Sanders on FOX

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    This was yesterday morning. It somehow got placed in front of me, and I watched it. I thought it was one of Sanders’ more convincing explanations. He often frustrates me in debates by missing (imo) opportunities to make his case more clearly and convincingly.

    But here with Chris Wallace, I think he did pretty well, and I think it was good enough that the effect on a FOX audience would probably win him some positive reactions, rather than reinforce his Scary, Socialist Guy persona FOX paints him with.


    Good stuff. I love the fact Bernie goes on Fox. If nothing else he gets to practice responding to the corporate-memes that are gonna keep coming at him from the Dems and Reps.

    I love the way the Foxies quote Corporate-Dems and act like the Corporate-Dems represent some kindof ‘reasonable middle ground’.

    The biosphere is so very fucked.



    I thought it was one of Sanders’ more convincing explanations. He often frustrates me in debates by missing (imo) opportunities to make his case more clearly and convincingly.

    But here with Chris Wallace, I think he did pretty well, and I think it was good enough that the effect on a FOX audience would probably win him some positive reactions,

    rather than reinforce his Scary, Socialist Guy persona FOX paints him with.


    FOX isn’t the only outlet that paints Sanders as “Scary Socialist Guy” who can’t win. The 1st question that George Streptococcus asked in the New Hampshire debate was if Sanders or Mayor Buttcheeks were too big a risk for the Dems if either of those candidates won the nomination….. that topic dominated the 1st 12 minutes of the debate.

    New Hampshire debate transcript URL =


    FOX isn’t the only outlet that paints Sanders as “Scary Socialist Guy” who can’t win. The 1st question that George Streptococcus asked in the New Hampshire debate was if Sanders or Mayor Buttcheeks were too big a risk for the Dems if either of those candidates won the nomination….. that topic dominated the 1st 12 minutes of the debate.>


    Well, but Fox isnt ‘only’ pushing the meme that Sanders is a scary commie. They WILL run will with that IF he is the nominee. But Fox is doin somethin else right NOW. Somethin more subtle. They are giving Bernie some love. They are attacking the Dem-Media for cheating, and lying, and ignoring Bernie. FOX is actually giving bernie more love than the corporate-DEM-press.

    Its fascinating.

    btw, Fox on Biden. No Dem has ever been nominated who didnt finish first or second in Iowa. O my.



    That was actually, I think, the best Sanders has ever been on TV. Though he was surprisingly really good at, of all places, Liberty University too. He won over some of those young evangelicals that day.

    Good to see him go on Fox and say what he said, especially about the climate. Though he could easily have added that scientists are also telling us if we don’t do something mega-radical, aside from the earth becoming basically uninhabitable for most life, it’s gonna cost us trillions (for those concerned with monetary costs). Literally trillions in losses. He hinted at the cost, but he should be explicit. As in, nothing he proposes comes anywhere near the cost of doing nothing, or a little bit, or even a moderate bit. The cost alone will crush us . . .

    Also, Sanders is usually really good with his fact-numbers, but he low-balled fossil fuels tax breaks and subsidies. It’s actually not “tens of billions.” It, too, is in the trillions worldwide.

    But, yeah. He was excellent, and he’s currently leading the field for the nomination, according to the latest polling.


    Another coupla takes from the video:

    And I know you guys know this: Summers is right-wing. He’s a neoliberal economists, and when Obama hired him, that was one of the first signs that Obama wouldn’t be the progressive hero some thought he might be during his campaign. Our media are so skewed to the right, Summers is supposed to be some card-carrying lefty, which is why Wallace used him, etc.

    . . .

    What do you guys think of this strategy, which I’ve mentioned before, and never see anyone do in public: When media try to demonize “democratic socialism,” I think Sanders and others should push back list some key socialists: MLK, Gandhi, Einstein, Orwell, Camus, Helen Keller, Dorothy Day, Upton Sinclair, the Dalai Lama and Bertrand Russell, for starters. Orwell, in fact, prefaced his Animal Farm with his advocacy of “democratic socialism” (which the CIA initially removed/censored).

    To me, it’s logical, if folks see socialists as scary, to mention great humanitarians, civil rights leaders, philosophers, scientists, etc. etc. who were/are socialists.



