dissect away. Being “boots on the ground” I can tell you what I think you got right and what I think you got wrong.

    We are coming up on the date and it should and will be discussed.


    Dissect away. Being “boots on the ground” I can tell you what I think you got right and what I think you got wrong.

    We are coming up on the date and it should and will be discussed.

    I know you believe you can but given our oil and water past I won’t. I do hope your daughter is back to normal or well on the mend. One thing we should be able to agree is that a thorough investigation of Sandy Hook should be undertaken by Trump’s Dept. of Justice.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    PA Ram

    Does it bother you at all that the new NSA believed a crazy conspiracy involving Clinton of some insane child sex ring from the some pizza shop?

    Why is it crazy? Sex trafficking is real. Bill Clinton made numerous trips to a known pedophile’s “Pleasure Island” on the the pedophile’s private jet the “Lolita Express”. Podesta from the wikileaks is an apparent satanist. Hildabeast latched on to a 19 year old Huma to become a power couple. Very odd. Now about Pizzagate I don’t know. I know it is a real thing in the UK.

    About Sandy Hook I’ve only responded to the gun control efforts it had spawned since there is a poster here from Newtown who has made it clear they have suffered tangentially from the tragedy. So out of respect I will not discuss nor dissect Sandy Hook.

    BNW, I say this without trying to make anything personal, but you seriously need to read WHY this was fake news. I don’t know where you’re gathering information but you should get out of that bubble and investigate these things further–see where they came from. You are getting stuck in a conspiracy web. And you aren’t alone. That’s not good for anyone.

    The pizza story grew because someone thought that they mentioned pizza a lot in the wikileaks. From there we get Comet Ping Pong pizza and a child sex ring. It is truly bizarre.

    Read other sources with an open mind. Question things. You question climate science. Question this to the level you do that.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Does it bother you at all that the new NSA believed a crazy conspiracy involving Clinton of some insane child sex ring from the some pizza shop?

    Why is it crazy? Sex trafficking is real. Bill Clinton made numerous trips to a known pedophile’s “Pleasure Island” on the the pedophile’s private jet the “Lolita Express”. Podesta from the wikileaks is an apparent satanist. Hildabeast latched on to a 19 year old Huma to become a power couple. Very odd. Now about Pizzagate I don’t know. I know it is a real thing in the UK.

    About Sandy Hook I’ve only responded to the gun control efforts it had spawned since there is a poster here from Newtown who has made it clear they have suffered tangentially from the tragedy. So out of respect I will not discuss nor dissect Sandy Hook.

    BNW, I say this without trying to make anything personal, but you seriously need to read WHY this was fake news. I don’t know where you’re gathering information but you should get out of that bubble and investigate these things further–see where they came from. You are getting stuck in a conspiracy web. And you aren’t alone. That’s not good for anyone.

    The pizza story grew because someone thought that they mentioned pizza a lot in the wikileaks. From there we get Comet Ping Pong pizza and a child sex ring. It is truly bizarre.

    Read other sources with an open mind. Question things. You question climate science. Question this to the level you do that.

    The wikileaks contained code words as identified by the FBI to pertain to trafficking children to pedophiles. That is the genesis of Pizzagate.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

    PA Ram

    The wikileaks contained code words as identified by the FBI to pertain to trafficking children to pedophiles. That is the genesis of Pizzagate.

    For anyone interested in the truth–this is all a losing battle. Conspiracy stories can be spun out daily. It’s impossible to keep up with, of course. They demand no proof. They just connect dots that don’t mean anything and assemble a story–filing in dots where needed. And it takes off. It’s easy.

    Fighting back with the truth takes time. You have to dig–track down things, check facts.

    Most people will never do that.

    It’s sickening and dangerous. And there is no way–no matter the lack of evidence supporting the conspiracy, to convince someone otherwise once their minds are made up. It becomes personal then. To admit they are wrong becomes a personal flaw. So it’s easier to ignore evidence to the contrary of a story they have accepted.

    Anyway–regarding the ridiculous “pizzagate” story:

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    Read other sources with an open mind. Question things. You question climate science. Question this to the level you do that.

    Some people are so seriously and deeply partisan that those are wasted words. No one “questioned” climate science, they bought into a partisan view of it. And on the other stuff you say to question–it will be the same thing. Partisan first. Partisan uber alles.


    The wikileaks contained code words as identified by the FBI to pertain to trafficking children to pedophiles. That is the genesis of Pizzagate.

    For anyone interested in the truth–this is all a losing battle. Conspiracy stories can be spun out daily. It’s impossible to keep up with, of course. They demand no proof. They just connect dots that don’t mean anything and assemble a story–filing in dots where needed. And it takes off. It’s easy.

    Fighting back with the truth takes time. You have to dig–track down things, check facts.

    Most people will never do that.

    It’s sickening and dangerous. And there is no way–no matter the lack of evidence supporting the conspiracy, to convince someone otherwise once their minds are made up. It becomes personal then. To admit they are wrong becomes a personal flaw. So it’s easier to ignore evidence to the contrary of a story they have accepted.

    Anyway–regarding the ridiculous “pizzagate” story:

    I do have personal flaws but admitting that I am wrong when indeed I’m in the wrong is not one of them.

    You say Pizzagate is “ridiculous”. I say I don’t know, yet I’m intrigued and willing to give it more time.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    Read other sources with an open mind. Question things. You question climate science. Question this to the level you do that.

