Saints game reaction thread

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    Avatar photowv

    4-7 And the Patriots waiting. Sigh.


    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    4-7 And the Patriots waiting. Sigh.


    Does it get any better? Ever? Anyway, Goff had a good game.


    Avatar photosnowman

    I’m just glad that they are not on national tv anymore so maybe this embarrassing excuse for a team might go unnoticed in most of the country.

    Avatar photonittany ram

    Good game for Goff.

    I’ve blanked out everything else from my memory to save what’s left of my sanity.


    Hopefully we can get a real Head Coach one day. One that knows how to win.

    Avatar photozn

    Just 3 quick observations.

    They would have won if they played Greg Robinson. Fisher is too hard on his players.

    Plus, putting the whole offense on the qb to sling it around like that? They lost because Fisher is too pass happy.

    Plus that defensive thing where they set up the opposing RB to get 10 yards a carry? I don’t think it’s working. I think they need a different strategy.


    4-7 And the Patriots waiting. Sigh.


    Does it get any better? Ever? Anyway, Goff had a good game.

    I’m not really concerned with the Pats anymore, for more reasons than one, but I don’t think we’re gonna see an offensive show like that again this year.

    The Saints had a plan…they killed the Rams with the TE’s…really had no answer for them at all. Then it became ridiculous late in the game.

    Gurley showed more quickness than in games past but not as much power as last year.

    Saffold lasted 1 game at LT…I at least predicted 2 before he was injured. Don’t call for him at LT because he’ll be in an emergency ward quicker than a marine rushing Hill 32.

    Ej Gaines is another sick bay commando. Plays 2 games needs 2 games on the couch. He needs to get an apartment with Spruce and they can alternate injuries.

    Donnal did a respectable job as a fill in…although he did get a flag thrown on him.

    Joyner with a decent game but was burned when EJ went to the sideline for the 1st time. I’m gettin over EJ and his boo-boo’s.

    Looked like they wanted to go to TA early and often, had some success, then just went away from him..again, it appears this O does not have an identity.

    Edit…uh oh, I forgot to use the quote function…sorry mods.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by sanbagger.
    PA Ram

    Well–I see they waited for me to leave the chat room to collapse completely. I appreciate that.

    I don’t know how it all played out but clearly the defense did not have a good day.

    If the Rams offense gives you 21 points you take it and thank your lucky stars and WIN.

    I wonder if Fisher is in danger of losing this team.

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    4-7 suits them well.

    Like some expensive French cologne that costs a lot but smells awful.

    I think I called it in the “can they beat the Saints” tread that I was a feared this would be the first of many blowout losses.

    Hang on to your hats.

    Avatar photowv

    Loss, Loss, Loss, Win, Win — looks like 6-10 Bullshit.

    At Belichick
    at Seahawks


    Avatar photoEternal Ramnation

    I watched Goff’s press conference and it gives me hope, he wants to win and let everyone know about it. I think the last 3 times we played the Saints we crushed them with some pretty bad teams , I not so surprised they were due.The D was dismal . The squabble between Williams and Fisher might be cracks might be nothing but definitely not something you want to see happening to your team at 4 – 7 especially not when it comes at the hand of another 4-6 team.

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    I think Fisher and Williams were “discussing” the 2cd and long screen pass that went for a first down.



    Loss, Loss, Loss, Win, Win — looks like 6-10 Bullshit.

    At Belichick
    at Seahawks


    It could get worse. The 9ers are playing better each week. And they are scary. Who knows which Cardinals team will show up to play us the end of the year. There is a chance we could go winless by the end of the year. Does not look good. It is time to start thinking about who should be the new Head Coach of the Rams? Jeff Fisher has not proven anything on why he should keep his job. I hope Fisher sees his ways and retire from Coaching, and take a front office job.


    That second half was hard to watch. It seems the Saints made some nice adjustments on defense (if you can call all out, balls out blitzing adjustments) and the Rams had absolutely no answer.

    That’s been Fisher’s MO since day one. Clueless on offense and adjustments.

    Well, the minions have gathered their torches and pitchforks demanding Fisher’s head.

    I’d be shocked if he were extended now…shocked, I tell you.


    Well, the minions have gathered their torches and pitchforks demanding Fisher’s head.

    Angry minions

    Avatar photozn

    Clueless on offense and adjustments.

    No they have actually won games under those conditions. All teams adjust in the 2nd half which means that any game the Rams were close at the end or won, they responded to the adjustment.

    It is, however, harder to respond competitively when you are down enough so that the D knows you have to pass and can tee off, plus you have a rookie qb in his 2nd start, plus your OL is starting its 3rd LOT (who happens to be someone who hasn’t played that spot since high school).

    So you don’t need that particular point to vote against Fisher.

    But, your claim there–that the Rams do not adjust on offense–is flat not true. We know they have and we know they have won doing it.

    It’s just that the 3 conditions I named make all that harder, for obvious reasons.

    How would any offense look against the Rams D if they had a rookie qb in his 2nd game, the OL was playing a 3rd LOT who had not played the position, and they were down by so much they had to pass and you knew it.

    Not good I would imagine.


    The pic url has to end in a .png, .jpg, or .gif. That is how the software knows to treat it as an image. Sometimes you have to extract that from the original url.

    What do you mean by extract it?

    Avatar photoAgamemnon

    The pic url has to end in a .png, .jpg, or .gif. That is how the software knows to treat it as an image. Sometimes you have to extract that from the original url.

    What do you mean by extract it?

    Sometimes you will get a url like this. To use it here, find the part that ends with an image extension. That will fix a lot of issues.


    Avatar photojoemad

    my reaction to the Saints game.

    1) The turf in the Super Dome is almost as ugly as it was in TWA dome… it looks like garbage… it’s painful on the eyes to see that carpet….

    2) I used to admire Sean Payton, but he’s a bit of dick for running up the score and celebrating on the sidelines after each TD….I understand Williams may have thrown him under the bus for bounty gate, but fuck him……..

    3) Drew Brees is underrated…. Brees, Russell Wilson, Matt Ryan, Carr and Aaron Rodgers are fun QBs to watch play….

    4) Goff surprised me….. he looked good….

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Avatar photojoemad.

    I understand Williams may have thrown him under the bus for bounty gate, but fuck him……..

    LOL!! I’m with you on this.

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