    What do you guys think of this strategy, which I’ve mentioned before, and never see anyone do in public: When media try to demonize “democratic socialism,” I think Sanders and others should push back list some key socialists: MLK, Gandhi, Einstein, Orwell, Camus, Helen Keller, Dorothy Day, Upton Sinclair, the Dalai Lama and Bertrand Russell, for starters. Orwell, in fact, prefaced his Animal Farm with his advocacy of “democratic socialism” (which the CIA initially removed/censored).

    To me, it’s logical, if folks see socialists as scary, to mention great humanitarians, civil rights leaders, philosophers, scientists, etc. etc. who were/are socialists.



    I dunno, comrad. I dunno. I’m not sure Joe and Jane American care or know about Camus, Russell, Orwell, etc.

    For So many decades now the corporate-powers-that-be have SUCCESSFULLY demonized Socialism that its a fucking miracle Bernie has gotten as far as he has.
    Figuring out the right strategy for getting another five or ten percent of the public to buy into it….is the conundrum. I got no answers. I got nuthin.
    How in the hell does one overcome all that propaganda. Decades and Decades of propaganda. Fruited Plains of Propaganda. Purple Mountain Majesties of it. Amber Waves of it. Shining Seas of it. Spacious Skies…. 🙂



    What do you guys think of this strategy, which I’ve mentioned before, and never see anyone do in public: When media try to demonize “democratic socialism,” I think Sanders and others should push back list some key socialists: MLK, Gandhi, Einstein, Orwell, Camus, Helen Keller, Dorothy Day, Upton Sinclair, the Dalai Lama and Bertrand Russell, for starters. Orwell, in fact, prefaced his Animal Farm with his advocacy of “democratic socialism” (which the CIA initially removed/censored).

    To me, it’s logical, if folks see socialists as scary, to mention great humanitarians, civil rights leaders, philosophers, scientists, etc. etc. who were/are socialists.



    I dunno, comrad. I dunno. I’m not sure Joe and Jane American care or know about Camus, Russell, Orwell, etc.

    For So many decades now the corporate-powers-that-be have SUCCESSFULLY demonized Socialism that its a fucking miracle Bernie has gotten as far as he has.
    Figuring out the right strategy for getting another five or ten percent of the public to buy into it….is the conundrum. I got no answers. I got nuthin.
    How in the hell does one overcome all that propaganda. Decades and Decades of propaganda. Fruited Plains of Propaganda. Purple Mountain Majesties of it. Amber Waves of it. Shining Seas of it. Spacious Skies…. 🙂


    You might be right. Capitalist propaganda may well be the greatest “success” story of all time, as far as indoctrination of BS.

    Yeah, it probably wouldn’t work. But I once stayed in a Holiday Inn Express, so maybe I do know a thing or two. Or is that if you get Farmer’s Insurance?

    Anyway . . . a year or so ago I listened to this social media nerdy guy on the radio, who studied political trends from a different angle: Google searches. The bottom line for his research was this:

    Whenever people think someone or some group is scolding them for their views, they dig in deeper with their prejudices, fears, anger, etc. However, if someone just offers new information about X person or group, tied to something they see as positive, minds can be changed. IOW, no judgments, just new info.

    He used Muslims and Obama as examples for most of the talk, and found that if people received info that, say, there were American Muslim military heroes, views changed toward Muslims in general for some of the previously Islamophobic folk.

    So I wonder if people discovered X was a socialist, and the great things he or she did?

    Oh, well.


    Well, but Fox isnt ‘only’ pushing the meme that Sanders is a scary commie. They WILL run will with that IF he is the nominee. But Fox is doin somethin else right NOW. Somethin more subtle. They are giving Bernie some love. They are attacking the Dem-Media for cheating, and lying, and ignoring Bernie. FOX is actually giving bernie more love than the corporate-DEM-press.

    There is always a reason. In this case its because Sanders is the ONE democratic candidate that Trump does not fear. In my case this election is not about progressives, moderates, corporate class, liberals, conservatives, etc. Its about TRUMP. That’s it. End of story for me.