    Some people are so seriously and deeply partisan that those are wasted words. No one “questioned” climate science, they bought into a partisan view of it. And on the other stuff you say to question–it will be the same thing. Partisan first. Partisan uber alles.

    Scientists in the know certainly question man made global warming. That is not the same as “climate science”. Climate science is the euphemism applied to the continually discredited predictions of the man made global warming crowd.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I am not partisan or any other label. I question the “science” behind man made global warming. I don’t think it holds up.



    I am not partisan or any other label. I question the “science” behind man made global warming. I don’t think it holds up.

    You know I wasn’t referring to you.

    Anyway, we disagree, and profoundly, on the science on global warming.


    I am not partisan or any other label. I question the “science” behind man made global warming. I don’t think it holds up.

    You know I wasn’t referring to you.

    Anyway, we disagree, and profoundly, on the science on global warming.

    no problem then. see you later.



    BNW… Let’s just be clear on one point: YOU are oil; I am water.

    Other than that, thanks for your concern about my daughter. Fingers crossed and here we are a few days away.

    Unfortunately, I don’t see the common ground you do. Why do you think the Trump DOJ needs to investigate Sandy Hook? Kind of cut and dried that this was a tragic event caused by a mentally unstable individual.

    The peel back is we need to figure out how to help similar mentally unstable people and / or how to keep guns out of their hands.

    What do you think needs to be investigated?


    BNW… Let’s just be clear on one point: YOU are oil; I am water.

    Other than that, thanks for your concern about my daughter. Fingers crossed and here we are a few days away.

    Unfortunately, I don’t see the common ground you do. Why do you think the Trump DOJ needs to investigate Sandy Hook? Kind of cut and dried that this was a tragic event caused by a mentally unstable individual.

    The peel back is we need to figure out how to help similar mentally unstable people and / or how to keep guns out of their hands.

    What do you think needs to be investigated?

    Yes indeed I am oil, light and heavy, sweet and sour and unmistakably crude.

    Everything about Sandy Hook needs investigating from the destruction of the crime scene including the swearing of those workers to secrecy and the razing of Lanza’s home to the lack of computer activity at the school for years prior to the shooting, to the state’s refusal to release death records for not only the children but also the Lanza’s.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    The answers to most of those questions are need to know, and you, and the general public including me, don’t need to know. Say what you want about Connecticut Yankees, we do have an almost British respect for privacy (and piracy too).

    Really, almost all of those decisions were made to respect the families of the dead. I watched it unfold, almost everyone in the town supported and agreed with every one.


    The answers to most of those questions are need to know, and you, and the general public including me, don’t need to know. Say what you want about Connecticut Yankees, we do have an almost British respect for privacy (and piracy too).

    Really, almost all of those decisions were made to respect the families of the dead. I watched it unfold, almost everyone in the town supported and agreed with every one.

    Plus bnw’s stuff only makes sense to someone outside the reality who is criminalizing the victims because they (ie the outsiders) have a partisan agenda, instead of accepting that what happened, happened.

    The equivalent would be asking everyone killed in the Boston Marathon bombing to prove they actually died of a bombing. No one is going to ask that. Then why ask the equivalent with Sandy Hook? Well because asking in the first place is just this badly misguided agenda-driven conspiracy theory thing.

    To be consistent you would have to ask the same of the Boston Marathon but there is no agenda-group out there that would do that.

    Partisan thinking always gets twisted up that way.



    I agree with your post-a lot! I know people that are friends but “I’ve given up discussing this stuff because of their partisanship polarization. And I’m just as sure they have given up on me for the same reason. So I ask : whatever happened to discourse. I do have a theory: We’ve been taught to take this stuff personally. When that happens there is no backing down because our own core is under attack. Like people over identifying with their favorite football team.

    Wish it were not so.


    I agree with your post-a lot! I know people that are friends but “I’ve given up discussing this stuff because of their partisanship polarization. And I’m just as sure they have given up on me for the same reason. So I ask : whatever happened to discourse. I do have a theory: We’ve been taught to take this stuff personally. When that happens there is no backing down because our own core is under attack. Like people over identifying with their favorite football team.

    Wish it were not so.

    There never was “discourse” W. That’s a myth. It has always been partisan clashing. You do it too. That’s sort of your main thing here, in fact.

    Do you think in the 20s when an avowed white supremacist was president and the KKK was at its height that there was “discourse”? How about during Vietnam?


    People are partisan because people are partisan. I mean you’re partisan. Why are YOU partisan? Same reason everyone else is.

    They have some deeply held beliefs about the world and when those are threatened they seek out conflict over it. Same as it always was.



    The answers to most of those questions are need to know, and you, and the general public including me, don’t need to know. Say what you want about Connecticut Yankees, we do have an almost British respect for privacy (and piracy too).

    Really, almost all of those decisions were made to respect the families of the dead. I watched it unfold, almost everyone in the town supported and agreed with every one.


    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.


    I agree with your post-a lot! I know people that are friends but “I’ve given up discussing this stuff because of their partisanship polarization. And I’m just as sure they have given up on me for the same reason. So I ask : whatever happened to discourse. I do have a theory: We’ve been taught to take this stuff personally. When that happens there is no backing down because our own core is under attack. Like people over identifying with their favorite football team.

    Wish it were not so.

    When you call someone deplorable and irredeemable etc. you’re not interested in discourse.

    The upside to being a Rams fan is heartbreak.

    Sprinkles are for winners.

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