    Well, but Fox isnt ‘only’ pushing the meme that Sanders is a scary commie. They WILL run will with that IF he is the nominee. But Fox is doin somethin else right NOW. Somethin more subtle. They are giving Bernie some love. They are attacking the Dem-Media for cheating, and lying, and ignoring Bernie. FOX is actually giving bernie more love than the corporate-DEM-press.

    There is always a reason. In this case its because Sanders is the ONE democratic candidate that Trump does not fear. In my case this election is not about progressives, moderates, corporate class, liberals, conservatives, etc. Its about TRUMP. That’s it. End of story for me.


    Ive thought of that, and I think there’s some truth to it, but there’s more to it than that. Some of the Foxers actually do sympathize with Bernie because of the way the DNC-dominated-mainstream-Dem-Media has smeared him. And the Foxies know that their BASE doesn’t like the way the DNC-dominated-mainstream-Dem-Media has treated Bernie. One thing the Rightwing base hates EVEN MORE than ‘socialists’ is — the Establishment. The Deep-State. The Dem-MSM.

    Its trickier than just “Fox wants Bernie to win”. Thats part of it, perhaps, but there’s more to it.

    My thing is — I dont care if Fox thinks Bernie would be the easiest candidate to beat. They might be Wrong. They are wrong about a LOT of things.

    I keep going back to Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan switched from supporting a rightwing libertarian (last election)to now “probly voting for Bernie.”
    What if he represents a sliver of libertarian-types who would vote for Bernie?



    I think Dems have a really bad habit of never, ever learning from political history, and they seem incapable of understanding numbers, percentages, etc.

    As in, the GOP, at least since Nixon, has won with “appeal only to the base” candidates and strategies. They don’t even try to “appeal to the center.” They don’t even try to push policies that would help the 90%. They’re rather openly for the 1% and just their own team.

    Reagan, Bush, Dubya and then Trump, all basically said to hell with the center, with “expanding the tent,” and ran a base-vote campaign on steroids.

    But the Dems in the media keep telling us that they (the Dems) have to “appeal to the center,” and they have to “reach across the aisle,” and they have to “attract Republican voters” in order to win, even though their own base is larger than the GOP’s. A good bit larger.

    If you put up base versus base, and both “sides” max out, guess who wins 99 out of 100 times? The Dems. And centrist, conservative Dems/moderate Republican types never, ever revv up that base. They, in fact, routinely cause high numbers of potential Dem voters to stay home.

    So . . .


    Logic tells us that to win, the Dems should never go with a centrist, a moderate, a reach across the aisle type, unless they happen to be so electric a personality, relatively speaking, no one really seems to see them as such — like Obama — and they certainly don’t campaign as that guy or gal.

    Base versus base, the Dems win. No one will turn out the base like Sanders for the Dems. It’s not even close.

    And for all the people who keep saying, like Chris Matthews, that he’ll lose all of those (Republican) suburbanites . . . well, they weren’t likely to vote Dem anyway . . . and if they were, there is a huge cost to that:

    For every Republican a centrist Dem woos, he or she will lose three or five or ten potential votes to “I’m staying home. This is BS.”

    I will never understand why Dems can’t do math, or learn from history, or see how Republicans keep winning elections, despite having fewer total voters to draw from, and a far worse policy agenda. I. Will. Never. Understand. That.


    But the Dems in the media keep telling us that they (the Dems) have to “appeal to the center,” and they have to “reach across the aisle,” and they have to “attract Republican voters” in order to win, even though their own base is larger than the GOP’s. A good bit larger…..

    So . . .


    Well, if they do want to attract some Reps — which can do that the best? A centrist like Biden? Or an anti-establishment type who is hated by the MSM, like Bernie?

    There’s several different factions of Reps. I’d say Bernie had a better chance of peeling away the Reps that are wavering.



    I would have to do some homework to support this theory, but it occurred to me a couple of decades ago that voters tend to go for candidates who are strong where the disagreeable predecessor was weakest. You don’t like a Quisling, you vote for a Hawk. Don’t like a dumbshit, you vote for a wonk. A kind of dialectic thing.

    The opposite of a wildly erratic, bullshitfest guy is a consistent, no-nonsense guy.

    Sanders 2020.



    On Tucker Carlson:

    We shouldn’t forget that he’s been raging at “the left” for decades, and that he’s a pathological liar when it comes to the subject. He openly despises and demonizes “socialism” and “progressives” at every turn, and when he does have a leftist on air, he trashes them and gives them his patented “WTF” look every other second.

    He is not our friend.

    The only reason he’s saying anything positive about Sanders right now is that he sees the chance to sow division on the left in general, and among Dems in particular. No one should fall for this nonsense — including K Ball, who should know better.

    Which also brings me to the point about “media coverage.” The left should know better about that as well. Chomsky has spelled this out for decades, as everyone here knows. The left should always keep in mind that journalists aren’t supposed to be nice to politicians or people in power. They’re supposed to go after them, afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, etc. They’re not ever supposed to be “welcoming” or “friendly” to them.

    Of course, they should be tough on all and sundry, and not pick favorites. But our fellow leftists are losing the argument if it’s about “Such and such station says mean things about Sanders, but look at Fox!! They says nicey nice things about him!!”

    Fox is so obviously being strategic about this, it baffles me to no end how any lefty pundit would miss that — given its history of endlessly trashing “the left” at every turn.

    The enemy of my enemy. They’re not our friends, in the case of Carlson and Fox. They’re are enemies, the enemies of the planet and the 90-99%.


    I would have to do some homework to support this theory, but it occurred to me a couple of decades ago that voters tend to go for candidates who are strong where the disagreeable predecessor was weakest. You don’t like a Quisling, you vote for a Hawk. Don’t like a dumbshit, you vote for a wonk. A kind of dialectic thing.

    The opposite of a wildly erratic, bullshitfest guy is a consistent, no-nonsense guy.

    Sanders 2020.

    To some degree, I think your theory holds, Zooey. But, I also think some voter traits override the ping pong effects — at least a bit. I think “strong” remains a big attraction for a large portion of the electorate, and I don’t think that large portion ever likes “wonks.”

    So I don’t think we’ll ever go from “too strong” to “too weak,” or “too simplistic” to “too professorial.” I really think voters are just looking for a different style of strong or simplistic, a new spin on traits they seem to like with at least some consistency.

    And it’s never been about policy, unfortunately, and the different fates of Sanders and Warren crystalize that, IMO. Most pundits are saying Warren’s rise ended the second she went all in on Medicare for All, and tried to spell out the details. But if that were the case — that the policy itself sent her off rails — then why didn’t this happen to Sanders, who’s even more supportive of the policy?

    In America, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. And to win in the general, and to maintain power — as Trump has shown — it’s even more than that:

    If your party and your allies back you 100%, never back down, ignore the criticisms, forge ahead regardless, then it really doesn’t matter what your agenda is. America loves (the appearance of) personal strength and strong, unbreakable support in solid, sustained numbers. That will overcome most head-winds.


    Wonk isn’t the right word. I do think Clinton’s intelligence contrasted with Bush Sr’s perceived muddled speech, and Obama’s intelligence contrasted with Jr’s buffoonery. I’m over-simplifying, and don’t mean to advance this as anything more than a “notion” I’ve had. There was an interesting article I read – yesterday, I think – about a political analyst who argues that policies don’t have anything to do with it, really. It’s about voter turnout. I think the main argument is that there is actually no such thing as swing voters. The idea of appealing to independents is just wrong. People are more motivated to come out and vote AGAINST something, than FOR something. I will see if I can find it.


    It’s a long article. Here is the tl;dr. Not Hacksized, but edited for length.

    …In 2016, the election that truly embarrassed the experts, Bitecofer was teaching in her new job and didn’t put together a forecast. She doesn’t pretend she saw it coming: She says she was as surprised Trump won as anyone else, but what struck her in examining the results, and what she saw as getting lost in the postelection commentary, was exactly how many people voted third party—for the Greens, the Libertarians or Evan McMullin, a former CIA operative who was running on behalf of the “Never Trump” wing of the Republican Party.

    Hillary Clinton had run an entire campaign built around classic assumptions: She was trying to pick off Republicans and Republican-leaning independents appalled by Trump. So she chose a bland white man, Tim Kaine, as a running mate; it also explained her policy-lite messaging and her ads. But in the end, almost all of those voters stuck with the GOP. The voters who voted third party should have been Democratic voters—they were disproportionately young, diverse and college educated—but they were turned off by the divisive Democratic primary, and the Clinton camp made no effort to activate them in the general election.

    As she delved further into the data on 2016, Bitecofer noticed something else. As much as the media had harped on the narrative that a majority of white women had voted for Trump, the election also signaled the first time that a majority of college-educated white men had voted for the Democratic Party. There was a long-term-realignment happening in America, and 2016 had accelerated it.

    Part of Bitecofer’s job involved polling Virginia, and she saw a Democratic counterwave building there in 2017. She noted to Democrats in the state that they should spend resources in areas that had traditionally been off limits. Had they done so, Bitecofer says, they could have flipped the Legislature that year. (Instead it flipped in 2019.)

    When 2018 rolled around, she saw what was coming: “College educated white men, and especially college educated white women,” she said, “were going to be on fucking fire.”

    It didn’t matter who was running; it mattered who was voting. From there, the model followed. She put out her forecast for the general election when there were still candidates battling it out in primaries.

    Bitecofer’s view of the electorate is driven, in part, by a new way to think about why Americans vote the way they do. She counts as an intellectual mentor Alan Abramowitz, a professor of political science at Emory University who popularized the concept of “negative partisanship,” the idea that voters are more motivated to defeat the other side than by any particular policy goals.

    …she maintains that actual swing voters are a small percentage of the result, even in counties where the vote swing is as large as Wasserman describes. Don’t talk to people in the bleachers of rallies; check the voter file, she says. “It would be one thing if that county had 100,000 people in it who voted in 2012, and then it was the same 100,000 who voted in 2016, but that is not what is happening,” she says. “The pool of who shows up changes.”

    …But still, the results bore out her theory: For Democrats to win, they need to fire up Democratic-minded voters. The Blue Dogs who tried to narrow the difference between themselves and Trump did worse, overall, than the Stacey Abramses and Beto O’Rourkes, whose progressive ideas and inspirational campaigns drove turnout in their own parties and brought them to the cusp of victory.

    …But the electorate that elected Donald Trump in 2016 and the electorate that gave Democrats control of the House in 2018 might as well have been from two different countries, Bitecofer says. The first was whiter, had less college education and lived in more rural parts of the country than the second, which was more diverse, better educated and more urban than its counterpart from two years prior. That change had nothing to do with Democrats luring swing voters with savvy messaging, and everything to do with a bunch of people, who were appalled by the president, showing up at the polls, wanting to make their feelings known.

    Once you know the shape of the electorate, she argues, you can pretty much tell how that electorate is going to vote. And the shape of the electorate in 2018, and 2020, for that matter, was determined on the night of November 8, 2016. The new electorate, as she forecasts it, is made up mostly of people who want a president named anything but Donald Trump, competing with another group that fears ruin should anyone but Donald Trump be president.

    The first group, the Democratic universe of voters, now includes some very strange bedfellows, everyone from former Bush speechwriter David Frum to Susan Sarandon. It includes Al Sharpton and also the chief strategists for both Mitt Romney and John McCain’s failed presidential bids. It is Americans who are college-educated, who are not white or who live in or near a major urban center. This group turned out in force in the 2018 midterms, much the same way Tea Party voters showed up in 2010 to express their unhappiness at Obama. The more candidates talked about Trump and what a threat he was to their way of life, the more partisans were activated.

    ...Although the ranks of independents are growing, up to 40 percent by some surveys, Bitecofer says campaigns have spent entirely too much time courting them, and the media has spent entirely too much caring about their preferences. The real “swing” doesn’t come from voters who choose between two parties, she argues, but from people who choose to vote, or not (or, if they do vote, vote for a third party). The actual percentage of swing voters in any given national election according to her own analysis is closer to 6 or 7 percent than the 15 or 20 most analysts think are out there, and that larger group, Bitecofer says, are “closet partisans” who don’t identify with a party but still vote with one. (The remaining 6 percent or so of true independents, she says, tend to vote for whoever promises a break with the status quo.)


    Interesting read, Z.


    Interesting read, Z.


    On Tucker Carlson:

    We shouldn’t forget that he’s been raging at “the left” for decades, and that he’s a pathological liar when it comes to the subject. He openly despises and demonizes “socialism” and “progressives” at every turn, and when he does have a leftist on air, he trashes them and gives them his patented “WTF” look every other second.

    He is not our friend.

    The only reason he’s saying anything positive about Sanders right now is that he sees the chance to sow division on the left in general, and among Dems in particular. No one should fall for this nonsense — including K Ball, who should know better. .


    True, he is a Vile Repugnant. Absolutely. Its always a ‘given’ for me, BT. Dont think because i post his vids, i dont see all that. Its…a…given.

    But. I think he Genuinely does believe some of the things he says. Sometimes he just says what he really, actually thinks. And i think he genuinely thinks the DNC-establishment (CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes, etc) is smearing/ignoring Bernie.
    A rightwinger ‘can’ see all that. They are still rightwingers but they can sometimes see what the DNC is doing, clearly. Heck, I think a LOT of Foxers see it, clearly.

    As for K.Ball falling for something — what did she fall for? She went on Fox because she wanted to influence the VIEWERS. Millions of Viewers. At least thats what she said on her show. Makes sense to me. And the fact she was received more warmly on Fox than on CNN or MSNBC is not surprising. And that was her experience.



    On Tucker Carlson:

    We shouldn’t forget that he’s been raging at “the left” for decades, and that he’s a pathological liar when it comes to the subject. He openly despises and demonizes “socialism” and “progressives” at every turn, and when he does have a leftist on air, he trashes them and gives them his patented “WTF” look every other second.

    He is not our friend.

    The only reason he’s saying anything positive about Sanders right now is that he sees the chance to sow division on the left in general, and among Dems in particular. No one should fall for this nonsense — including K Ball, who should know better. .


    True, he is a Vile Repugnant. Absolutely. Its always a ‘given’ for me, BT. Dont think because i post his vids, i dont see all that. Its…a…given.

    But. I think he Genuinely does believe some of the things he says. Sometimes he just says what he really, actually thinks. And i think he genuinely thinks the DNC-establishment (CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes, etc) is smearing/ignoring Bernie.
    A rightwinger ‘can’ see all that. They are still rightwingers but they can sometimes see what the DNC is doing, clearly. Heck, I think a LOT of Foxers see it, clearly.

    As for K.Ball falling for something — what did she fall for? She went on Fox because she wanted to influence the VIEWERS. Millions of Viewers. At least thats what she said on her show. Makes sense to me. And the fact she was received more warmly on Fox than on CNN or MSNBC is not surprising. And that was her experience.


    WV, I know you know that. I try to preface stuff I say with “public figures” or “pundits” or something to that effect. I’m not talking about the folks here, like you, who have been into this stuff for longer than I have, etc.

    I’ll post more about this tomorrow. Have been dealing with eye surgery (recovery), on both eyes, cheap temp glasses, new eye-floaters and all kinds of other fun stuff. It’s time for me to go offline.


    Hope all is well.


    I think that FOX gives the Left a bit more room to explain itself than MSNBC and CNN do. We are all familiar with the difficulty Leftists have in communicating with Liberals. Liberals are unnerved by Leftists. We see it again and again. We make them uncomfortable.

    The right, though, can’t really see the difference. Hillary Clinton is a godless communist, and the rest of the left just fades out into the distance like a desert highway. All they know is that we annoy Liberals, and the enemy of my enemy….

    Unwittingly, they are going to allow the Left to pick off some of those white, working-class types (who SHOULD be Leftists) who have gone their whole lives without hearing anyone address their issues. Trump did…but he lied about it. A few of them are recognizing that Trump lied. I have to think that a few FOX viewers listened to Sanders the other day, all prepared to be outraged, and kinda though…”that actually does make a little bit of sense.” So…


    I think that FOX gives the Left a bit more room to explain itself than MSNBC and CNN do….

    The right, though, can’t really see the difference. Hillary Clinton is a godless communist, and….


    Here’s a question, I’d like to ask Tucker Carlson. He sees that the Dem-Establishment (CNN, Networks, NYTimes, MSNBC, DNC) are smearing/ignoring Bernie and promoting/cheerleading ‘the great centrist hope’ (whoever it might be).

    So Tucker (and a lot of other righties) SEE that. The comment on it a lot.

    But in their rightwing minds what do they think the REASON for that is?
    I mean if they think everyone on the left is a commie, then why would the establishment be against Bernie? He’s just another commie, in a sea of commies.

    The righties never really flesh out WHY they think the MSM-Dems hate Bernie.

    Of course if they were to say/see that the Dem-MSM hates Bernie because he is far-left and Biden-Klobochex are really pro-corporate-capitalists….well, that would go against their general-election-mantras that “Hillary/Biden are wacko far left commies…”



    Here’s a question, I’d like to ask Tucker Carlson. He sees that the Dem-Establishment (CNN, Networks, NYTimes, MSNBC, DNC) are smearing/ignoring Bernie and promoting/cheerleading ‘the great centrist hope’ (whoever it might be).

    So Tucker (and a lot of other righties) SEE that. The comment on it a lot.

    But in their rightwing minds what do they think the REASON for that is?
    I mean if they think everyone on the left is a commie, then why would the establishment be against Bernie? He’s just another commie, in a sea of commies.

    The righties never really flesh out WHY they think the MSM-Dems hate Bernie.

    Of course if they were to say/see that the Dem-MSM hates Bernie because he is far-left and Biden-Klobochex are really pro-corporate-capitalists….well, that would go against their general-election-mantras that “Hillary/Biden are wacko far left commies…”


    Yep. They don’t flesh it out.



    My earlier reply to you was delayed in the spam queue. Hope you’ve noticed it by now, above.


    Anyway . . . we’ve been through this before, and sorry to rehash it, but you and I don’t see the MSM in the same way. I think on most stuff, we’re on the same page. On the same page with pretty much all the important stuff. But I don’t view the MSM as the Dem-establishment at all, if I’m reading you correctly and you do see it that way (?)

    Again, tough to express this in a short form. But, if the two parties were given points for bad behavior, and for stuff that real journalists should be exposing, they’d both get a ton. But the GOP would get ten times more points. So when the MSM try their damndest to be “fair and balanced,” they’re actually going a lot easier on the GOP than the Dems. They’re skewing reality. It’s not, in fact, the Dem-establishment. It’s tougher on them than on the GOP (in relative terms), given what each party actually does. That “liberal bias” the right always screams about is nonsense, in my view. They have a conservative bias, and always have. It’s just that conservatives give them a hell of a lot more ammunition via wrong-doing, so they have to cover that stuff more. The Dems give them fewer examples, but they struggle to try to “balance” it all, plus conflict and horse races sell. Lopsided, but truthful description of reality doesn’t.

    Not to mention, as I’ve brought up before, networks like CNN and MSNBC are crawling with conservatives, Republicans, Republican operatives, and ex-Republicans, and when they book folks for the Sunday shows, they tend to book more Republicans than Dems.

    Also, the media are owned by, as you know, conservative corporations. They prefer the Republicans to the Dems, cuz they get better deals from them. They get really good deals from the Dems, too. But they get great deals from the Republicans.

    IMO, the MSM is not the Dem-establishment, or the DNC-establishment. However, Fox and most baldly partisan right-wing media are openly, without apology, arms of the GOP.

    That’s the way I see it, anyway.

    I still detest both parties. But I see the GOP as a far bigger existential threat, especially to the planet.



    My earlier reply to you was delayed in the spam queue. Hope you’ve noticed it by now, above.


    Anyway . . . we’ve been through this before, and sorry to rehash it, but you and I don’t see the MSM in the same way. I think on most stuff, we’re on the same page. On the same page with pretty much all the important stuff. But I don’t view the MSM as the Dem-establishment at all, if I’m reading you correctly and you do see it that way (?)

    Again, tough to express this in a short form. But, if the two parties were given points for bad behavior, and for stuff that real journalists should be exposing, they’d both get a ton. But the GOP would get ten times more points. So when the MSM try their damndest to be “fair and balanced,” they’re actually going a lot easier on the GOP than the Dems. They’re skewing reality. It’s not, in fact, the Dem-establishment. It’s tougher on them than on the GOP (in relative terms), given what each party actually does. That “liberal bias” the right always screams about is nonsense, in my view. They have a conservative bias, and always have. It’s just that conservatives give them a hell of a lot more ammunition via wrong-doing, so they have to cover that stuff more. The Dems give them fewer examples, but they struggle to try to “balance” it all, plus conflict and horse races sell. Lopsided, but truthful description of reality doesn’t.

    Not to mention, as I’ve brought up before, networks like CNN and MSNBC are crawling with conservatives, Republicans, Republican operatives, and ex-Republicans, and when they book folks for the Sunday shows, they tend to book more Republicans than Dems.

    Also, the media are owned by, as you know, conservative corporations. They prefer the Republicans to the Dems, cuz they get better deals from them. They get really good deals from the Dems, too. But they get great deals from the Republicans.

    IMO, the MSM is not the Dem-establishment, or the DNC-establishment. However, Fox and most baldly partisan right-wing media are openly, without apology, arms of the GOP.

    That’s the way I see it, anyway.

    I still detest both parties. But I see the GOP as a far bigger existential threat, especially to the planet.


    Well, what is your opinion of, say, three specific organizations — lets say, MSNBC, The NYT, and NPR/PBS — Dont you think they are DEM-oriented? Corporate-Dem-oriented. I mean the NYT just flat out endorses Dems for President every four years.



    Well, what is your opinion of, say, three specific organizations — lets say, MSNBC, The NYT, and NPR/PBS — Dont you think they are DEM-oriented? Corporate-Dem-oriented. I mean the NYT just flat out endorses Dems for President every four years.


    If we set aside — and we should — Op Ed writers, cuz they cheerlead for both parties . . . no. I don’t think the NYT, MSNBC or NPR/PBS are particularly pro-Dem. In fact, as mentioned, I think they’re tougher on the Dems than the GOP, relative to their respective misdeeds. And that’s key for me. I see both parties in a highly negative light. But the GOP is so clearly worse, I don’t see how any objective news organization wouldn’t spend more time exposing GOP wrongdoing, cuz there’s far more of it, and its effects are far more destructive.

    As for endorsing Dem presidents, the above applies. I don’t see any of those organizations cheerleading for the Dems — unlike Fox and its peers with regard to Republicans. I see them as choosing the lesser of two evils when they go for the Dems in that way. In our tragically binary political landscape, it’s the rational thing to do. The evidence supports it. Logic supports it. In a two-party world, rational, intelligent human-beings should choose the Dems. That, to me, is no indication that they’re a part of the DNC. It’s just the logical choice between two rotten options, if one doesn’t except the concept of voting third party.

    Case in point: the MSM spent the most time on Clinton’s email story, in the 2016 election. No other story came close. If we weigh and balance the impact of her misdeeds versus Trump’s, should that have been the biggest story? No way. The MSM actually favored Trump because it didn’t cover his misdeeds relative to their existence or impact. It tried to balance the coverage between the two parties instead.

    Another case in point: The New York Times withheld key information regarding Bush’s lies about FICA until after the election of 2004, because they said it would have impacted the vote. Withholding the info did just that and helped defeat Kerry.

    And remember the MSM coverage in the run-up to the (2003) Iraq invasion? It was decidedly in Dubya’s favor. WaPo, NYT, MSNBC beat the war drums, which helped the GOP and hurt the Dems.


    Trying to make this old hacker-sized:

    The Media (except for Fox, Breitbart, etc.) work overtime to be “fair and balanced,” which guarantees that they skew reality. Because at no time in American political history has there been any “balance” between the various parties. They’ve never, ever been equally rotten or equally good or equally mendacious, etc. etc.

    If they’re covered as if there is that (false) balance, it helps the more rotten of the two, a ton.

    Right now, the GOP is worse, by far. It’s not close. Back in the 19th century, it was the Dems. Someday when the Dems have more misdeeds, at greater cost to the nation and the planet, the media have a duty to make that known, and to hell with the whining about “unfairness.” They should never hold back just to try to seem “fair.” Their only duty is to tell the truth, and the truth about the two parties is asymmetrical. Always has been.

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